Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 149: The end of another small journey

And after hearing the leader of the'Ghost Bear' reluctantly agreed, this very dangerous girl suddenly showed a cute smile, and the golden light gradually appeared on her body, coupled with the golden hair that was blowing in the breeze, Her appearance also changed.

"I am the goddess of hope in this different world-Yui Liuhua! From now on you will be my precious missionary! I will give you my earth magic here and let you complete your own thoughts of expelling the pig heads. I wish you a success in the emperor's hegemony!"

The golden feathers are scattered around the leader of the'Ghost Bear' in the dark night. The beautiful hair color and double eyelids are as beautiful as pure gold, matched with the almost identical cute Yui goddess appearance. It looks like a dress that is partially hollowed out and transparent and sees the jade body inside.

The 12 pairs of light gold wings that stretched out continuously made the Liuhua goddess look more solemn, magnificent, even rich and dignified, and the true appearance made the leader of the "Ghost Bear" kneel on the ground like convincing...

"And this is the earth magic scroll given to me by the goddess of six flowers! It can also be called earth magic? This is also the reason and motivation for me to destroy the pig head human race! But after encountering the three hundred generals of Yun, I feel that it doesn't matter anymore. Now! Only this faith is still in my heart!"

Speaking of being in a semi-forced state at the beginning, and then witnessing the true face of the goddess of six flowers before knowing that he had picked up the treasure, the leader of the'Ghost Bear' took out a black-brown sheepskin scroll from his clothes and handed it To the hands of Yun, who has been listening attentively to his own story.

(So ​​that's it...but what a tough personality and way of doing things...not to mention the existence of a sister! It's just that the bad temper is more or less the same!)

"Um~hmm! I did receive it! Then it was remodeled!"

After hearing the information of the six-flower goddess that seemed to be familiar, Yun used his own blood to reshape the magic scroll inherited from the six-flower goddess. While checking it, he also handed over the three copies of the races. In the hands of each race leader, as a response to the initial conditions.

"Sure enough! The three goddesses of basic magic are undoubtedly different! They are all derived from their own special magic branches! And their respective inheritances! In this case, one of my goals has been achieved! Then the next thing is to conclude a mutual agreement! Me! Copy the covenant to everyone! Please check it out by the leaders of the three races!"

After carefully comparing the content as before, Yun directly visualized the new compound covenant and handed it to the three leaders, letting them subconsciously read the above content!

"That's it! As expected of the three-hundred generals with strength and personnel! There are so many allied nations or races! Hmm~mm! This is!!!"

"'Nattata'? Unexpectedly, the three hundred people of Yun had already signed a covenant with that nation beforehand! If we don't join, won't we become the most discordant person in the entire forest? x4"

And just when a few people saw the names of the allies above, they were all amazed, not particularly, after seeing the three words "Natta" that they were most familiar with, they felt much more at ease!

Unexpectedly, the barbaric people over there who don't like to deal with outsiders would all make an alliance with this magical cloud in front of them! They nodded slightly, and then signed their name.

"Congratulations to the tribes of "Ghost Bear", "Pighead Kingdom", and "White Wolf" for joining the alliance of the three hundred generals of Yunzaki Yun! Append corresponding alliance information for its allies, and develop the available powers of the alliance! 》

And everyone in the same cloud alliance, the goddess Yui made this announcement again, and couldn't help but feel slightly surprised that Yun pulled into allies, but thought of Yun's unpredictable ability and elusive thoughts. The Allies were relieved.

"In that case! Everyone should get along peacefully! Support each other!"

"No problem! Three hundred generals in the cloud! x4"

And after the conclusion of the conclusion, Yun stretched out his right fist, and the "Pighead Overlord" also leaned against Yun with their huge fists and smiled!

"This is! Three hundred generals in the cloud! I... I seem to be able to find my people directly!"

Just before a few people were happy, a reminder made White Wolf report to the cloud with gratitude!

"O~O? Is there such a thing? x4"

Hearing how excited the white wolf was, Yun they couldn't help but feel a little surprised and asked them back.

"That's it! Where did I start the national system just now! The location information of the gathering place of my tribe popped up! And there are many more! It seems that they have found a habitat on their own and gathered together! On that hill over there!"

The white wolf shook his big tail excitedly, and then unreservedly showed the cloud about his sphere of influence in his menu bar, an information bar that only his own race can see.

"Really! We have them here too! x3"

Seeing such a screen, the other three also opened it in a panic to confirm.

(Is there still such a system similar to positioning? I found it for the first time!)

"Congratulations! White Wolf! We are all right here! Go back and reunite with them!"

"Yeah! Go ahead! x3"

Seeing the appearance of the white wolf jumping up and Yun and three other leaders also persuaded him! And the White Wolf also nodded and ran to the direction of his home!

(Now that the dispute here is over, and the pigheads have also come to an end on the expedition to Milan! It's time for me to leave too!)

"Then I should leave too! I will come back to see you when I have time! And we can use the region-wide trading function of the allies at any time, and we can cooperate mutually beneficially in our own country! But I still miss everyone! "

After seeing the white wolf hurriedly leaving, and all the disputes and the main purpose achieved here, Yun didn't need to stay here anymore! Then they said goodbye to the ‘Pighead Overlord’!

"Ah~ah! We will also use the teleportation function of our allies to visit the'starting town' protected by the Yunsanbai people when we have time! Let us rest assured that we will leave it to our 4 clans for development! At that time, our 3 clans will have to cooperate with each other. 'Nattata' get together!"

"Hmm~hmm! x2"

After knowing that Yun was about to leave, the three leaders made a promise to Yun a little bit reluctantly.

"Doesn't that function mean that it can only be used when a crisis occurs in an allied country?"

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