Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 161: Fighting wits and courage in practice

After the sneak attack failed, Kai Tai threw another thing in Yun's direction, let Yun subconsciously concretize the variable weapon, and then turned into a giant sickle to directly cut off the flying object toward him.

"Clang~clang, brush~ ah"

(This is not just...)

"Ahee~ Hey... Ahee~ Hey..."

"This is the way of a human being! Goodbye! Yun~Big~Brother!"

However, Yun was still caught by Kaitai’s tricks. He guessed that Yun’s first reaction was to subconsciously cut off what was flying towards him. He did not expect that another burst of familiar pepper powder spread around the cloud, causing him to sneeze wildly. But Mrs. Kai took the opportunity to tease Yun with her prey and ran away...

(Damn... I didn't expect that Kai Tai still has so many things that are a bit tasteless, but they are still useful at critical moments! I don't know what other methods and things these two little guys still have no use!)

"Even so! I can't stop chasing! Ahem~ahem~ahem! It's disgusting and exciting..."

After getting the powder out by choking as much as possible, Yunbian immediately followed this time with "Shadowless Step"...

(Keita, Tetsuo? What are you doing now? Our side is about to arrive at the delivery location. Even Silica and the others have temporarily caught a lot of small living creatures back! If you don’t come back to submit, no I know if I will be snatched by Brother Yun on the way again!)

And just after Kai Tai put down the prey again, and then changed a kind of mimic cloth to hide herself, Xing Xing in the private chat on her side reminded him and Tie Xiong on the other side.

(Ha~Haha! It’s okay, we may be late! After all, Brother Yun is robbing us two of our prey! But...I was turned around by Tie Xiong and I! We are being taken everywhere. Go! You guys quickly take this opportunity to get more! Compared to competition, I think it is the most meaningful to let Brother Yun be played together by our concerted efforts!)

(Yeah! After all, Big Brother Yun was all sorts of shameless and even unreasonable things before! This time we should use our strength to retaliate against Big Brother Yun after we have learned from the past!)

After getting lucky, Keita and Tiexiong reported to them about their containment of Yun.

(It's a lie? Are you guys turning Brother Yun around?)

(Yes! We all know the abilities of the master craftsman! If it can be done, it is really amazing!)

Silica and Lisbet, who were also in this private chat, couldn't help but feel incredible after hearing this situation. After all, Yun is a superhuman existence in front of all of them, so naturally it will not be so simple. It's the right time for Kai Tai and the others to play tricks like children.

(You can accept it if you see it well! After all, we all know Brother Yun's temper! When he can't get off the stage, you just wait to be taught a lesson!)

(Hmm~hmm! xN)

Fortunately, other people responded to it normally under such a reminder.

(This we have our own measures! Let's not talk! Brother Yun has caught up again! Just to try our own research results in Brother Yun's laboratory! x2)

(Be careful! It's still a bit troublesome to start a fire**!)

(Understood! x2)

After being reminded by Xing once again, Kai Tai and Tie Xiong quit the private chat, and began to prepare to play with Yun again...


(Damn...Sure enough, when I was disturbed, did I hide myself with mimicry cloth under my nose? They are really two nasty guys!)

After he came again to the live bait that Kai Tai placed in a conspicuous position, Yun continued to close his eyes and continued to explore with the clairvoyance and the heart eye, but it was a pity that the whole perspective was restored in the brain, almost Seeing nothing weird, it can only make him think with a little headache.



And just before the cloud had time to think about it, countless nuances of air-breaking sound flew in his direction from many corners, watching the movement of the flying objects around his image, and then escaping from the attack by these techniques of side somersaults, countless'da ~Da~Da' the sound of bombarding the tree trunk came after it left its original position.

(Wooden ejection darts! This should be a small hidden weapon, right? These guys have read my copy of an introduction to cold weapons and other related reference books? After all, they are probably well-known Little knowledge books have not yet reached the level of confidential content, so naturally I will print them directly without encrypting them!)

(But I didn't expect them to research the results within a few days based on the contents of those reference books! It is really interesting!)

After seeing the neat rows of short arrows on the trunk, Yun was even more convinced that these little guys had spent a lot of time on props and weapons in order to catch up with him. The unexpected result actually made Yun who didn't understand a little bit weak.

(Since this doesn't work! What about this one?)

After seeing that the first trap was invalid, Kai Tai used another shooting weapon that could interrupt the fixed trap mechanism at a long distance, and once again made a silent attack to activate the next trap!

"Crack~Squeak, Boom~Boom"

And there was a voice of an activated mechanism after Yun initially reached a conclusion, and once again responded, and then a plural gadget that seemed to be wrapped in something, quickly threw it in the direction of the It's this stuff again! I'm not fooled! )

After seeing this unclear thing again, he no longer used the cloud of variable weapons, and directly raised the bow and arrow against it, which was a continuous sword skill, with the intention of bombarding it in midair.


As Yun’s sword skills hit, all of a sudden the plural flying objects exploded in mid-air, but countless small gravels exploded around in this way, causing all areas to be "ta~ta~ta". It attacked as hard as raindrops, and some even fell beside the cloud.

(It looks like there should be some gravel in it! Otherwise, this kind of gravel-like thing would not burst out!)

Although it is also a preliminary judgment, it is better than letting it go close by bombardment!


(This is... awful!!!)


But before Yun made the next move, he didn't know when his feet suddenly felt slippery, so he slid directly down the tree trunk and fell to the ground.

(Damn let those two little guys succeed!)

Realizing that he had been conspired, Yun took out several arrows with twine behind them, and shot them at the surrounding tree trunks.

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