Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 182: Uncover all

Then even if you share Kirito with Gin Xue and the others, the beloved goddess is unwilling to accept the Kirito Guanhuan of Asuna and Yui goddess! This is also the final bottom line for her only obsession not to reconcile with the Yui goddess!

(Ah~ la la! I didn’t expect that the beloved who was always pressing on others before would change so much after meeting Kirito’s mother! But... it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with me! After all, my purpose is Take back Kirito's mother!)

   "Mum Kirito and Sister Shirayuki! You hate you! Don't take me! I have been worrying about Mama Asuna and Sister Fukayuki! I blame you two for wasting a lot of time!"

While looking at the beloved goddess slightly, after she suddenly had an unexpectedly broad aura, Yui goddess stopped paying attention to her problems and went to go with Kirito, Shirayuki and others, and even occupied Kirito. With her other hand, the beloved goddess with slightly wide-eyed eyes left her shocked.

   "Welcome back to Your Highness Kirito, and the goddess Yui and adults!"

   "No gift! How is Hexiang's situation now? How are you doing?"

   Seeing Kirito and the others, Kazuka, who was about to get up, was interrupted by Kirito and the others and asked him about the details of Asuna's illness!


   The magic power from Waka's hands was continuously poured into Asuna's body, which seemed to be seriously ill. It seemed that they were using some kind of healing magic to restore their injuries.

   "Mother Kirito-chan...x2"

   And the appearance of the two being a little bit painful and struggling, coupled with the soft voice calling his name, made Kirito, who hurt the two of them, tightened in his heart! He lowered his body and clasped it tightly like a jade hand.

   "I am here! Asuna-chan! My little deep snow!"

   Kirito, who was a little distressed, scented their foreheads, and calmed their desire for family affection with a particularly sweet voice. After hearing Kirito's voice, the two of them also became a little quiet in relief. It can be said that for Asuna and others, Kirito's words are more soothing and calming than medicine.

   (Mother Kirito! x2)

   The goddess Shirayuki and Yui, who was sitting next to him, subconsciously leaned on his little incense shoulders, and closed their eyes slightly to feel the atmosphere of the real family reunion this time.

   (Yui Yui, Shirayuki! I'm sorry...)

   After feeling the two people's extravagant desire for their own maternal love, Kirito glanced at each of them with a particularly soft expression. It is full of infinite apology and doting.

   (Mom, Your Highness Kirito...x2)

  Gin Xue and the beloved goddess, who belonged to Kirito's family, were a little more complicated. After all, Gin Xue might be a little bit disappointed when she saw Kirito really care about the palace in his heart.

   And the beloved goddess is about to cry like swallowing her breath. She has never seen Kirito look so gentle, at least not when she was with her!

   "It looks like it's over, right? Did mother let Shirayuki make peace with herself?"

   "Yeah! Has Hexiang solved it like this?"

   After dealing with the incident in the army, the younger sisters who came back with Klein looked at the situation of the end, and then asked their corresponding personnel.

"Ah~Ah! It's solved! I promised Shirayuki! As long as I give up! I will make up for all the love their mother and daughter lack during this war! As a atonement and compensation for them! Sorry... Yinxue and the children It’s because I'm too self-willed, in the end, nothing is really handled!"

   "I even hurt all the people I love who I don't want to hurt! This is my own fault! It is indeed time to compensate and forgive me!"

   Some gloomy Kirito stroked the little heads of Asuna's mother and daughter, then turned his head to Ginyuki and the others apologetic reply.

Looking at Yinxue and the others, their hearts are also very uncomfortable...After all, the person they love the most is so painful now, no one knows what kind of mood Kirito who has been stuck in the middle is like, doing these looks very oolong. thing……

"Your Majesty Kirito is fine! No matter how you choose! Yinxue can be by your side, in fact, this life is already very worthwhile! Don't forget that Yinxue is just a doll that can be used in experiments at any time , I have always been involuntarily involuntarily, but His Highness Kirito gave me care and freedom!"

   And Yinxue is also a reasonable girl, she will not use her own desire to restrain the Kirito who gives her happiness now, just like admitting that she is a concubine, leaning on Kirito's back without any complaints.

   (Silver Snow...)

"We are mothers’ daughters! Being able to be born here and feeling the equal care given to us by our mothers is the supreme happiness for us who knew from the beginning as military props. This is the true purpose of our existence, but Mother has never looked at us like props! As long as mother is happy is our greatest wish!"

   At the beginning, they also knew the meaning of their From the beginning, Kirito trained them to be commanders, and Yinxue nurtured them.

   They know these things better than anyone else, so they bowed down on one knee like their subordinates. They knew that their lives were not as good as Baixue and Shenxue! This is also self-knowledge.

   (Early, kids...)

And seeing the daughters he created to fulfill the promise of the beloved goddess, he also regretted their existence this minute and was fortunate to have them, making them a little bit of tears, thinking about what he was doing ...

   (So the meaning of their existence is here? But... is this really something that Kirito’s mother did? x2)

   After Yinyue and their own words of allegiance, the only sober goddess Shirayuki and Yui could not help thinking deeply and pity them a little.

   Because if that is the case! That means that Gin Xue and the others are likely to have produced substitutes and tools to satisfy some conditions, making the Yui goddess look in Kirito's direction in disbelief.


   Silence... This is the best way the beloved goddess chooses to prevent herself from breaking out.

   "Do some people think that my mother is despicable and shameless? Disillusioned my image in your hearts? I do nothing to achieve my goal!"

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