Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 237: Beast ladies blinded by primitive mate choice instinct

"Okay~ okay! If you continue like this, it will be endless! I will show you the management staff here. I call her the head of the house. This is an independent territory of mine. Now except for the people who come here, I have never mentioned it to anyone! So remember the three things I taught you!"

"Understood! xN"

"But what kind of person would the master be!"

"After all, the person who manages this place! It should be very powerful and strong!"


And because of this, all the beast mothers and girls began to guess that they were connected again, and Yun really had no way to control their delusions, so they had to let them go...


As Yun led a neat team along the wild road just outside, the pedestrian looked like a horse watching the flowers. Looking around at the beauty of this mysterious area, the shaking triangle ears and the furry big The tail is enough to prove that they are full of expectations.

(Everyone is very happily working on their own way, I can see that they all like everything here and their work! It's a harmonious place! But...xN)

Following the cloud, they walked into a medieval Western European town born of stone and wood mixing crafts. On the way, they saw many demi peoples farming and raising animals, very busy and fulfilling scenes. They can see that it is a hard work here. It's a pretty small town, but they don't understand why these demihumans are other than other races.

(Like~Like! It really seems! But also because of the animal signs with different characteristics, it makes us even less clear... Is it possible that they are not our "Natata" people? At least our family can't have them That kind of characteristic and male appearance...xN)

They always look like their "Natata" beast mothers and similar male demihumans, but sometimes the different animal characteristics of ears, tails, skin level, etc. make it difficult to understand, and it looks Unlike the blood of their'Nattata' clan, many beast ladies are very concerned about this subtle matter.

(O~O? It seems that these wild beast ladies should see some of the doorways of the demihumans here! After all, it is not unusual. The similar taste, appearance, and even some characteristics, how can it not be similar to the same race They don’t have the familiar feeling as familiar? It can also be said that these little guys all belong to their nieces and nieces!)

"I think you should have a lot of strange feelings and questions, right?"

Yun, who turned his head from time to time, looked directly at the kind of performance that some wanted to understand but were afraid to understand the beast-like ladies.

Just as there is something very strange and weird in front of you, that curiosity has been urging you to open it in your heart, but instinctively you are afraid of the unknown and dare not open it, it seems very hesitant.

That's why they nodded to the cloud that they wanted to know! Even Silica and the others are very concerned looking at the clouds ahead that may know everything here.

"Actually, they are the children of humans and beast mothers, but I only picked them from some of the opponents who were born not long ago, so I fostered the young ones in this world, brought them up one by one under the fence of the big master, and then let them He lives here with the many demihumans I have encountered in the forests with nowhere to go."

"If they have feelings, they will marry each other with foreign races like this, and you will see that they are similar to the'Natata' beast mother, when the little guys who are somewhat different get up! They are the new mixed-race demihuman race'Niya', you See if they are cute! And..."

Looking at this group of questioning beast mothers and Silica, Yun made half-truth and half-fake information confusing, and introduced them one by one, so that they gradually became very familiar with these poor orphans of the "Niya" tribe. Love and caring arose.

"Three hundred generals in the cloud!"

"The Three Hundreds of Yun will come! Is there anything delicious! Three Hundreds of Yun will be!"


Seeing Yun walking into the town for a while, these ‘Niya’ and the pig-headed demigods happily ran over to say hello to Yun, and even stretched out a cute little hand to make Yun Suo delicious.

"Good~ good~ good! Everyone has a share! Don't grab them one by one!"

"Yes! Three hundred people in the cloud! Flower cake with rich honey! Our favorite! xN"

As he was used to it, Yun took out bamboo baskets from his inventory, and gave these little guys in groups like this, let them happily say thank you for leaving, and then show off in front of his parents. Get up, seeing the beast ladies behind Yun, they all want such a cute demihuman to be their own child or a candidate for the other half.

"If... Master Yun! We are saying if! Can we choose the stronger ones among these little guys as our other half to train? After all, seeing how they just held these tools for work, we know their bodies. Ability is not ordinary!"

"Yeah! This **** alone I have roughly cited some ~ estimated to be at least one hundred and eighty kilograms in weight, not to mention the kind of large farm tools, some of them also replace cattle, pull Let them work! This is to deliberately exercise their physical abilities, right? Every agricultural or animal husbandry tool is not something that ordinary people can handle at all!"

"Hmm~hmm! xN"

Obviously some beast girls just tried the farming tools they just dropped on the ground. The thin beast girls are actually a bit difficult to pick up, let alone Silica and the others who have not received more strength training. Little human girl! Therefore, the physical fitness of these ‘Niya’ demihumans is not much better than that of both males and females of ‘Natata’.

This is also an important reason for them in a lot of beast girls all at once, because they are not only strong but also cute, and even more similar to the cloud but different and powerful! Let him put forward the idea of ​​a blind date to Yun with a little longing for it.

(Is this group of beast ladies really keen on intuition? I didn't expect them to see these small places at a glance. It is really nothing to hide from their eyes, and the instinct to find a suitable spouse!)

"But you can! But ask the master here! In name, she is the adoptive mother of these'Niya'! Anyway, you have to go through the consent and assessment of the parents! Otherwise, I can't do it. It's not the Lord's!"

After seeing these as soon as he came up to achieve another goal of Yun coming here this time, he couldn't help snickering in his heart...

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