Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 249: Fighting makes people grow

   showed their own sharp claws to each of them, and moved freely from these three directions to change the trajectory of their actions. Aichan, who was watching their action patterns in place, quickly struck!

   brush pull, huhu

The first is the oncoming beast girl, raising her sharp claws to Ai Jiang’s heart position without any mercy, and crossing her claws from top to bottom, accompanied by the charge and a big swing of her body orbit to slam Ai-chan’s. The waist and abdomen position.

In response to the dynamic vision trained by Aichan with the naked eye, he clearly saw the opponent's two-stranded cross-claw attack, dodged the opponent's claw sharply in a continuous manner, and then quickly lowered his waist to make his maneuver kick really missed. , Following Ai-chan's front and flying behind her.

   Such a strong sense of tacit understanding made me not even give me the opportunity to attack the first beast mother!

Just like when Ai Jiang moved her triangular ears to hear her voice, she wanted to counterattack the beast mother when she came in front of her eyes, but the reluctance to hear from the left and right made her have to give up this idea. Quickly turned his head left and right, glanced at the attack on both sides, and began to respond to it.

   It seems that the one on the left has to be avoided first! Next is the right side and then the beast mother who just flew in front of me. After the beast mother on the right has attacked, he will continue the fourth round of attack! This situation is a little troublesome!

   Looking around, the beast mother on the left of Ai-chan will be a little closer to herself than the beast mother on the right, and she has already started the second round of attack against Ai-chan in the evasive state.

   boom boom, da da da

In the second round, the beast **** the left is changing claws into punches. The lower waist state of Ai-chan is to attack her with straight punches on her head and waist for 4 rounds of left and right fist rotations, accompanied by a heel kick. Blasted her waist and abdomen.

   is a bit simple, but the main thing is the fast word! This beast girl only needs to rely on the fastest skills of three people to hit me continuously!



After realizing the danger and the enemy's rapid body skills, Ai-chan's legs and the waist suddenly exerted strength, and the beast mother on the left waited for the first beast mother to pass by at the same time, and then suddenly raised her upper body and hid. It was too late to change the 4 straight fist combos of the second beast girl, and then a vertical one-handed support on the ground caused the ground to suddenly crack.


Cooperate with the inertial movement of the body, kick her leg with one blow and kick up like a kick, directly dissolve and repel the beast girl. After the movement of dispelling the beastmaid, it will be accompanied by a swing to sweep the legs with the hand as the support point. After that, he directly shoveled it to the ground, making it temporarily unable to act with a grunt. First release https://https://

   First one! But there will be an attack from the beast mother on the right!

   Seeing that he took the opportunity to break the situation and made the second beast mother temporarily unable to move, he began to welcome the attack of the third beast mother!

   "Ha ah ah ah!"

   And the third beast mother was exactly the same as Ai-chan's initial prediction, almost when she took advantage of the situation to knock down the second beast mother, she had already attacked her.

I saw that the opponent didn’t panic and made a quick move, but first used a side kick to detect Aichan’s reaction, in case he was downed again and used his rigid continuous attack, which caused the first and second beast mother to be unable to see through. She was a little cautious in the situation of changing her moves at will and being reversed.

   interesting! Is it better than adapting? Come on then! After all, this way of fighting wits and courage in the fight will make people grow even more!

   looked at the other party and became completely wary, but after returning to the standing position without fear, Aichan used the same method to compare with the other party's strength, and responded to the other party's invitation with a side kick.

   da da da

And after the first long-distance side kick, the two were evenly matched. They switched to a continuous fist and kick combo. Just like that, you came and I fought a dozen back and forth. It was obvious that this beast girl was very good in technique. Every time I am subconsciously pulled closer by Aijiang, I have to determine when the advantage of Bajiquan is about to come!

   She quickly pulled back the distance to make it empty! It can be said that he has been observing Ai-chan's actions and fighting steadily and steadily.

  What a difficult guy, he learned that I didn’t move before, and then he kept entangled in the same way as ever! Huh? I almost forgot that there is a beast mother!

   And when Ai-chan was about to attack the third beast mother once again, its triangular ears gave it feedback that the first beast mother was about to do something with her!

  Huhu, brushing brushing

   Accompanied by the sound of breaking through the air by listening to the debate, Ai-chan was forced to flop and roll to her left direction quickly, pulling away from the place where the two crossed and joined hands.

   After the rolling trend turned into a standing position again, Ai-chan looked around at the position of the two and the second beast mother who fell on the ground, and began to pant.

   Cut! Failed! But it's just time for us to check another beast mother's injuries! x2

After the two men’s combined attack failed, they both looked at each other and nodded at the same time, and quickly retreated to the position of the second beast let the first beast mother check her condition, and the first beast mother The three beast ladies watched Ai Chan vigilantly.

   "How about? Can you still fight?"

  The first beast mother caressed the second beast mother's cheek very much and asked about it.

   "It's a bit terrible... Although there was nothing wrong with the fall just now, my two legs seemed to be broken in the competition..."

And the second beast mother already shook her head with some painful tears. After all, under the two-strike technique of Shou Aichan, her left calf was mostly comminuted and the sole of her foot was broken. The middle and lower tibia and fibula have been twisted about a hundred degrees, and the ankle of the right foot has been bent more than ninety degrees outwards, which is the same situation.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   "That's it...Master Yun! I took her to announce her abstention!"

   "Okay! You can move away first! I'll take her out!"

Seeing the first beast girl weeping slightly, Yun immediately nodded to her, and then walked to her side with shadowless steps, used the magical power of the magic stone to keep her in this posture and become suspended, and then took it with her. She left the playing field and was treated outside the field.

After looking at another beast mother whose legs and feet were lifted out by her due to numbness, everyone knew that Ai Jiang's unarmed combat was in a different situation than before, but the two remaining beast mothers on the field were still They didn't admit defeat, because they knew Aichan was very strong, but if they started to keep up with the speed of their movements, and cooperated with the strength of the two people...

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