Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 371: The complete confluence of beast ladies and the use of reconnaissance magic by s

After seeing Yun's actions, some unwilling Snake women complained like this, stomping their feet slightly with anger.

Hoo hoo hoo, clatter

However, after seeing a few sheepskin scrolls in their inventory, and the wind and snow still outside, some slightly hardworking snake women began to visualize them, using a search engine while comparing the text above to start semi-illiterate study and research. stand up……

Hoo hoo hoo

"Fengxue seems to be a little smaller, so let's send two sisters from Wu to see the situation first!"

"That's good! You go and inform the two adults that we are here to cover you at any time, and then let the two sisters of Wu be on guard at the gate!"

"Oh oh! xn"

The wind and snow have been reduced a lot, giving the beast ladies patrolling and guarding on the platform some thoughts of action. After all, the original order was almost in this situation, so the beast ladies rarely acted decisively in this way.

Dada Da Qiqi novels first published on the whole network

"Ready to leave sisters! See if the survivors in that position are our good sisters! Hope God opens our eyes to let them reunite with us!"

"Understood! xn"

Rumbling, booming

"Be careful all the way! My dear sisters!"

"Hmm! xn"

With the beast ladies getting ready to go, the two beast ladies are already facing the huge stone gate that slowly opens, and on both sides are other guarded beast ladies, encouraging the beast ladies who are about to step into the ice and snow. Up.

Whirring, buzzing, creaking

As the door slowly opened, countless faint winds and snow had flown in. It was indeed the same as what you saw on the platform. It was almost nothing but the degree of flying snow, which was just right for short-distance exploration and collecting materials.

With this situation, the two detective beast wives stepped on the thick snow, and then headed towards the direction where the smoke was still slowly, and it was suspected to be a camp...


"Woo! It's cold! I didn't expect a small snowdrift fell into my neck!"

"Hush! Be quiet, hurry! Get ready for battle, someone is coming to our side!"

"Oh! Hey! Hey!"

And on the other side of the same temporary camp, a cute beast mother was in her sleep when she was awakened by a small amount of snow falling into her neck, but because of this, she saw all her sisters around, who just happened to be fully armed. After giving her such a whisper, they stared at the two members of the army who came out from the distant fortress slowly braving Xiaoxue...

"Fengxue still obstructs the line of sight, although it can be judged that the opponent should also be wearing fur clothes, but I am not sure if it is my own!"

"What should I do then? Wait until the other person approaches?"

"Be careful to approach the camp a little bit before judging it! After all, the heart of harm is not allowed, but the heart of defense is indispensable!"

"Then explore the alert formation and slowly approach the opponent's camp personnel!"

"Understood! xn"

However, because everyone is wrapped in fur, the beast ladies have no way to distinguish the true identity of each other, so the beast ladies of the expedition team are also holding arms in case there are other personnel in the camp. In this way, keeping a neat formation and moving closer to the camp with only 300 meters left.

Rattle rattle

"Stop! We are the little love adults and the captured beast wives in the previous battle, but are you friendly?"

And just after seeing the other side who was also very vigilant but maintained a good formation, the beast ladies in the camp tried to shout to the exploration team.

Ooo? Is it really as Lenaris-sama expected? Great! xn

"This is the exploration team sent by Master Xiao Ai to greet you! Good sisters! It's great to see you all right!"

"Sisters! Let us find you! Everyone is ready to return with materials and equipment!"

"Understood! xn"

Wheeze, patter

After seeing that the other party was really his own, the beast ladies in these temporary camps were very happy all at once, and then they all stood up and rushed towards the exploratory team.

"The mission begins! All the staff cover the sisters and begin to evacuate! Then we send out our signal to send a letter to the sisters behind!"

"Yes! Everyone, come here!"

Tweeted, clicked, clicked

After confirming that the mission objective is correct, although the beast ladies of these exploration teams also welcome the return of the sisters, considering the possibility that they may continue to be ambushed by unknown, they nodded rigorously to the escaped beast ladies, and then They were asked to lead and cover their troops to evacuate toward the fortress, and at the same time they sent a signal arrow in response...

"Hahaha! It seems that a few adults are really I didn't expect this miraculous thing to be expected by them one by one! Admire and admire it!"

"Is it time for you to talk coldly? Don't finish the task quickly!"

"Understood! xn"

On the same platform, the guardian beast ladies also embraced each other happily at first, but when they were seen by the beast ladies from behind, they let them return to their posts a little embarrassed to welcome the captured beast ladies below. We are back with the exploration team...

"Huh! I finally figured it out! And the snow is getting smaller! Try this remote reconnaissance magic!"

Bang bang

At the same time, when the beast ladies finally started to reunite completely, some snake clan girls who fully understood the mystery in the scroll that Yun gave her also tried to mobilize the magic power in the magic core of their foreheads, and directly reflected a purple color in front of them. Something like a rectangular magic screen, I began to see it slowly transform from a snowflake screen into a screen.

"Hmm! This place is near the towering tree opposite me, and it seems to be operated like this? Sure enough, I see if the beast ladies in the tree hole are frozen into ice sculptures? Or take the opportunity to run Lost?"

And after the snake girl dragged with her jade hand, and even slowly got the picture into the tree hole, her eyebrows became a lot tighter in an instant, because the inside was the same as she was worried about, except that Aside from the fragmented ice **** and ice sculptures, the beast ladies who were on it have already run away!

"Okay! As expected by Yun Sanbai before, these beast ladies are sometimes cunning like rabbits, nothing more, it's a bit more troublesome than trying to chase them down, but it's mostly their purpose. The ground should be the fortress where Ai Jiang is located. Speaking of this, have I not seen what it looks like?"

Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

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