Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 387: A new change begins, nature is indeed magical and wonderful

  ‘Clap~clap, clap~clap’

A part of several male snake people, mainly bald and muscular brothers, followed the shared information of snake women, climbed up the winding tunnels, and went up in the severe cold environment to search for the snake people in the frozen state of pseudo-death. Come back to thaw for a second transformation.

   "Come on~Come on! Here~here! Be careful that the water is too hot!"

   "Understand! xN"

  ‘咚~咚~咚, 嗞~ 嗞, 嗞~嗞~嗞, 嗞嗞"

The remaining female snake members looked for the hot rock and underground river ice caves in this underground cave. They began to rely on stone slabs as a cooking table, plus the deep river water they retrieved, and matched the rough stone that was barely polished. Prepare cooking tools and cook the food...

  ‘Hu~hu~hu, huh~huh"

"The wind and snow are still big! I don't know how long this kind of magic can last? After all, after listening to the instructions of the two adults, I don't know if the snake clan will activate it again while the ice and snow melt. Such an attack!"

"Yes...Although we have indeed increased the number of people on the offensive like that now! However, the medical supplies is still a big problem. Although the sisters have gradually recovered after a few days of adjustments, if they are attacked again now If you do, I don’t know if it will cause the wound to crack..."


I don’t know how much time has passed, watching the heavy snow in front of me, the patrol beast ladies who have been observing the climate on the platform are a little more and more uneasy. After all, although thanks to the blessing of the day, they only need Hidden in this fortress, you can rest for a while, but you have to consider in case the wind and snow stop.

   When they formally flee from the large army, they may once again encounter the snake tribe army who has not been killed by the cold winter and awakened from the suspended sleep and hibernation. They all shuddered subconsciously.

   Then he stopped thinking about these messy things, once again walked to the edge of the platform, and went to the lower area of ​​a certain range of visibility, carefully observing and verifying.

  ‘Wow~Wow, boom~Rumbling’

   (What kind of strange sound is this? It seems that there is some animal-like roar mixed in it!)

   "Hmm~hmm? Sisters, did you see that a lot of snow suddenly collapsed in that forest?"

   "Yes! What's wrong? Isn't this normal?"

   "Hmm~hmm! xN"

And at this moment, suddenly in a forest not far from the fortress, after a large amount of snow on the leaves collapsed, one moved his cute triangular ears, as if he heard something other than the breeze. Some of the beast ladies with subtle noise outside Xue, in a cold sweat, asked the other beast ladies.

   But seeing everyone's answers seemed to make a fuss, they responded to her like this.

   (Could it be that I'm too worried?)

   "Really? Maybe it's too peaceful these days, and a little nervous, right? I thought it was an animal or group that was active there! Ha~ha~ha!!!"

   "You! Don't scare us O~O! This kind of thing is still possible, have you forgotten some of the situations that the two adults have taken into account?"

   "That's true! Then let's be more careful around and help the other sisters to be alert!"

   "Hmm~hmm! xN"

Perhaps this slight over-attentiveness caused the beast ladies who were aware of the accident, carefully holding the lighting props of the special magic stone lamp, and began to investigate under the edges of these platforms and the top above, but after a while, there was nothing. After discovering what was wrong, they returned to the fortress with a little peace of mind to keep warm and change shifts...

  ‘Hu~hu~hu, huh~huh"

   (Almost finished! What a group of cautious beast ladies!)

" be careful! We are now under the eyes of the beast ladies, braving the wind and snow and working hard. Don't forget that many of their beast instincts, and the inherited characteristics of detection and alertness, are no better than our snakes. The clan is inferior! We almost exposed our position just now!"

   "I'm sorry... Boss! After all, some weird giant bears suddenly appeared in the snow, and they almost succeeded in a sneak attack! That's why they made such a big movement in the fighting species!"

   And just in the large collapsed snowdrift forest that the beast girl had sensed before, the bald and muscular brother before was expensive, and now he is teaching these few snake men who are holding stone weapons, but some are slightly injured.

But they are indeed as they say, with a lot of giant white bear carcasses upside down. It is obvious that they are not bears originally in the snow, as if for some reason they changed suddenly, becoming so huge and replaced with pure white. fur.

   However, they are very ferocious and remain violent and lose their vitality. Obviously, they have embodied the possibility of being full of abnormalities.

(It’s not right...this feeling should be the Philosopher’s Stone? It seems that they should have swallowed the Philosopher’s Stone inadvertently before hibernation, but they have not had time to fully evolve, and they can't stand the pain of the huge body change that pierces the heart Escape from your hibernation place, and attack us who came out to work like a vent here, right?)

"It looks like... the whole forest is a bit There should be a mutation, which means that not only these bear species, but also our Queen found abandoned, or completely filled with Philosopher’s Stones. Existing, it is very likely that the entire forest has forced many animals to take refuge in locations that have never been before because of this sudden severe winter!"

"Go~Go! Take these food and our goal, and quickly go back and report the bad sign of the Queen! It is very likely that it will become more troublesome and uncertain factors in our battle with the beast ladies. indefinite!"

   "Yes~Yes! Boss! Hey~hey...xN"

After seeing this troublesome scene in front of me, I felt that it was not entirely accidental that the bald-headed and muscular brothers were expensive. I immediately asked my added snake tribes to start collecting available supplies, and then confirmed together that there were no other animals or objects trailing. Normally returned to the underground cave and reported to the snake clan girl...

  ‘Papa~Papa, Puff, Puff~Puff’

   "Oh~Oh...the bear species that almost compulsively evolve in the self-unconsciousness? Interesting! Quickly provide me with some reference samples, and then you will continue to work on the original plan!"

   "Oh, my queen!"

  ‘咣~咣, papa~papa, p~p~p’

And in a relatively large naturally formed cave room filled with many rough-processed stone props, I am still studying some special topics. The snake woman who is watching the parchment scroll now puts it down with great interest. Research work...

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