Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 395: Lenaris’ unique assault sword skills

"Then! Fortunately, we have to fight one by one! Remember Liannu's range and maximum power distance, as well as the troublesome and hidden enemies I missed. Let us help everyone not be approached by these violent behemoths! Just in case, I will change my arms at any time and join you two little guys in the **** mission! Let go and trust your flower protector!"

   "Big Brother Yun, no problem!"



   After watching Lisbet and the beast ladies have completed their formation adjustments, Yun set up an arrow while closing his eyes to locate and sniper around the enemy, while admonishing Xingchan behind him in this way.

When she felt that her wide back was being protected by herself, Xing-chan also took the new crossbow clip very seriously and firmly, and attacked the powerful protective enemy that Yun could not detect, and made up for each other’s shortcomings. ...

  ‘Da~Da~Da, sizzle~sizzle’

   "All members get out of the way! Otherwise, you may be affected by death! "Furious Strike"! Oh~ oh oh oh oh oh!!!"

   "Follow in the footsteps of Lenaris-sama! Keep the sagittarius formation and use the assault sword skills together!"

   "Understood! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! xN"

Suddenly from the entrance and exit of the fort, there was a sound like a sprint, Lena Lisi, who was entwined with a halo of sword skills, held the crimson spear, and brought an alloy shield directly after a sigh of relief. Behind the beast ladies who continue to maintain their formation and use the assault sword skills, they form together to gallop on the battlefield like a sharp arrow...

   (This sound! It seems to be the unique long-distance assault sword skill of our "Pig Tu Barbarian Girl" Lenaris! xN)

   "Everyone evades regularly while fighting! If you are in front of Lenaris-sama, you will almost certainly die! Let me act! Sisters!"

   "Oh~ oh oh!!! xN"

  ‘Ding-ding~dangdang, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering, pattering

After seeing and hearing the noise coming from behind and the roar of Lenaris, all the beast maidens on the battlefield quickly urged the beast maidens who were in a stalemate to fight, and immediately left and were charged without hesitation. On the path of the sword skill's range of influence, although the raging white behemoths who might have almost zero IQ, they didn't know why they fled quickly.




   But in the next second, the attack like a meat grinder, without any abate, ran over their bodies, forming a wide avenue of messy falling objects...

   "Wow~ ah... It's a violent unique charge sword skill! It's really terrifying!"

   "Don't be in a daze! Adjust the battle state and formation while you are regrouping, and ensure a place where Lina Liss and the others can breathe halfway, and welcome the rescued sisters later!"

   "Understand! All members move closer and switch to a large defensive formation!"

   "Understand! xN"

And seeing Lena Lisi and the others, the violent charging trend led by this general, and the terrible destructive power, really showed why she was so confident in Weisstier at that time, and said that as long as she was given 2 corps, it was OK. For the sake of bringing out the trapped beast ladies safely, this is the power and pride to enhance one's strength and become a general!

  ‘咻~咻~咻, 唰~唰~唰, papa~ papa’

"Hmm~hmm? It seems that there is a team coming towards us! And the attacking trend is very big! It is very likely to be a reinforcement of the Beastmaid team! But this destructive power is indeed a situation that I have not talked about! Little cute! You guys! Is there such a powerful existence over there? Why don't I know at all!"

At the same time that Yun was sniping the enemy in groups, his'eyes of the heart' and'clairvoyance' had already seen Lena Lis's terrifying and destructive charge, and now he was gradually coming towards their forest, so he was very amazed. He closed his eyes and asked this guardian beast lady like this!

   (In this case! Only the great talent will have such a manifestation! xN)

   "It should be the "Pig Tu Savage Girl" Lena Lisi, right!"

   "Ahhhhhhhhh! In this case, it is possible to achieve a complete charge breakthrough or something, except for this adult's unique charge sword skills, no one else!"

   "Hmm~hmm! xN"

   And after hearing such a resolute and decisive propulsion, these beast ladies were very happy to report to Yun like this.

('Pig Tu Savage Girl'...I really don’t know if this title is in line with the power and wild beauty of the'Natata' clan beasts, or is it simple, very appropriate and free and easy? I always feel that something is not The taste of a normal person can be said! But is it a unique assault sword skill? It is indeed a rare thing! xN)

   is not only a cloud with a awkward smile, but Silica on the side can't help but laugh subconsciously, but they also acted like they were very helpless.

   "That's good! It seems to be that direction, right? Brother Yun!"

   "Hey~ Hey! This ‘Pig Tuo Barbarian Girl’ team rushed to our side from there! What should I do? Should I keep the original plan and go out?"

   After seeing Silica turning into a serious look after laughing Yun nodded slightly and asked about it.

   After all, the current battlefield commander is her, so it is natural to seek her first opinion!

   "Hmm~hmm! Liz-chan! The original plan remains the same, but you should understand the direction?"

   "Ah~ah! This is no problem! After all, I am a good shield warrior! Believe me! Sister Wu Chief should have no objection, right?"


   After hearing Silica's reconfirmation, Lisbeth invited the fragrant shoulders of the beast mother corporal and threw out her thumbs up with confidence, and she could see that she was ready!

   (The formation of the beast ladies is completed, the direction of the reinforcements is confirmed and the charge personnel are in place! Then there is only one!)

   "The battle begins! Ready to rush out!"

   "Oh~ oh oh! xN"

  ‘咻~咻~咻, 噌~噌~噌’

Once again looking around the surrounding personnel while defending against counterattacks, while waiting for instructions, Silica declared like this with cute little tiger teeth, and raised the attack in her hand to send out a wide range of multiple arrow shots as the final signal to charge. All took action for a while.

   "'Furious Hammer','Heavy Strike' x2"

  ‘Hu~hu~hu, bang~bang~bang, bang~pazi, hushi~hushi’

   I saw Lisbeth and the Beastmaster squadron who had been instructed, raising the one-handed stick in their hands to cooperate with the golden shield, and they came together with the same large-scale double continuous sword skill to drive the charge!

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