Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 452: Frontline reconnaissance with Kusharrati

After hearing such a full and explosive news, Kusharrati, who was at a loss or even unexpected, got up in a panic, pushed these embarrassed lizardman warriors, and quickly left together. The tent, touched in the direction where they found the enemy camp...

"Oh~oh~oh! The boss is here! Everyone quickly give it a place!"

"no problem!"


And after a long distance of mountains and waters, Kusharrati followed these lizardman warriors and finally came to a high hill location. After all, the place where they chose to camp before is also a good hiding place, so The place I went to was naturally much quieter than uninhabited.

But as soon as it got here, it saw several Lizardmen warriors, lying on the edge of a high **** on the ground, holding a simple telescope, and looking vigorously in a direction below.

When it arrived at the same time, these lizardmen warriors lowered its body, quickly made a good position for it, and handed it a telescope, pointing in a direction below, and began to describe what it knows now...

"How? See how you call me in a hurry! The other party should have just settled down for a long time, right?"

And in Kusharrati, how Yihe and Tong were lying on the hillside, looking at the direction they wanted to report with the telescope, just questioned them carefully while looking at the situation of the camp below.

"Yeah! There was no half of the shadow last night, but as soon as I came to patrol here today, I saw that they were setting up the goods and camping piles. This is why the brothers will call you to observe and observe~ Well!"

"And what's weird is that there are quite a few patrols around them. Otherwise, our two members of the army would slip down and burn their camp and give them a surprise!"

"Boss, do you want to assemble all the horses quickly, showing that they haven't got a firm foothold, give them a great meeting ceremony!"

"Hmm~hmm! xn"

Seeing that Kusharrati was still holding a telescope to observe the situation of the camp underneath, the lizardman warriors around him all proposed to it one by one.

It can be seen that they seem to like this kind of quick sneak attack, so they have been very enthusiastic to urge them like this, trying to get a good position to take the lead.

(It's really a group of brutal men with muscles in their brains, but this is also the price of strength and combat experience! But the investment of this defense and patrol team is indeed somewhat different from the feeling of the previous human army. It is too strict and even worse. There are some people who have no silver in this place to emphasize it like three hundred and two!)

"Is it possible...Is this the person on the human side who has been claiming that the demon generals who use the demon technique well? After all, it doesn't look like the legendary demi-human joint army or the other supporting army. It looks more like the most powerful main team!"

"If this is the case... then the other two armies may not have much time, they can fully gather on this'Valias Great Plain', and even collectively look up at the'Gillias Great Plains' where we are. The mountains' natural fortress location."

Although the lizardman warriors around him are like simple-minded personnel with well-developed arms and legs, the defenses below and the overall feeling make them feel a little subtle.

No matter how you look at it, it's not as simple as what they heard from Aldo at the beginning, and what human beings say! It had to put down the telescope as if he wanted to be more cautious!

(The main force? xN)

"Then we won the jackpot? If we can go straight to Huanglong at this time, then we can use the least casualties to'click' off the opponent's general, and finally greet our lovely Fritia triumphantly. Come back, won't the unnecessary battles this time come to an end?"

"Yeah! The big guy prepares weapons and equipment! Give him a vote and let him know that we are the best!"

"Hmm~hmm! xN"

‘Boom~boom, wow~ wow~ wow, quack~ quack’

And when Kusharrati said this, these physical dumb lizardmen warriors didn't even have too much fear or doubt, and even smirked and talked in dreams, and they really started to prepare themselves to arm themselves.

(I’m a good boy! You really have the courage of the bear heart and leopard! Haven't figured out whether the following is really the situation of the enemy general or even the main team, so I am going to use so many people to make a breakthrough! Really think Will the brave win every time we meet on a narrow road? Courage and recklessness are not equal!)

"Wait~Wait! You are making a fuss again! The lower one has been rigorously defended by multiple patrols like three layers and three layers. No matter how strong your physical superiority is, it won’t be able to withstand the crowd. Moreover, we haven’t figured out why their generals are said to be good demon girls! There is no point in chaos!"

‘Crack~Papa, Papa~Papa’

"Oh~yo~hey...our heads are so dizzy...Boss, what are you doing crazy...why are you beating your own people~ ah..."

"Yes~Yes! The real enemy is below! xN"

Seeing that these subordinates almost turned into a runaway group of After really relying on the current situation of people of this size rushing down, Kusharrati is very **** them. There are just a few on their heads. Shocking fiercely, they all fell on the ground with both eyes dizzy and dizzy like gold stars.

So don't underestimate Kusharrati, after all, it is the leader of the lizardman who is equal to the tens of thousands of humans. It is easy to subdue these same races by one person.

(Good guy! Is the blame on me now?)

"I'm crazy? I'm afraid that you are making trouble in the collective like neurotic patients, okay! Let's observe first, we can't be fooled by Aldo and his human personnel as guns! We can't make this sound. With the sound of the horn of war, sum up the situation here, and plan to directly report it to Aldo to see what he is going to do!"

Seeing that he was surrounded by such headless and reckless men, Kusharrati wanted to let them follow the evolution of the demihumans one by one, and strengthen the problem of mental retardation on the head, or else they would all be more. This kind of not obedient, it only knows the hard-working personnel, and it will probably be overwhelmed by it sooner or later...

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