Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 534: Prepare for subordinate inspections and new layouts

After a while of pleasure, Kirito immediately akimbo with one hand, and even slightly frowned and nodded in the direction of the three of them with a serious look, confessing them one by one as solemnly and carefully.

"Understood! We are on standby anytime after eating! Never be late! x3"

"Hmm~Hmm! This is my first-rate subordinate! I wish you a prosperous martial arts in the future! Huh~huh~huh! = ̄ω ̄="


And the three people who received the task of eating and waiting for rest, they were very cautious or even regular. After they saluted them, they saw Kirito carrying his jade hand in satisfaction, just humming like this very happily. Happy little song, just left this place of temporary rest for them so easily...

(Are you gone? x3)

"Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! After all, the two ugly appearances we just had, are really a bit blasphemy against the appearance of His Royal Highness Tongren!



Looking at Kirito's back after leaving so slowly, the three new soldiers who joined with a sigh of relief, couldn't help falling limply directly on their respective floors, and you can see that Kirito's sacredness is inviolable, plus that The potions and magical powers gave them all the conditions that were like a new life, so that they were deeply rooted and only recognized the existence of such a cute and beautiful commander.

That's why they made them feel flattered and made the cute behavior just now. After the three of them finally calmed down the turbulence in their hearts, they began to actively implement Kirito's orders and prepare to join the task at any time...

"Pa~da, poryo~poryo"


"How about? Are these recruits still reliable? My lovely Kirito-chan!"

"Sister Asuna! Your Highness Kirito will be very uncomfortable like this! So be gentle~ Be gentle!"

On the other side, as soon as Kirito got out of the three recruits' tents, he was struggling so uncomfortably as if a black shadow directly attacked his face.

After that, it came slowly that it was full of overdoing and overdoing. It came from Asuna and Ginyuki's speeches. With the situation he felt, he immediately understood what a happy but terrifying scene he was now.

‘Boom, boom, boom, boom’

"Huh~ahhh... I almost ascended to heaven and died! Asuna-chan~ We said we won't come to this situation in the future? If this continues, I will suffocate to death..."

"Uh~huh! Yeah~ Sister Asuna, it's better not to be so bold! After all, there are other soldiers watching! You have to be intimate and wait alone before you get along! x2"

Also seeing Kirito's behavior that the opposite **** should have been longing for just now, Ginyuki and Kazuka, who blushed aside, coughed so softly and reminded them like this.

At the same time, they moved their little heads and pointed to the side, using the "correct eye-covering method", and the two accompanying soldiers, who were blushing and enjoying yy, got up.

(Oops was found! x2)



When the two noticed that Kirito and Asuna were both looking at them slightly, they hurriedly closed the gap between their fingers again, saying, "We really didn't see anything," and whistled around and looked around.

(These dishonest little villains! x3)

After seeing them trying to pass the level by mistake, Kirito and the others gathered together in a small room in this temporary level without intending to expose them.

"Ah~huh, because the situation is a bit urgent, let's talk about the situation we are about to face now! First of all, due to the previous threats and the other party's slightly chaotic situation, we temporarily forced back some helpless lizardman leaders. Obviously, the other party will visit again in about two days today and tomorrow."

"But this time it is obviously difficult to deal with. After all, if a general with sufficient prestige and ability has spent so much time, he has been able to achieve the most basic stable military mentality, but it does not matter. This time we have added 3 new support personnel. Overall It depends on our ability to respond on site!"


As soon as he entered this small room with only tables, chairs and benches, Kirito immediately put away his usual hippie smile, and directly projected a small map with his magic power, and pointed to the representative location and location on the top. Chennai and they analyzed it so slowly.

(Although this is the case, there are still many defects, such as...x2)

"Based on this situation, it is possible to go to war with them? Although the opponent is also a small number of personnel, it is estimated from the situation seen last time that it is probably an elite demihuman warrior! I don't know our trump card. Can the strength of the soldiers cope with it..."

"Indeed, just as Sister Asuna said, I'm afraid that the only three of you who can use magic are me and the soldiers. If you use force... I'm afraid it will be difficult to control each other with one breath..."

After hearing what Kirito said about the basic situation of the Lizard Terran team led by Kusharrati, Asuna and Ginyuki were somewhat concerned about the combat effectiveness of their soldiers except Kirito and Kazuka. They were more or less worried, and bothered them. People all lower their heads apologetically...

(Master Asuna, Master Gin Snow...)

"It's okay! With His Royal Highness Kirito and I on, even if they make a fuss, the two will lead the soldiers to suppress 1~2 people first, and the rest will be dealt with by the two of us! Although It will be a little tight but it's not a big deal!"

(Hexiang sauce...Is it commendatory or derogatory if you say this... It's a bit stupid to tell...xN)

"Oh~hhhhh... maybe...xN"

Seeing that the two of them knew the pessimistic situation of their current limits of combat effectiveness, Hexiang opened a bow to the left and right and held their respective jade hands, trying to encourage them both with a smile like this.

But the feeling of the words... as if there was no comfort at all, it made Kirito and the others giggled together in embarrassment for a while.

"Actually, you two little cuties really don’t have to worry. After all, the situation here is good enough to deal with a lot, but ~ the other side may be a lot of trouble, right? The worst situation may cause Aldo to send a good elite team to face. Regarding our camouflage level, although I did cause some injuries to the people who reported the letter, I don’t know if there is any vague information that has brought us..."

"Not only that, what I am most afraid of is that the two of them will come together...or else! Leave the two of you and the newly joined 3 people to form a new team here to garrison the checkpoint. No matter which side you are coming from, the priority is to pass through the fortress still subordinate to it. You Wu from the army will negotiate with him!"

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