Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 547: The success of the breakout can welcome Silica and them...


At the same time when the only security defense collapsed, the countless huge black shadows, accompanied by the destruction of the rock wall, wriggled their huge hovering body without feelings, erected a handful of bright and shining sharp blades. Hesitantly bombarded the outermost stone soldiers and rock shields of Silica's army. Mobile terminal

   Although the first few fierce attacks were resisted by the rock shield hardened with excellent magic power, it was a pity that it was limited or dying, together with the multiple users, they returned to their land as if they were slashed to death.

If it were changed to humans, I am afraid that the entire formation would be completely destroyed during the initial attack. I am also glad that they are the life-conscious summoned beasts inside the rock, although it may leave painful memories and Experience, at least not being threatened by life to death.

He even helped Silica, the most important commander, block her attacks again and again, just to keep this flesh and blood full of wisdom, strategy, and tactics responsible for staying and regrouping, but its destruction is still Thinking of being a terrible quantity, this very precious fighting force is constantly being lost for this reason...

   It’s a matter of time for everyone to destroy everyone like this! It is necessary to make a quick counterattack. After all, the attack after the timing is right is our biggest defense now! Hmm! It is the weakest position!

"The captain of the stone soldier gave me a stone as big as a hole in that place, and after my attack was successful, everyone launched a charge attack in the direction of the opponent's open mouth. Bina, Lijie! Escort me, Xiao The Flying Dragon Team and the Wolf Warriors came out with me, taking the opportunity to wander around and twist them, while the Stone Soldier is the queen!"

And knowing that this kind of defense will sooner or later deplete the most meat shield mission stone soldiers, Silica gritted her teeth and turned over a huge supporting war wolf body, and took out the plural from her waist. After the arrows were set up, he set up the appearance of multiple arrows and gave such detailed orders to all the teams around him.

   "Understood! Sir Silica! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! xn"

   also saw the breakthrough and admired Celie Cumming as a flesh and blood body, and at the same time a girl, but still insisting on taking the lead in the battlefield.

   The summoned beasts were immediately inspired by their heroic appearance and fighting spirit, accompanied by a violent and harsh roar, responding to her intent to move forward with determination.

   guerrilla fire tree silver flower

   "Yeah ah ah ah!!!"

   咣咣, bang bang, bang bang, 咻咻咻, boom boom

   But the gap she wanted was suddenly opened in front, and attracted the attention of many big bugs. At the same time, Silica stretched the bowstring and gathered a lot of halo of sword skills that burned like flames.

   With the sound of the powerful string between the off-strings, the multiple arrows sputtered like sparks from everywhere like a volcanic eruption.


   bang bang bang, bang bang bang bang, patter, patter, patter

In an instant, it was like a tree of thousands of flames opening its branches and leaves, bombarding the front of the oncoming large bug with a mouthful of blood, and the fire that suddenly collided with each other flew through, exploded, and burned. Waiting for the mixing effect, Silica opened up a wide and extremely wide avenue of flames in front of her eyes.

   "Follow me to break through! Oh oh!"

   "Assault!! Aw woo woo woo!! xn"

   咚咚咚, papa papa, papa da, jingle bell, pala pala la, papa new 81 Chinese net update the fastest computer terminal: https://

Also because Silica came to a surprise attack to meet the brave in a narrow way, for a while, because the explosion was everywhere in the direction of flame corpses, and the insects were still afraid of fire, they won a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to draw out a terrible enclosure, and quickly Bring the wolf pack and the little flying dragon to the left and right, and in turn doubled up the remaining large worm army.


   Click, click, click, click

   And just as Silica’s division and encirclement just had a trend, and just when the stone soldiers escaped from the encirclement, the actions of the enemy's big bugs became more elusive.

  What kind of tactics is this? Why are they all suddenly gathered and hovered into a ball? not good! I don’t think it’s that simple. They are a different crustacean structure from ours! There are probably things that we usually cannot do with our physical conditions. They can be used to deal with us!

  The whole team is divided into formations, and the enemy's new tactics are coming! Everyone keeps their lives alone

   "Understood! Giaa woohoo! xn"


   After also hearing Silica’s instructions, all the teams began to spread out as far as possible, avoiding the hardest cover around them.

   Although the hole itself is not big, it was demolished by these big bugs, which in turn gave the petite Silica a lot of safety measures.


But just as Silica and the team just hid near the effective shelter, UU Reading suddenly went from being wrapped into two big beetle balls, as if there was a cracking sound, not only that, but also What liquid leaked out with a pungent smell, these were nothing, and what was more terrible was that the two Beetle Balls actually rolled in the direction where Silica was.

   嘣哐嘣哐, 咚咚咚

   This smell, that kind of sound and offensive, is it possible? !

   Everyone quickly find a way to stay away from the two big bug balls, they are leaking things similar to formic acid! That's the strong acid especially for the flesh and the rock body!

   "What? Giaaa woohoo? xn"


Although that is the case, the opponent's speed is too fast, and it directly brings strong acid splashing everywhere, and it is scattered with strong acid rain like a light drizzle on the way forward, and it falls on the unprepared summoned beast for a while. Above, it was like a fast corroding situation tumbling around in a blazing fire.

   Let the heavy summoned beasts that have been stained with them turn into gravel, ugly, smooth, etc., and the terrible destructive act of permanently seizing the temporary ability of action.

Silica, on the other hand, was protected in the center by more than a dozen giant stone soldiers who sacrificed themselves before being showered with strong acid rain, making them all like the flames burning, and they did not let go of them and turned them into one by one. The lifeless wreckage rises up... the first release https://https://

  The Gray Wheel Dancer of the Sword

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