Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 551: Although the preparation is complete, it is so unexpected...

(Nine corps? Generally speaking, it's still somewhat objective!)

"Well, everyone, let’s prepare quickly. We want to move to a good place immediately. Thanks to the mischief of the two big bug balls, it leaves us with a good place to turn defeat into victory. This is also the most useful thing I have just searched all the way. Something!"

"No problem! Everyone is moving ~ moving! Master Silica has found a place where we can avenge our members, and there is no time to spend here!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!

‘Da~Da~Da, 咚~咚~咚, pada~pada’

And after hearing the call from Chief Shi Bing, all the summoned beasts who were still a little sad on their faces immediately raised their spirits and began to follow a reasonable formation. Together, they followed Silica and the two little flying dragons to lead the way to the most reasonable battle. The place flew away...

The huge irregular stone pit, accompanied by the very rough surrounding rock wall, is obviously the passing mark of the big snake ball that took the opportunity to violently hit the ground, but from the perspective of its depth and scale, if it were not the rebound at that time The power is so huge, I'm afraid it is impossible for the Worm Ball to leave from now on.

But this is the one that can be seen everywhere, but it has a very deep point. It was given a glance by Silica, who was passing by for a while, because if the current situation is maintained, there is really no way to give priority to the loss of mobility, then Silica There are also small things invented by Kai Tai and others in their own hands.

Unexpectedly, after the initial results of dealing with the cloud again today, after the invention and addition of a new paragraph, it can be used in Silica's hands.


"That... Lord Silica! Is this strange liquid really useful for the two big bug balls? Although its effect is really interesting, but the other party has its own strong acid?"

"Giaaa woo~ woo! xN"

As for Silica and the summoned beasts who had rushed here not long ago to begin preparations, the subordinates among them were very disturbed to confirm Silica again.

"It's okay. I still have this thing. It happens to be the food that Brother Yun made. I didn't expect it to be of great use in this kind of place! Come~ come, you guys throw these foods into boiling water and boil them quickly, and then We are going to use it to break the opponent's acid!"

"This~this...Okay! Since it's Master Silica's idea, naturally there is a reason for it, let's do it now!"


Although some did not understand how Silica wanted to use these foods to crack the opponent's strong acid, the stone soldiers who believed that the commander's order was correct, desperately leaned against the big bags and small bags, and began to prepare.

(Looking at this situation, the internal tunnels will either have a lot of winding and rugged forks, or they will have a long history and it will take a lot of time to go back and forth. Otherwise, at the speed they attacked us before, it’s not surprising that they have already returned. Up!)

"But even so! We have to do our best to... But are they still safe to release formic acid in such a large amount? After all, it was too urgent and chaotic at the time, and I didn't have time to observe their situation..."

After arranging the actions of the nine corps and three different types of units, Silica looked at everyone working hard to prepare the traps and the necessary materials, and turned around to look at the dark. In the depths of the tunnel where there is no echo, so some are plunged into deep thought with many questions...

‘Boom~Boom, Boom~Boom, Boom~Boom~Boom’


"Kiaaa~a!!! xN"

"Boom~Boom, huh~huh"

But in the deepest layer that Silica was worried about, the two huge but somewhat broken bugballs were forced to stop when they hit the wall in one place, but a lot of broken and corroded meat residues that lost a lot of lives on the way, just like that. A bunch of them quickly fell alive from the outermost wall of the ball.


Sure enough, even if they can secrete this kind of liquid, there is no way to protect their own safety under this direct and endless method of releasing strong acid, but it seems that they don’t care about their situation, they are just going to be The unusable objects were dropped, and after yelling at each other like a noisy meal.

As if obeying the order, the new big worms once again meandered and covered the sphere, forming a new sphere surface, which was then flicked by the other big worms on standby, and then fanned out so quickly that they returned the same way.

However, the current big bug ball is not in a hurry to start the leakage of formic acid in advance, instead, it maintains this fast moving method, first rush to the enemy's location and then make a decision on the spot...

‘Boom~Boom~Boom, Pata~ Pata, Pata~Da~Da’

"Master Silica! We are almost ready here, now we are waiting for the other party's arrival!"

"Understand! Let your teams stand by first, after all, the next step is a big way to survive!"

Similarly, even when the enemy is on the way back and forth, the expected amount of trap preparations have been set up on the spot. Just such a preparation work is enough to give Silica a lot of chances of It's just... It really means that Cao Cao is here! The vibration of this liquid, the other party has already begun to return! )

[Everyone listened to the order and quickly avoided under the cover. Our guests are now on their way! 】

And while Silica was still thinking about when the other party could arrive, a little flying dragon next to her was ready to prepare liquid in the wooden barrel carried by her feet on the floor at any time. It was rippling and rippled regularly. When she saw After this phenomenon, Silica, who was prompted, quickly gave orders to all the summoned beasts.

"Boom~bang~bang, pa~da, bang~bang~ding~bang"

(Come! But... How come there are more than two loud sounds? Is it possible!!!)

"No! We have a new trouble! Although I have thought about it, I didn't expect it to be so much!"

[Attention everyone, there are more than two opponents, and there may be more follow-up big bugs turning into big balls, coming to our side to support! The traps in our hands can be solved one by one at most. After solving the group first, please be prepared for melee anytime, anywhere! 】

[Yes~Yes! Sir Silica! (Giaa~aa oooo~oo!) xN】

Thousands of calculations can be counted, except that Silica’s mind had the worst calculations in her mind, but instead came one after another under this kind of preparation...

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