Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 564: A small gift from Kirito

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Rudd and Kusharrati who looked aside were a little shaken, trying to keep themselves as calm as possible.

(It seems that the civil strife and foreign enemies this time are not so simple anymore, although I don’t know if Boran set the level here, as Asuna and others said, it was a delicate decision made for victory...x2)

(But now it seems that the civil strife is very likely to really exist, and it is even mixed with the interference of the wandering sneak attack troops of the biggest enemy. I am afraid that all of them can be solved one by one according to the priority~ It is even more difficult... x2)


"Ding Ding~ Ding Ding, da~ da~ da"

It is possible that what happened this time belongs to the kind of unsettled waves that continue to rise again. After the clues are gradually connected, the difficulty of the specific facts and the engineering manpower are too huge, and even the number of them here. People command the team, it’s hard to settle easily...

This may be the most difficult mixed event they have experienced in their lives, especially the dilemma of internal and external troubles, which made Rudd and Rudd very sad.

"How about this! Let's go back to each... Wait! What kind of riot sound is this?"


"Oh oh~ oh oh, oh oh~ oh oh!!! xn"

"No! It may be an enemy attack! I didn't expect them to come again! Everyone is on guard! Hurry~ Hurry!"

"Understood! x4"

‘Bah~ah, ah~ah~ah, dah~ dah, dah~ dah~ ah’

But when Lu Dezhen was about to speak, the water on the table began to turbulently violently accompanied the table.

Asuna, who felt that something was wrong, immediately embodied the two rapiers, and reminded Rudd and the others that they made everyone subconsciously ready to fight and walked out of the level together and hurriedly rushed towards the outside. past……

"This~this! It's really...x5"

To be honest, everything after that has been out of the situation that Kirito gave to Asuna and the others in the plan. Now they and Rudd came out and rushed to the inside of the phalanx that the three armed forces urgently listed. To countless black double swords on white background with flying black swords representing the mighty army of the battle flag, all of a sudden, they occupied the avenue less than 200 meters away from the level.

Even if Asuna and the others don't know how they are, they also understand that these troops are excellent soldiers in the Kirito camp, and they also know that most of them were dispatched by Kirito himself.

But the only thing they don't understand is that the army in front of them is not the original sergeants they know...but a large number of inhuman but well-armed monsters!

(The undead army...Isn't this the special army that Yun once dispatched with the "Call of the Knights"? Although Silica and the others have mentioned it in the regular report before, but ~ but this is how the Tongren sauce They got it here! And the horrible magic surrounding the black, red, and black auras seems to be exactly the same as the story I told to appear on the army!)

(How many things did Kirito-chan hide behind our backs...Why didn't you tell us all about it when you were in the squad of 4 with each other... What kind of big things do you want to do! I'm cute and terrible The other half...)

"All personnel are on the first level of combat alert. The enemy is the brutal and inhuman force that attacked us at that time. Don't be merciful and relax your vigilance, or you will be the next one to die!"

"Oh~oh~ oh oh!!! xn"

And seeing this special situation that even Asuna and the others hadn't anticipated, it was clear that Kirito had always been true to them, so they did not hesitate to warn the surrounding army and Rudd.

Now Asuna and the others don't need to act anymore, or they might really be killed by their own people... After all, that side can be said to be an obedient tool of killing, it should belong to the existence without emotion and reason.

[Sister Asuna/Sir...Are we really going to join this chaos? x7】

At the same time that Asuna gave this order, Ginyuki, who was puzzled in his heart, and his direct sergeants, questioned him with such anxiety.

[Hit~Hit! Must fight! Obviously, this is an excellent opportunity that Tongrenjiang gave us, for Rudd and the others, like a booster, full trust. Moreover, Tongrenjiang dares to hide our eye-catching touch and will definitely not let these immortality. The army's men are merciful, after all, if it weren't for real guns and live ammunition, soon the story that was justified by itself would be broken! 】

【understand! I wish you all a prosperous martial arts! x7】

Although I still don’t know exactly what Kirito wants to do in my heart, but knowing that the opportunity is rare in a lifetime, it can not only prove that Asuna themselves have a strong strength, as well as strengthen trust and the authenticity of the false information, all personnel also know it well. They clenched the weapons in their hands and turned into a firm consciousness of fighting for survival.

(This number... At present, most of our military strength is hitting rocks with pebbles... x2)


"Tomorrow, the hundred people, how about we retreat in the direction of the fortress and meet the enemy? Then we will send a few horses to inform the rear fortress ~ can we send troops to meet us?"

"I agree with Rude's proposal. After all, there are so many people in the opponent's situation. No matter how much we can fight, we can't achieve the highest level of being one man and one man! Withdraw! Tomorrow will be a hundred people!"

It’s not that Rudd and Kusharraty don’t believe in their subordinates and their fighting abilities, but facing this mighty undead army, which is almost filled with thousands or even tens of thousands of roads, even if they deserve the lives of all of them. Therefore, there is probably no way to slow down the opponent's offensive progress too much.

As the two Rudds, who were able to preserve their military strength and strength as much as possible, and dragged them to the place where they were prepared, they had a solid idea of ​​a decisive battle or a counterattack. They immediately shot together and held Asuna’s small shoulders full of shoulder armor. As soon as she calmed Asuna, she spoke to her emotionally.


"It's okay to send troops to remind. If you want to ask for help, I would advise you not to think about it. Since there are such a large number of troops at the highway checkpoint here, then the other passages are probably already in urgent need, not to mention there is only here. There are two main roads leading to the outside, and the other has Master Bolan. I don’t know if it’s already in chaos..."

But Asuna quickly knocked out the two salted pork knuckles who took the opportunity to eat her tofu with her hand, and then turned her face to analyze it in reverse and reminded...</tent>

Sword Grey Wheel Dancer</p>

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