Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 569: Yinxue who found the transit

"Haha~ ah ah oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!! x2"

‘Boom~ boom, boom~ rumbling, boom~ boom’

On the battlefield, they were divided by the battle, but even the nearest two of Rudd and Kusharraty, after reaching a secret cooperation idea in this emergency situation, they temporarily launched the assault sword skill together to give priority to alleviating tomorrow. The tension in the battlefield surrounding the three of Chennai.

Then go to assist the sergeants of the three armed forces as much as possible, and reach the highest priority strategic policy of fleeing here together...

(It deserves to be Asuna's sister and two powerful enemy leaders and generals! With such a large number of elite enemies, you can still maximize your fighting ability, even compared with the incomparable Waka, except for the body With my superior ability, I just barely made up some of the flaws in sword skills.)

(But generally speaking, when fighting with two or more enemies, I become more and more passive... I feel like the weakest existence in the team of His Highness Kirito...)



Just like the current situation in the battlefield where the two jointly dealt with Yinxue himself, Yinxue's combat skills are obviously at a disadvantage. After all, time has always been urging. She also learned some of the most beginners from Kirito. His sword skills are obviously inexperienced in actual combat.

So now she is just defending, arranging moves, dodges, and even having the opportunity to counterattack from time to time. It is already a situation that consumes energy and physical strength. She has been staring at the two undead sergeants who cooperate with each other tightly and nervously. Also pay attention to whether there are hidden arrows from the enemy around and chasing into it, which made her feel a little tired like a clone of lack of skills...

"Oh oh~ oh oh!!! x2"

‘Om~Om, 咣~咣, 唰啦~唰啦, Dingding~Dangdang"

And the undead sergeants in front of Yinxue seemed to have no such worries at all. Once they seized the opportunity every hour, they would use the excellent alternate combination of sword skills and ordinary swordsmanship.

Whether it's the one-handed sword system "one-point penetration" that attacked her from the foot at the beginning, or the axe system's "tornado attack" assault sword skill, they all pushed it to a very dangerous realm and made it incompletely evade it. Attacking the arc, Xiao Xiao was backed continuously like a wave.

After that, especially the sword skill of the first force-breaking axe at medium and long distances, coupled with the continuous one-handed sword skill of the close-fitting extreme distance after that, it has always been at a disadvantage.

(There is no other way than using a one-handed sword, it is difficult to deal with two enemies, you can only try the incomplete "dual wielding" combat method!)

‘Huh~huh, hh~hh~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

"'Z Character Instant Cut','Flower Trio'!!!"

It is also clear that no one can help Yinxue in this situation. In the end, she gritted her teeth and ended her fighting posture of holding the hilt with both hands. She subconsciously took out the rapier on her right waist with her free left hand, and drew out two. Dao Red and Blue's sword skills are brilliant.

First, the right hand starts from right to left, and draws the "Z" three-handed one-handed three-handed slash at the distance that two undead sergeants are affected together. The bombardment hits the chest, abdomen, and pelvis of the two. Subconsciously, he used a weapon to make a move, forcibly interrupting the offensive intention.

‘Om~Om~Om, uh~ uh, uh~ uh, uh, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Then, after confirming that the one-handed sword succeeded, Yinxue added a natural twist to the body motion trajectory to replace the left-handed rapier's forward attack posture, and used the rapier's flexibility and penetrating power to quickly three consecutive stabbings , Blasted the direction of the head, weapon and abdomen of the undead sergeant with one-handed sword in it.

However, it is a pity that the opponent's reaction speed and the body's coordination are very fast. They all act at the same time to ignore everything behind them, move their limbs desperately, and cooperate with the playback of the weapon to easily resist their swift and violent combined dual-system sword skills Come down.


"Oh oh~ oh...x2"

Before they had time to be proud, it was a pity that they still paid a heavy price, and behind them, they severely caught their own people's aoe-like violent slash without any warning, and instantly fell into the mid-air swinging track like a slash.

This, in turn, was changed by Yinxue's killer skills to clean up the situation. I am afraid they did not expect that Yinxue's seemingly tricky and troublesome sword skills in front of them were actually something that forced them to kill each other like a blind eye.

Let it fall to the ground like remorse for a while without much fighting ability, it is obvious that these troublesome living dead want to completely destroy them, I am afraid that some skills are needed.

"Pattern~Pattern, pattery, pattery, pattery"

"Haha~haha...haha~haha...Is it reluctant? It seems that it would be better to exercise more! But now in this situation...Even sister Asuna and Kazuka can only be strong A drop in the bucket, right? But ~ is such a large-scale attack necessary?"

And it took a very difficult time to solve these two undead sergeants, and after using continuous backflips to dodge the enough half-cut, Yinxue was a little relieved, but it was a little bit now. In this relatively peaceful period, I have briefly observed the chaotic situation on the battlefield. I am afraid that there are still fewer people on my side.

"Oh oh~ oh oh!!!"

"Oh~oh? xN"

‘Gada~Gada, huh~huh, da~da~da’

It may be induced by an excessively high magical power, which caused him to run rampant among the enemies at the position of Asuna and Waka, gathering more than 90% of the attention of all enemies, and even in front of Gin Xue’s eyes, he was only just stupid and unreliable. The immortal sergeant of the sword.

And several others just noticed that she used her own hands to defeat two undead sergeants, otherwise almost all the enemies turned their backs and ignored her.

Although everyone was very happy with Gin Xue's low combat effectiveness, considering that the main target of the opponent's attack was now turned to Asuna and the others, who were too early to show their sharpness, Gin Xue was also a little overly uneasy and didn't understand why Kirito had targeted him in this way.

‘Boom~ boom, boom~ boom boom, boom~ boom~ boom’

"Oh oh~ oh oh!!! xN"

But in this situation where the enemy was found to be besieged, after several consecutive cracks on the other side of the battlefield, all of their attention was on the undead sergeants of Asuna, and suddenly half of them went to the fierce battle. Direction up...

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