Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (49) Silica and the temple who thought of a coup...

"Leading! x2"

‘Boom~ boom~ boom, wow~ wow, boom~ boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

Similarly, after Aisha and the others had split up with the summoned beasts, they gradually understood why Erha was manipulated by these little clever ghosts.

The lion-headed monster was like the leader among them. After the other two monsters acted separately, they would take other existences hidden in the darkness from three directions together, and at the same time, they would embodied their own weapons to the scattered and fleeing Aisha. They chased...


(These big idiots thought they were so resourceful! I didn't expect to be much stupid and stupid compared to Erha!)

[Everyone, come out! The three big fools and the guys around turned their attention to our stand-ins! 】

[Huh~huh... Then what shall we do now? First, go and make up for Erha who is still regenerating? Or do you directly touch the direction of the door leading to the inside while it is now? After all, a double can't keep them from hiding for long, a few minutes before death is the limit, and they will wake up in time when they notice the awkwardness! 】

[Yes~ Yes! Sister Aisha! xN】

And just in this all the behemoths, the summoned beasts and shadow warrior routines made by Aisha and the others, not long after they went out, they saw a few cute little heads popping up among several stone pillars and rock crevices, and they were still very vigilant. Looking around.

When it was determined that the three monsters and other ambushes had been transferred away from the mountain, they talked secretly with each other in such a slight peace of mind.

After all, from where they are hiding, you can see Erha's body as if he was scorched by Black Bloom winter as if turned into cinder.

"Gada~Gada, bang~bang~bang"

However, the unknown object like black charcoal is still creeping slightly. It may take a while before it can be restored to its original state. It is just that according to the inferior regenerative ability, it may turn it into one. It's a terrible look like a vice.

It is this scene that makes the beast mother Aisha and the others worry about whether to cut the grass and remove the roots, so as to reduce one of their chasing opponents in a real sense, or sneak into the deepest part of the temple as quickly as possible...

[I'm afraid it's not realistic, we should think of a way to avoid these troublesome things, but also sneak in quietly to rescue him...]

[Hey~Hey! Sister Aisha! How about this...]

【good idea! Indeed, this is the only way to buy me more time, and even to get more than one bird! Let's take action! 】

[Hmm~hmm! xN】

When it became clear that their current situation was really getting weaker and weaker, Silica, who suddenly looked like an elf ghost, made an interesting and even tentative proposal to everyone.

When everyone was engrossed and thought it was wonderful, they all showed a smirk of little devil to each other, and then they started to implement this plan separately...

‘Hu~hu~hu, dang~dang~dang, bang 哐~ 嘭哐’

"Woo~ eh eh!!!"

And also when Aisha and the others dealt with the previous two Ha, they were on the battlefield outside the temple, and they were also quite exquisite. They only saw Delphi with horse-headed snake bones swapping left and right.

Throwing off his arms, he picked up the Yanyue Sword in his hand, and kept sending out the fierce magic sword skills based on the dragging sword skills. They have been fighting fiercely with the Kirito and his wife who are in a triangle-like formation and are in a stalemate with them...

But if you tell the truth, most of the stats are the most superior of this Delphi, but how can such a sturdy one-shot attack, if it is not hit, it will almost become a kind of exclusive consumption of one’s physical strength. , The passive effect of magic and mental power.

As for the three of them, Kirito and his wife, they took advantage of avoiding the distance, taking advantage of their shortness and agility. They kept playing Delphi around, but they didn't take it seriously as if they were playing a monkey.

‘Huh~huh, huff~pada’

(These little girls are flexible like monkeys. It is difficult to hit them at all. It is more troublesome than the boy who confronted me before!)

"Damn it! If you have the ability, don't jump up and down! Is it true that Chengdu belongs to fleas? Run around and fight hard!"

In a certain sense, no matter how strong the existence is, it is possible to be so cumbersome or even underestimating you, making your heart burn with anger. After all, you have been hiding in this way, and if you are not annoying, you will almost be It's disgusting.

Therefore, Delphi, who was still very good-tempered, was swearing by the three of them, constantly waving the weapon in his hand excessively, trying to use his own martial arts to break such annoying procrastination.

(It's getting irritable! After all, it's rectal and quick-tempered. It's almost a lot of heat in the brain. In fact, it's just because it's too calm, otherwise it will be like the cloud in the first confrontation, losing to a lot of opponents. I don’t understand that the first blow will determine the outcome!)

[Asuna sauce, Gin Snow sauce! I'm going to try that joint sword technique directly. After all, it is almost open and focused on reckless offense. It should be difficult to return to defense! This is the only time we might have the best chance to destroy it! Otherwise there will be no next time! 】

【understand! We will cooperate with His Highness Kirito Kirito with the fastest speed! x2】

"Pattern~Pattern, pattery, pattery, pattery"

Seeing that this Delphi was already in a state of no brains and a state of losing his mind like a wild temper, Kirito, who felt that this was a really good time, simply ordered Asuna and the others.

I grew lotus under my feet in mid-air, as if stepping on the'clear lotus step' But my hand was wrapped with a pink halo of magical sword skills for the first time, and he turned in a light step in mid-air. In the middle, it directly hit Delphi's abdomen.

‘Bang bang~ bang bang, da~ da~ da, hum~ hum~ hum’

(We have to keep up with the rhythm of His Highness Kirito Sauce Kirito! x2)

Also on the other side, Asuna and Ginnyuki, who were almost blind in Delphi's vision in two directions, were also in the field that escaped the aftermath of its attack.

Two halos of magical sword skills were wrapped around the rapier and the one-handed sword together, and then they attacked Delphi's left and right back as if they jumped together at the same time.

(Three powerful magical reactions and extreme ‘dangerous perception’, not good! These girl films gave me a set!)

"'Storm Wall'! Ooo~ Hey~ Hey!!!"

‘Huh~huh~huh, hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

"Woo~Woo...this is!!! xN"

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