Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (One Hundred and Sixteen) Kirito of Semi-Goddess

But his overall feeling is as if he has completely lost his mind, silently looking at the cloud and the direction of the priest in a dull manner, he can't see what he is thinking now? Or didn’t think about anything at all...

   But the pink wings that are more than half the size of his body, although there is only one pair behind him, and now look like two people are enough to shock everyone present to the silence...


"This When will my mother liberate me and transfer to her body, the absolutely extraordinary magic of sealing? Is it possible~ Where was the danger and was forced to temporarily lift it? But now We simply..."

"Eh~ Eh! Be careful of love! My sister also felt that your magic suddenly broke out in a more unknown place! It is a pity that we have no way to interfere with the situation there, it seems that we can only let Mother Kirito is asking for her own blessing!"


At the same time when Kirito suddenly turned into this beautiful appearance that almost resembles the beloved goddess, but a little less beautiful, the Yui goddess, who was still playing with each other in the original world, suddenly looked back at an intentionality. Direction, feeling uneasy as if squeezing each other's hands together like this, and praying for Kirito's abnormal situation...

   (This magic power...obviously is what the beloved goddess should have, and the image is almost indistinguishable from the deity, but it looks like a lot, but why does it burst out by itself at this time?)

  ‘Guru~Guru, Gada~Gada, Om~Om~Om’

   To be honest, this was also the most unexpected situation for Yun. He did not expect that Kirito would be forced to liberate this particularly troublesome magical situation under this situation.

Not only that because of the existence of Kirito, all the undead, including the priests behind Yun, were also moved a lot. They all subconsciously operated their own magic power. After all, even if the existence in front of them is not a female-level existence, it has already been enough. He was vigilant and even entered a state of complete preparation!

(This magical power is not an extraordinary product. Although she is still a human woman, it is obviously an extra product given to her by others, and the appearance of this concrete appearance, as if it is like the "dependence" in the ancient inheritance magic ceremony. Is she an evangelist or witch under the protection of a certain goddess?)

   "This lord, please raise your hands high! I really don't know what advice you have when you visit the humble house? Is it possible to come to destroy our undead?"


   sensed the existence of such a powerful magical power, and had to let the priest begin to correspond to the knowledge base he had learned throughout his life in his mind, constantly matching with the actual closest knowledge.

   In the end, some of the most reasonable explanations are tried to interpret the current situation, that is, this kind of existence is a kind of belief-like existence, so that it should be so big and it can be called a miraculous phenomenon.

   also made the priest retreat a little and floated to Kirito's direction by himself like a three-pointer, asking him as if he lowered his worth.

After all, this situation is like Kirito's concrete appearance. The goal is not particularly clear. Of course, except that the three monsters that attacked him were the inducement at the beginning, so he was the first reaction and wiped it out with his fingers. outside,

   After observing it for a long time, I noticed that Kirito seemed to have lost his goal and reason, and he did not attack anyone around him again.

   That's why he felt that he had other priests, so he was willing to let go of his arrogance at the beginning and tried to test him like a courteous and then a soldier...



   But it's a pity that the current Kirito is just so cute, blinking with the beautiful pink peach heart pattern on his eyelids, and constantly observing all the existence and environment around him.

   But he slightly tilted his head as if thinking, squinting his eyes in contemplation, but in the end he stopped his gaze in the direction of the cloud.

   (Hmm~hmm? Is Kirito-chan's target me? But...why? Didn't you say that the conspiracy of priests and the undead should be eliminated first? What is Kirito-chan thinking about right now?)

   "Goo~ Lu"

   "Um...this beauty, can you not stare at me up and down! I'm scared when you look at it like this!"

   To tell the truth, my heart is full of doubts and even bottomless clouds. Being so dumb and cute by Kirito, I stare a little and feel a little hairy...

   After all, it’s hard to predict what Kirito looks like now, what he is going to do with himself, so Yun didn’t subconsciously stepped back slowly and consciously without much demonstrating.

   Obviously, I am a little afraid of the current Kirito, afraid that he will do something unbelievable or even terrifying. That will really become very difficult to end...

(Is the one who cares most about Yuanxiang after watching for a long time? It's really unclear...Is it possible that you want to dig Yuanxiang as a part of yourself, or good believers? It is true~ Yuanxiang seems to have always been rich in it. There are many secrets, as well as the brilliance and attractiveness, I’m afraid it’s a little too strange to not choose him...)

"If it's for Yuanxiang! Then I'm afraid we can't get together! He is the reserve army among our undead who accomplish more prosperous I won't let you take away such good talents obediently. Yeah! Goddess's lackey!"

  ‘Om~Om~Om, 咚~哐, 咣~oo’

But just after the priest fully confirmed that the goddessized Kirito's target was the cloud he cared most, he felt as if his complexion changed immediately and was directly running his powerful purple magic power, facing Kirito's direction with lightning speed. The momentum of the ear threw out an energy group with terrible magic concentration.

   But halfway through the flight, Kirito, who was still dumbfounded, gently lifted his jade hand and was swallowed by a burst of fuchsia magic power, completely disappearing into the air.

   ‘pop, hoo, hoo, hoo’

Not only that, Kirito's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, as if he was very upset by the priest's rude behavior to stop him, and he began to suddenly flap his pink wings that had been shed from the activity, and rushed to the priest and the cloud in the middle.

   (So fast! It's not a normal speed at all! xN)

   "Protect Lord Priest and Lord Yuanxiang! Don't let this goddessized existence hurt them!"

   "Oh oh~ oh oh/Gada~Gada xN"

And just after seeing the priest and the cloud being close, the entire undead generals and personnel in the audience suddenly condensed all kinds of their own magic characteristics as if they were out of the nest, as if they had fallen into a circle of encirclement. The half goddess turned Kirito and attacked fiercely...

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