Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (120) 6 Pros Don’t Acknowledge

When Yun returned to the ground, he coughed a few times, then shook his head and gradually became sober, he saw Kirito with scarlet eyes full of fierce light, and I didn’t know when he was holding his black double swords in his hands, and he was ready to be the first tomorrow The appearance of Chennai and Yinxue.

   asked him to ignore the etiquette and the distinction between men and women, and he put the two girls in his arms directly, and then suddenly evacuated back with a'Shadowless Step'.

   of course, when he just left the position less than tens of centimeters, after the cross-cutting accompanied by the pink magic sword skill halo wrapped on the two swords of Kirito.

A burst of volleys and a series of explosions scattered magical cherry blossom petal effect sword skills, directly blasting Asuna and the others in a big hole, and the scope of the blasting was extremely controlled, as if it did not spread to the cloud, it was so special. It feels weird...

   (The one just now is murderous! What does Kirito-chan/His Royal Highness Kirito want to do? Do you really want to kill Asuna-chan/us? x3)

   "Did you really turn your face and deny you? x3"

   And in such a terrible moment of offensive, Yun and the others understood for a while the current situation of Kirito~ It was really terrifying, and even directly wanted to kill his wife like six relatives who did not recognize it like crazy behavior...

  【Yun~Yun/Master Yun...Kirito sauce/His Royal Highness did want...x2]

   [Hmm~hmm! Compared to this, you may be wronged a bit! I will let the Shadow Warriors take you to hide first! I'm afraid it will be difficult to end this time...]

   [Yes... Facing the current Highness Kirito, we can only avoid it and avoid it! 】


  ‘Da~Da~Da, hum~hum~hum’

When Asuna was frustrated by this matter, the cloud of grief in their hearts was clear, so as to persuade them to temporarily evade their edge, and quickly separated the multiple shadow warriors in the escape route, keeping everyone in the hands. There are cases of people mixed with real and fake people, and they fled in all directions by means of dispersion.


   (Well, you scumbag, you dare to protect two coquettish vixens in front of this lady!!!! What a courage! It seems that you have to take a good lesson!)

   "Yun~Yun!!! Where are you going! It's best not to be caught by this lady! Otherwise I will!!!


   and knowing that this trick of his own was broken in time by the person he loved, and even ran away with Asuna and the others called the ‘small three, small four’.

   Kirito, who calls himself Kiriya Kazuko, may be the most jealous, monopolistic, anger and other little girls in today's emotional state.

After subconsciously using magic and naked eyes to watch the scattered clouds and the shadow warriors, he immediately seemed to lock one of the groups, and then quickly flapped the wings of the scattered feathers, flying towards it without a trace of hesitation. It can be said to be as menacing as the tide.

(But it’s also a little weird! Why did Yuanxiang automatically protect the two girls? Could it be that they were so weak that they felt compassion? Or ~ they really knew each other? It seems that the mystery is not complete. Unlocking has increased a lot!)

   The priest, who has also been following Kirito, was at a loss when he saw Yun trying his best to protect two of them who should have never met before, and when they met Asuna and Pingshui, he was puzzled...

Even if it has a strong sense of suspicion, there is no shortage of wanting to believe that Yun is a tendency to treat him sincerely. Naturally, he can only turn around and become a bystander to see what kind of incident happened between them. Confirm whether they are related at all.

   Of course, if Yun really suffers a life crisis, it will still take the initiative to contain Kirito's actions again.

(Hmm~hmm? This magical power! Kirito-chan came towards me with such a straight face? But it’s also good that she won’t make it for a while, and it's going to hurt Asuna-chan's life potential Yes! Let me wake you up first!)


  ‘Om~Om~Om, Da~Da~Da’

And feeling that Kirito is now ignoring the bait and Asuna and others, Yun also slightly had his own idea, so he stepped on his own'shadow step' in mid-air, and came up with a 180° backflip smoothly. He charged back as if not retreating in Kirito's direction.

   (O~O? Don’t you want to run away? It’s really good to settle the account just now!)

   "Woo~ woo! You are a big carrot cloud!!!"

  ‘Hu~hu~hu, slap~slap~slap’


  ‘喤~喤~喤, 嘭哐~咚哐’

   Also seeing Yun now suddenly turning and rushing in mid-air with his own footwork, Kirito, who felt uninvited, showed a smirk like a little devil.

Then, while maintaining the flying state, he moved his jade hand, severely scraping a few big ears on his cheeks, and then smashed the past, and for a while, he really fanned the unreacted cloud. has no idea what he wants to do.

   even after being chopped 720 laps clockwise backwards by the multiple serial slap fans, he smashed into the ground like a dizzy, forming a big hole about a few meters deep...

(Ha ah~ ah? It's just to shave a few big ears for Yuanxiang? What kind of weird operation is this? Didn't you just want to kill the two human girls who came together? What kind of sing is this again? ?)


Suddenly he confused the priest who was following him behind him, and even the mandible that was very skinny and even fell on his hand, he didn't understand what Kirito was doing, and he was stunned in midair. I haven't recovered from the delay...

"Huh~huh! Know that this lady is amazing! It's enough to have me in your heart, so you don't want to hook up with women who are inconsistent but look pretty! Or else I'll do it next time Dismember them one by one in front of you! See if you love their face? Or which part of their body!"

"No~no! How easy it is to end it is too cheap, or else! If you still commit the crime again~ I will have to click you and stay with me as a specimen forever! Ku~ku~ku! Just thinking about it makes people want to stop! I really want to see the beauty of the cloud becoming eternally immortal! I think it must be great! Ha ah~ ah!!!"

   And this is not over yet, I saw that Kirito was still blinking on the beautiful little peach heart-patterned jeweled eyelid, warning the cloud in the big hole below...

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