Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (129) from Leo’s protector

   [Fortunately sauce! Cooperate with my attack! Let's just end this careless lion in Jingzhou! 】

【no problem! 】

   "'Suzaku Sky Flying-Free Dance"/'Devil Dragon Arrow', go!!! x2"

  ‘Hum~hum~hum, boom~ boom, boom~ boom~ boom’

   "giaa~aaa/ woo~ Hey Hey Hey!!! Hey!!! x2"

  ‘Papa~Papa, Hu~Hu~Hu’

   "It's a lie...Why do they appear in this direction! Then the previous difficulty is still an illusion...Ah ah~ ah~ ah ah..."

  ‘啾~啾~啾, 嘭~嘭~嘭, 咚哐~咚哐, 嘭哐~wow, da~da~da’

And just under the offensive of the triple magic sword skill that was almost unexpected, not only gave priority to the lion’s strongest range attack magic attack, but also effectively reduced its magical power content, making it different. The perception, defense, etc. of the aspect rapidly degenerate, and the effect of surprise attack can be achieved.

Let it accompany it directly with a huge magic power to form a vermilion bird, and the dark magic dragon that has been winding and circling, together as if galloping and destroying it into a grain of fine sand, slowly flying away with the wind ...

   (Is it finally solved? It really cost us a lot...)

  ‘嗞~嗞~嗞, 嗵~嗵~嗵, boom~ boom’

   "Hey~ Hey???"

   "Little masters!!! xN"

   But just after this offensive that seemed to be done in one go, it should have been the disappearance of the lion, and then waiting for this inherent enchantment magic that made him nightmare, it should automatically disappear for an instant.

   But everything seems to be a sudden reversal of events, being counted by a very subtle but powerful attack effect of the blue lightning beam, just like this unexpectedly, live through the hearts of Silica and the three of them.

  Although the brains were slightly down, but after hearing Leo's call from the side, the three of them fell from a high altitude to the ground like this in disillusionment.

And just behind them, there appeared a lion who was not harmed at all, grinning and showing a very proud and mocking face, and it was very pleasant to watch the three of them pull out the plural liquid curves and scattered. The drop-shaped thing just spiraled and fell like a beautiful pattern.

   (It turns out that it’s tactics? We are really inexperienced... I'm sorry Brother Yun/Master/Big Brother Yun...and everyone...)

   "Woo~ woo...x3"

  ‘咻~咻~咻, pa~da, hu~hu~hu"

  "Little masters~Little masters! Bina, go to the rescue, Lijie will defend this together with us... um~ um!!!"

  ‘嗞~嗞~嗞, 咚哐~Pata’

Similarly, after seeing such embarrassing scenes in the vision of the three of Silica and the others, they immediately understood that it was Lions who guessed that they would repeat the same tricks, so they released a false victory situation, letting them relax for a while. , A means of sneak attack on it.

   It can be seen that **** is still hot. Sure enough, this lion hasn't lived so many years in vain. Otherwise, how could he perform such a decent performance, and the situation of continuous reversal in the miracle reversal...

   And they caught the three little guys in time at Leo, and when they were ready to stay on the spot for rescue, this huge guy came to Leo at some point.

   "It's too slow, Shigouzi! I want to take prey from me at this level. I really eat the guts of the bear heart and leopard!"


   With the big fist as if an electric tricycle with blue lightning, it directly smashed Leo's entire unguarded mandible position, causing all the summoned beasts and Bina to be confused as a group of dragons without a head...

But it didn't seem to have let down the fragile three Silica, and used the huge beetle to sit down on Leo's legs with the lower body of the huge beetle, and then held its stone hair with one hand. With just one fist and a fist, Leo's head, who had no mandible, was bombarded like a corpse.

Such insensitive treatment, as if it had vented the cause of his many mistakes, in the final analysis, it was because Leo had been acting as a temporary dispatcher in addition to Silica and the others, and the most summoned beast. Because of the huge body and other reasons, it has become an important target of the lion's heavy hand.

   It is possible that this is hated more than Silica and the Lions, and they can issue countless precise commands in critical moments, making it the culprit who missed several opportunities...

  ‘Boom~Boom~Boom, hoo~hoo~hoo’

   "gia~aaa! gia~aaa!!! x2"

   (Great! With me as the target of the attack, it would be enough to save the little lord and the others, so the sacrifice I made is worth the price!)


  ‘咚哐~咚哐, 嘭嚓~wow’

And when this lion was completely tortured by the hatred in front of him, Leo, who had already fragmented his vision, was constantly sensing its magical reaction, and enduring all the anger of the lion, while still torturing Leo like a corpse. I was also distracted to catch the side who was desperately using healing magic to rescue Silica and their little flying dragon. Their reaction suddenly felt that it was too worthwhile, and thanked in my heart for their excellent performance. Otherwise, Silica and the others will now become lion-like spearheads. Their flesh and blood body simply cannot withstand this kind of attack, and they are completely smashed into meat sauce. So this minute, they are really pleased in their heart, even if it is It's not a pity to die now...

  ‘Om~Om~Om, 噌~噌~噌, 咚哐~咚哐’

   "Oh~ Oh! In this case, you still want to kill me! It's really unforgivable!"

  ‘Pah~pah, pah~ahah~ahhhh, pahpah~ahhhh’

   But just this is not enough. If it is not enough time to delay or if they collapse first, Silica and the others will be very dangerous.

   That's why it has kept its mental state all the time, not stopping the broken body with only a few broken parts of the body, continuing to fight for its fate to turn its last magic power, and continue to reluctantly accelerate the recovery of the body.

And the formation of a variety of very powerful earth-based attack magic, barely scratching the lion’s skin, and for the bottom line of the patience of continuously provoking the lion, I just don’t want to simply let him calm his head, and then go to make up the knife. Silica and the others.

   (Cut~Cut! There is no much killing value anymore! It's better to finish earlier!)

   "The final blow! Shi Gouzi!"

  ‘嗞~嗞~嗞, 嘭~哐, 咚~咚~咚, 嗞~嗞"

   But the fact is that it is impossible to be so smooth sailing. It will develop in accordance with Leo's best expectations. It is greeted by a blue thunder and lightning fist that contains the last blow...



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