Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (One Hundred Fifty-Three) Exchange players, and love melee...

Then, based on the previous experience of taking over her moves, she was completely defeated without a single mistake, and the 44 combo claws that made her offensive swift and violent were completely resolved by her tactics as if they were in vain!

(Everything is blocked! And it's still a priority to interrupt my sword skills before every action...)

"Impossible! Come again!!! "Silver Claw Strike", "Dance of Tyrant Wolf"! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

‘Huh~huh, huh~huh, ding-ding~dangdang, 噼噼~papa, huh~唰~唰, dingdong~dangdong’

And Gilly Field, who found it too incredible, saw that the former lord lady on the opposite side was not panting, and even danced like a stick with ease. After looking at her appearance coldly, she made her feel particularly unconvinced, and continued again. I have seen it with one trick, but with another continuous sword skill like recruiting students, he attacked it again!

However, for the former Miss, the former lord, she was not in a hurry, and she repeatedly interrupted her insidious and vicious, 33-stage combination of punches and kicks, which was resolute everywhere to her death.


However, the 45 segments that have not been seen later are more swift and rude, and combine fist and leg kung fu, but the offensive that has surged in complexity and adaptability can not help being hit or even bruised by it. .

(It’s a bit interesting! I didn’t expect to be able to accelerate and increase changes and intensity in this case. It’s no wonder that this girl will suffer a lot!)

‘Om~Om~Om, Guru~ Guru, Gada~ Gada, Hu~hu~hu’

"Although it is a false existence, the strength and resilience are indeed somewhat real. It seems that I underestimate you too much! But ~ just relying on the previous blockade recovery and rapid deterioration of the wound ability, I am afraid You can’t make much money here, so you should take it seriously! Otherwise~ there will be no next time!"

And under these two good magical blessings of sword skills, although it was a result of a win and a tie, overall the advantage was still on the side of the original lady lord.

After all, the super-rapid regeneration healing effect of the magical power, as well as the good psychological quality, and the melee skill of the rod technique, it is completely impossible to see that she is good at magic.

It is possible that compared to many avant-garde fighters, they pay more attention to the results of close combat. That's why the magic power is used as a passive quick recovery method, and he himself participates in hand-to-hand combat.

He even danced the four-meter long stick, pointed the tip of the stick in the direction of Gilly Fed's nose, as if provocatively provoking him to speak confidently.

That arrogant appearance, as if he would never get close to the battle and suffer a big loss at all, constantly stimulating the opponent's fighting will, typically like a militant, full of generals...

(Is there such a real thing? It is indeed a bit arrogant and deceiving too much... But ~ she really has this arrogant capital, the long stick is obviously a substitute for the inferior existence, its length and weight, and just from the double Look at the feedback from Claw...)

(She should be a good player who likes to use heavy rod weapons, and her temperament, skills, and the use of magical powers. Compared with the slightly good knives just now, she loves to play sneak attacks. Is it true strength now? Or is this another soul character existence?)

"Cut~Cut, then you just wait! I won't be with you! Let's go!"

‘Huh~huh~huh, huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

"Cough cough ~ cough ~ ~ ah ...... ah whispering whispering sound ...... This is irritating plant powder and sand! ~ I did not expect such a hateful bully-boy tactics also used so poised, but also see something in homeopathy escaped! True It's a headache~ and it's a counterfeit that can't be taken lightly!"

And just in these three magical sword skill attacks, he suffered a lot, and he slowly noticed some of the tricks that came from the original lady lord.

This Gilly Field was actually a bluff and wanted to fight again, but took advantage of the situation to concretize a small bag of things and threw it in the direction of the original lord lady.

Also because of the frequent combat experience, Miss the original lord would directly split it with a long stick without thinking about it. Unexpectedly, a large pungent odor powder formed a smoke bomb that completely blocked the view. After sneezing a few times, he realized that the other party had already taken the opportunity to escape, so that he was really helpless and started looking for her trail...

(Isn't there... or maybe there is something like the concealment ability of the magical effect of "flavor orchid" in the memory of this physical girl? It seems that we must take precautions!)


‘Om~Om~Om, Da~Da~Da’

Unfortunately, her breath, magic power and even smell seemed to disappear out of thin air, making people unable to grasp her traces at once.

Suddenly, the former lady lord had to be very cautious, exerting a lot of defensive magic on her body, and even began to be alert to her surroundings, and greatly increased the sensitivity of'danger perception'.

"Huh~hu~hu, huh~huh"

Tranquility, yet another unprecedented sense of excessive quietness, was full of this dimly lit dense forest, and it was even unclear whether this Gilly Field was fleeing or lurking around.

After all, it was the former lady lord herself who broke the silence last time, although it was Libia Winglaus who had signed a contract with her body now.

But she also has some relevant knowledge, and she is actually not good at concealed assassination and she doesn’t really like this kind of secretive tricks like hiding, so on the other hand, she is still caught in a little bit. Passive...

(Tsk~tsk~tsk...This is a bit interesting! I just ran into the situation that I hate the most, and the original owner of this body has actually cultivated this crooked dirty hand system. It is really what you hate the more Destiny will give you something...)

(However, this Gilly Field seems to be a way of inheriting many things from the original owner, but lacks many key abilities! That's why it is very cautious after encountering the strong, and also mentions the black hand behind the scenes.



That's why I was slightly confused and continued to move my steps slowly. After all, if Gilly Field was still staring at her, he would naturally keep a certain distance and follow her slowly...

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