Grotto-Heaven For All: I Created The Supreme Immortal Domain

Chapter 101 Establishing The Demon-Slaying Legion

Chapter 101 Establishing the Demon-Slaying Legion

Then, Fang Yu asked the seven Dianwei people some questions.

He learned from Dian Wei's seven people that the Demon-Slaying Formation has a powerful suppressive effect on all evil things.

Fang Yu is very satisfied with this.

It is indeed a Mythical quality battle tower.

He firmly believes that as long as the Demon Killer Dao soldiers grow up, they will definitely become the nightmare of all the evil creatures in the Myriad Worlds.

I wonder what [Magic Soldier Tower] will become after adding some dark blue points?

Thinking of this, Fang Yu felt the urge to bind the magic weapon tower.

But as soon as this idea appeared, he gave it up.

Not to mention that the quota for the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure in the Third Grade Grotto-Heaven has been used up.

Even if there are still some left, he doesn't plan to bind the magic weapon tower yet.

As he said before, he couldn't do the kind of thing where humans who were loyal to him would change jobs and become bloodthirsty monsters just for the sake of strength.

He also didn't ask Dian and Wei to write "The Book of Demon Killing".

Because they currently only have the Third Layer content before "The Book of Heavens".

The former Third Layer did not help him much, and even if it was integrated into the "Hongmeng Ten Thousand Dao Sutra", it could not be upgraded.

Half an hour later.

All the more than 800 soldiers in Tianyang Holy Pond have been transformed.

After hundreds of successfully transferred soldiers landed ashore, they immediately knelt down on one knee and saluted Fang Yu:

"My lord is so kind to me, I will never forget it and we will swear to be loyal to my lord to the death!"

Zhao Yun and others, as well as the waiting soldiers, also echoed in unison: "Swear allegiance to the Lord to the death!"

The voices of thousands of people gathered together and echoed in the empty [Zhu Demon Dao Soldier Tower], lingering for a long time.

Fang Yu waved his hand: "No need to be polite!"

He glanced at the more than 800 soldiers who had successfully transferred to other positions, and nodded with satisfaction.

The cultivation of these more than 800 people has undergone earth-shaking changes, just like the seven Dian and Wei people.

Then he looked at Zhao Yun and said, "Zilong, continue!"

Zhao Yun cupped his fists and said, "Here!"

Then he asked a thousand people from the second team to take off their clothes and jump into the Tianyang Holy Pond.



Thousands of soldiers jumped into the Tianyang Holy Pond one after another like dumplings, and water splashed everywhere.

Unfortunately, more than a hundred people fainted after barely holding on for a few minutes.

If they fail to persevere, it means they have failed in their job transfer.

Fang Yu immediately moved them to the shore.

The first batch of defeated soldiers also woke up.

After they knew that they had failed, they all looked depressed, as if they were mourning for their heirs.

The soldiers who had not transferred yet felt the terrifying aura emanating from the more than 800 comrades who had successfully transferred, and their faces showed anticipation and apprehension.

They could feel that these comrades who had successfully changed jobs had received astonishing benefits, and they all looked forward to entering the Tianyang Holy Pond for transformation.

What is uneasy is that they worry that they will become part of the army of failures.

After all, more than a hundred comrades failed both times, which means it is not 100% successful.

for the rest of the time.

Fang Yu, Dian Wei and others stood by the Tianyang Holy Pool waiting for the soldiers to transfer.

Every half-way through the novel, a wave of soldier transformation ends.


Like the first and second waves, in each wave there were some soldiers who failed to successfully transfer to become Demon-killing Dao soldiers.

Those who had successfully changed jobs had excitement on their faces.

Those who failed to change jobs looked depressed.

over time.

Time passes bit by bit.

In the blink of an eye, three hours passed.

All the soldiers present, including Zhao Yun and other generals, totaling more than 5,900 people, had all entered the Tianyang Holy Pond and been transformed.

But what a pity!

Out of more than 5,900 people, including generals such as Zhao Yun, only 5,000 were successfully transferred to Demon-Slaying Dao soldiers.

There were more than 900 people who failed to hold on in the Tianyang Holy Pond, which meant that they did not become Demon Killing Dao soldiers.

Fang Yu told Zhao Yun and walked out of the Demon Killing Tower with his hands behind his back.

Kill Demon to the open space in front of the soldier tower.

Fang Yu looked at the dark crowd in front of him and said calmly: "Those who have not successfully transferred, please go out and line up on the right!"

As soon as Fang Yu finished speaking, many people with frustrated faces walked out of the crowd and lined up in the open space on the right!

Soon there was a queue of nine people!

Fang Yu glanced at these failed people and found that all of them looked depressed and downcast, and he immediately said:

"Don't be discouraged. The Demon-killing Dao soldiers are just one of the soldiers formed by me!"

"You didn't transfer to Demon-Slaying Dao soldiers this time. Maybe your physique is not suitable to become Demon-Slaying Dao soldiers!"

"In the future, I will create some warrior legions that are not weaker than the 'Demon Killing Soldiers', and then I will give you the opportunity to try to change jobs!"

"In my eyes, you are the strongest warriors!"

"I don't want you to lose your fighting spirit from now on!"

"I believe that you will all have the opportunity to become soldiers in the future!"

Fang Yu's voice was very soft, but in everyone's ears it was like a thunderous explosion, deafening!

Hear Fang Yu’s words.

The bodies of the more than 900 people all trembled, as if they were injected with chicken blood. The disappointment in their eyes dissipated instantly, and their fighting spirit was high!

Yes, just because they didn't become Demon-Slaying Soldiers this time doesn't mean they won't have the chance to become other types of soldiers in the future!

"Pledge to be loyal to the Lord to the death!"

Dian Wei, who was standing in front of another phalanx, suddenly shouted loudly.

"Pledge to be loyal to the Lord to the death!"

"Pledge to be loyal to the Lord to the death!"

Everyone shouted in unison, their voices were uniform, and the sound shook the sky.

The more than 900 lost soldiers also shouted with this voice, and were full of fighting spirit again.

Fang Yu smiled slightly when he saw more than 900 lost soldiers regaining their fighting spirit.

In fact, he knew it very well.

These nine hundred people failed, even if they were allowed to try to change jobs and become other types of soldiers.

It is estimated that not many people can succeed.

Because the army of warriors he wants to build in the future will never be weaker than the Demon Dao soldiers.

They didn't succeed in changing jobs just now because their will was not strong enough.

Those who are not strong-willed enough can even try to change their profession into other types of soldiers.

If nothing else, the results are the same.

The words he just said were just to comfort them.

Thinking of this, Fang Yu looked at a handsome young man in the Demon Dao soldiers' queue, "Huang Xu comes out!"

Upon hearing this, Huang Xu walked to the front of the crowd and saluted Fang Yu respectfully: "Lord!"

Fang Yu smiled and said: "Huang Xu, I have now established a Seoul Garrison Corps and appointed you as the commander of the Seoul Garrison Corps. As for the appointment of generals under your command, you will be fully responsible for commanding these officers who failed to transfer. , form a [Seoul Guard Corps] to maintain order in Seoul!"

Huang Xu looked hesitant when he heard this.

Seeing the hesitation on Huang Xu's face, Fang Yu asked, "Huang Xu, do you have any questions?"

Huang Xu said very firmly: "I am reporting to my lord, Xu wants to follow my lord on the battlefield to kill the enemy, instead of staying behind and guarding the enemy!"

Fang Yu said seriously: "Huang Xu, the rear is also very important. Only when the rear is stable can we fight with peace of mind. I see that you are young and promising, so I entrust you with such an important task, so don't let me down. Take the order!"

Huang Xu was too young, so he planned to let him practice for a while before letting him go on the battlefield.

When Huang Xu heard this, he felt helpless, but he did not disobey Fang Yu's order and accepted it respectfully: "Here!"

Fang Yu waved his hand to Huang Xu, "You can take people back to Seoul first. City Lord Guo Jia will arrange what you do!"

Huang Xu bowed his hand to Fang Yu and left with more than 900 losers.

After Huang Xu led the people away, Fang Yu's eyes fell on the 4999 Demon execution soldiers.

Fang Yu can clearly perceive it.

There is a mysterious connection between the auras on their bodies, as if these 4,999 people are one person.

Fang Yu knew that this was the most special thing about Zhan Bing.

The breath is connected.

And he also knew that as long as they formed the [Devil-Slaying Formation].

In a short period of time, everyone's strength will be superimposed on one person.

The strength exerted is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

This is the horror of the military formation.

Fang Yu heard that a hundred soldiers from the Body Tempering Realm formed a military formation and could kill the Qi Gathering Realm.

Thousands of Body Tempering Realm soldiers can kill the Qi Condensation Realm.

However, battle formations are very rare.

Great Xia Dynasty only has one epic-quality combat tower in addition to its Mythical-quality combat tower.

The soldier tower is in the hands of Mr. Li Xing.

It is said that Mr. Li Xing has a military regiment of 500 soldiers.

And that warrior legion is not composed of the indigenous people in the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm, but the Predators of the Great Xia Dynasty who voluntarily transferred their profession!

Not to mention that other people don't have epic-quality warrior towers. Even if they do, I'm afraid they won't be willing to spend resources to cultivate strangers.

Because in their thinking, with so many resources to build soldiers, they might as well train their own people.

In the eyes of most Grotto-Heaven lords, those in the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm are "aliens", and some Grotto-Heaven lords even regard them as NPCs in the game.

Everyone has selfish motives. If you don’t train your own people if you have the resources to cultivate, how can you train NPCs?

Of course, unless the soldiers they train are all transferred from one of their own people.

Shaking away the thoughts in his mind, Fang Yu said calmly: "First of all, I would like to congratulate you all on becoming a powerful Demon-killing Dao soldier!"

"But becoming a Demon-killing Dao soldier means that you will have to go to the battlefield to fight alien races in the future, and you may even die at any time!"

At this point, Fang Yu's voice suddenly rose: "Now please answer me loudly, are you afraid? Do you dare to fight against aliens?"

As soon as Fang Yu finished speaking, everyone answered loudly.

"Don't be afraid!"


Everyone's faces turned red and they answered loudly, almost shouting.

Seeing this, Fang Yu nodded with satisfaction, raised his hand and pressed down.

Suddenly, everyone stopped and waited for Fang Yu's order.

Fang Yu said loudly: "Very good! I will set up a [Devil-Slaying Legion] now. First of all, I would like to congratulate you. You can all become a member of the [Devil-Slaying Legion]!"

First update!

Thanks to [Cup-Ed] for the huge 100 book coins and monthly pass.

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Thanks to book friend [blacknowboy] for your monthly ticket.

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(End of chapter)

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