Chapter 60 What did you eat?

As soon as Fang Yu appeared in the outside world, he saw Tang Xiyue and Ji Mengfei chatting beside him.

Seeing that the relationship between the two women seemed to be very harmonious, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Xiao Yu'er, you're out!"

Tang Xiyue, who was chatting with Ji Mengfei, saw Fang Yu suddenly appear and said with a smile: "I will now report to you the spoils we harvested this time!"

"This time we obtained a total of 128,000 Grotto-Heaven Divine Stones and 120 one-star Grotto-Heaven Divine Seeds."

"Three sets of Fourth Grade exercises, three sets of Third Grade exercises, five sets of Second Grade exercises, twenty-six pieces of Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure, and twenty-four weapons, one of which is the Low Grade Treasure Weapon. It’s the Supreme Grade Mortal Weapon, the rest are Middle Grade Mortal Weapon, and there are some artifact refining materials.”

"I have just discussed it with Sister Mengfei. We will each copy a copy of the technique. The Low Grade Treasure Weapon sword will be given to you, and the Supreme Grade Mortal Weapon will be given to her. We will share the other things equally."

Seeing Tang Xiyue calling "Sister Mengfei" so naturally, Fang Yu glanced at Tang Xiyue and Ji Mengfei and asked with a smile: "When did you two become good sisters?"

Tang Xiyue glanced at Fang Yu, "This is a secret between us girls, please stop asking!"

The beautiful eyes of Ji Mengfei beside Tang Xiyue also looked at Fang Yu and said helpfully: "Sister Xiyue is right, brother Fang Yu, what are the secrets between our girls? Why do you, a grown man, ask about these?"

Fang Yu's mouth twitched when he saw the two women who were fighting back and forth, but now they were as good as wearing the same pair of pants.

Haha, woman!

He immediately changed the subject: "Xiyue, have the spoils been distributed?"

Tang Xiyue nodded with a smile, and immediately handed the sword in his hand to Fang Yu, "It has been assigned. The sword that exploded from Wang Teng's body is a Low Grade Treasure Weapon."

Fang Yu took the sword from Tang Xiyue's hand, took the sword out of the golden scabbard, held it in his hand, and looked at it carefully.

The sword in his hand is three fingers wide and one meter long.

The sword body is like the bright moon, as white as jade, shining brightly under the sunlight!

The blade of the sword is like autumn water, with a cold light.

The golden dragon pattern is engraved on the hilt of the sword, which is lifelike. When you hold it in your hand, you can feel the faint murderous aura it exudes.

Fang Yu pulled off a piece of hair, brought it close to the sword blade, and blew lightly. The hair broke into two pieces as soon as it touched the sword blade.

Fang Yu's eyes lit up and he praised: "What a sword!"

Tang Xiyue said with a smile: "Of course, the sword in your hand is a Low Grade Treasure Weapon!"

After a pause, he continued: "Xiao Yu'er, in our Great Xia Dynasty, there are not many weapons that reach the Treasure Weapon level. Our entire Great Xia Dynasty, that is, Her Majesty the Queen, owns a Low Grade Spirit Weapon' Great Xia Dragon Bird 'It's just a sword!"

"You are probably going to use this Low Grade Treasure Weapon sword for a long time, so why don't you give it a name now!"

After hearing Tang Xiyue's words, Fang Yu's eyes fell on the sword in his hand again.

Whether a weapon is powerful depends on its quality first, and its level second.

The weapon is different from the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure.

The quality of weapons from low to high is: Mortal Weapon, Treasure Weapon, Spirit Weapon.

Weapon grades are divided into four levels: Low Grade, Middle Grade, High Grade, Supreme Grade; Low Grade is the worst, and Supreme Grade is the best!

The higher the quality, the more powerful the weapon will naturally be.

But high-quality weapons have certain restrictions and requirements.

It doesn't mean that a person with no cultivation can immediately become a superman with his underwear on backwards with a high-quality weapon, flying in the air every second.

For example, the Spirit Weapon [Great Xialongque] that Tang Xiyue just talked about, if an ordinary person uses it once, it will drain his life, or even not use it at all.

Because weapons that reach the Spirit Weapon level already have spirituality and automatically choose their master, those who are not recognized cannot use it at all!

Take the Mortal Weapon-level armor as an example. Ordinary people cannot use it either.

For example, how can ordinary people wear a armor that weighs several thousand kilograms if they are not strong enough?

Even if you forcefully stuff yourself into the armor, you won't even be able to walk, let alone wear the armor to defend against the enemy!

Fang Yu looked up at Tang Xiyue, smiled and said, "Xiyue, come and get it."

Tang Xiyue's beautiful eyes rolled around and she pondered for a moment, "Then let's call it 'Yuxi Sword'."

Fang Yu smiled and nodded, "Okay!"

He naturally knew that "Yuxi" was the abbreviation of both of their names.

After being forcibly fed dog food, Ji Mengfei twitched her lips and rolled her eyes at Fang Yu and Tang Xiyue, "Hey, hey, hey! I say that's enough for you two. If you want to show off your affection, go ahead and show it off."

Tang Xiyue's pretty face turned red, she looked at Ji Mengfei and said with a smile: "Sister Mengfei, if you are envious, you can also find one!"

Fang Yu agreed: "Meng Fei, Xi Yue is right!"

Looking at Fang Yu and Fang Yu singing together, Ji Mengfei's lips twitched.

"Brother Fang Yu, sister Xiyue, now that Wang Teng's matter has been resolved and other forces don't know about Spirit Vein, I'm going to go treasure hunting. We'll see you later!"

Ji Mengfei looked at the affectionate couple Fang Yu and immediately said goodbye.

She is a beautiful single dog, but she doesn’t want to stay here to watch Fang Yu and Tang Xiyue show affection and eat dog food!

"See you later!"

Fang Yu and Tang Xiyue looked at Ji Mengfei and said in unison.

Seeing the two people who had such a tacit understanding, Ji Mengfei was once again taken aback.

She nodded to Fang Yu and the two, turned around and walked towards the helicopter not far away. The small golden bell on her anklet made a melodious and charming sound as she moved.

"What a leprechaun!"

Looking at Ji Mengfei's graceful back, Fang Yu thought to himself.

"Xiao Yu'er, isn't Sister Mengfei beautiful?"

At this moment, a voice sounded in his ear.


Fang Yu answered subconsciously, reacted instantly, and said quickly: "No!"

Turning to look at Tang Xiyue next to him, he saw her looking at him with a faint smile, her red lips raised high, and deep flames in her eyes!

"Okay! Xiao Yu'er, you forgot your promise to me so quickly. Not only did you look at other women in front of me, but you also praised her beauty. I... ugh!"

Before Tang Xiyue finished speaking, Fang Yu blocked her red lips.

Father Fang’s Quotes: If your lover makes trouble unreasonably, shut her mouth with your mouth!

Ten minutes later.

Fang Yu looked at the girl in his arms, with charming eyes and a flushed face, and said softly: "Xiyue, you will always be the most beautiful in my heart, unique and no one can replace you!"

Tang Xiyue raised the corner of her mouth and snorted: "Humph! You are so glib, who knows if you are lying to me?"

Although he said this, he was very happy in his heart.

No woman doesn't like to hear sweet words from her lover, even she is no exception.

Fang Yu leaned down and pecked her red lips, "Please release Ying'er and the others, let's go do something big!"

Tang Xiyue nodded and broke away from Fang Yu's arms.

Taking a deep breath, he returned to his usual capable appearance in the blink of an eye, and immediately released Li Ying'er and others.

Li Ying'er looked at Tang Xiyue in disbelief, "Sister,"

Tang Xiyue smiled and said, "What's wrong with me?"

Li Ying'er took a deep breath, glanced up and down Tang Xiyue's body with her big eyes, and exclaimed: "Sister, you are so beautiful now, I almost didn't recognize you!"

Having said this, he hugged her arm and said, "Sister, tell me honestly, what good things have you eaten in the past two days? Why has there been such a big change?"

"I am your most beloved sister. If you have good things, don't keep them to yourself!"

When the others heard Li Ying'er's words, they all looked at Tang Xiyue and were stunned for a moment.

They found that Tang Xiyue was completely different from before.

Tang Xiyue is a few centimeters taller than two days ago, her face is a bit more refined than before, and her skin is as white and tender as jade, and you can even pinch it with water.

She has a curvy figure, and her toes cannot be seen when she lowers her head. There is a hint of charm between her eyebrows, making her more feminine than before.

If Tang Xiyue could score 95 points before, it would be 100 points now.

Xiao Yan seemed to have discovered something and secretly gave Fang Yu a thumbs up.

Three of the girls had meaningful smiles on their faces.

Tang Xiyue blushed, glanced at Fang Yu secretly, and said with a guilty conscience: "I broke through to the Qi Condensation Realm in the past two days, that's why it turned out like this."

Li Ying'er rolled her eyes, "Do you think I'm a fool? Breaking through to the Qi Condensation Realm, can your airport become Mount Everest?"

After Li Ying'er finished speaking, she instantly realized something was wrong. She quickly let go of Tang Xiyue and hid behind Fang Yu, "Brother-in-law, if my sister wants to hit me, you have to help me. I'm your cutest sister-in-law!"

Fang Yu's mouth twitched. He didn't expect that his beautiful and lovely sister-in-law could even say such shocking words.

A few black lines suddenly appeared on Tang Xiyue's forehead. He pointed at Li Ying'er who was hiding behind Fang Yu and gritted his teeth and said: "Li Ying'er, you damn girl, come out here and see if I don't beat you to death!"

"Sister, you have changed. You used to share good things with me, but now you not only refuse to give them to me, but also beat me!"

Li Ying'er, who was hiding behind Fang Yu, stuck out her head and said with disappointment.


Tang Xiyue was so angry that his tooth hurt.

The reason why she has changed so much is all due to him besides taking the things Fang Yu gave her. Can this thing be shared?

Although she was far from Fang Yu's opponent, every "sparring" ended with her begging for mercy.

But if she was asked to share Fang Yu with her cousin, she couldn't do it.

"Xiyue, don't be angry, let's get down to business now!"

Fang Yu coughed and quickly spoke out to help Tang Xiyue out of trouble.

As a person involved, he naturally knew that Tang Xiyue's great changes were all due to him.

If Li Ying'er is allowed to continue talking, even more shocking words may come out.

"Xiao Yu'er, what was the serious matter you just talked about?"

Tang Xiyue glared at Li Yinger who was hiding behind Fang Yu, and asked Fang Yu with a smile.

Li Ying'er curled her lips when she saw her cousin's completely different attitude. She forgot about her sister when she had a man. She really forgot about her when she saw sex!

Third update!

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