Chapter 67 Third Grade Grotto-Heaven

Fang Yu was floating 100 meters above Seoul with his hands behind his hands, overlooking Seoul below.

The breeze is blowing, hair is flying, and clothes are flying.

Looking at the dense crowd of people below, Fang Yu murmured softly: "I received more than 1 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones from Sister Qingqing this time. These many Grotto-Heaven sacred stones are enough for my Grotto-Heaven to be promoted to First Grade."

"As long as I raise the level of Grotto-Heaven to Third Grade, I can raise the level of Seoul to Third Grade!"

"Otherwise, there simply aren't enough houses in Seoul now!"

Second Grade Seoul covers an area of ​​nine square kilometers and can accommodate more than 200,000 people.

But there are not so many houses in Second Grade Seoul, so there are not enough points.

He received more than 200,000 people from the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm this time, half of whom he temporarily arranged outside Seoul.

He did not intend to continue to build a city for the people collected from the Three Kingdoms to live in.

He had already planned that no matter how many people he received from the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm, one person from the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm would only build one city for them.

Get rid of the distracting thoughts in my mind, immediately take out a toilet Spirit Treasure, throw it in the air, and select [Bind].

In the blink of an eye, the palm-sized toilet became many times larger, then fell from the sky and was located in the open space in front of the city lord's mansion.

An antique building fell from the sky.

Such a big movement naturally alarmed the people in Seoul.

But when they saw Fang Yu standing in the sky, they instantly calmed down, and everyone bowed to Fang Yu in the sky.

Seeing all the people who saw him salute him, Fang Yu nodded with satisfaction.

The people of the Three Kingdoms are easily satisfied. As long as he gives them enough food and warm clothes, they will truly support him and respect him!


He withdrew his gaze from the common people and looked at the [Grotto-Heaven] attribute panel.

Don’t hesitate to add dark blue accents to the toilet.

After Dark Blue finished adding points, Fang Yu immediately checked its attribute panel.

[Wugu Samsara Square]

[Type]: Toilet Spirit Treasure.

[Quality]: Epic.

[Grade]: First Grade (0/1000)

[Function]: Excretion.

[Characteristics]: Comfort +100%, practice speed +100%.

[Introduction]: A place where grains reincarnate, filled with the fragrance of grains.


"Not only does this toilet have one less attribute than the first one, but its gain effect has also been reduced by half!"

"From this point of view, the first item of Primordial Tree's strengthening effect on the same type of Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure is the best!"

"But the strengthening effect of Spirit Vein is the same?"

"Is it because the Spirit Vein is not fully included in the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure?!"

After this verification, Fang Yu has reached a conclusion.

That is.

For Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasures of the same type and quality, the first one has the best strengthening effect.

After adding dark blue points, the quality of this toilet is only epic.

Even the color of the exterior is different from the previous one.

This toilet is a two-story, antique nanmu building.

Then, he spent another 10,000 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones to upgrade the toilet to Second Grade.

The Transcendent Level of the Second Grade restrooms has been enlarged ten times, but the floors have not changed.

Fang Yu immediately checked its properties.

[Wugu Samsara Square]

[type ]:……


[Grade]: Second Grade.

[Function]: Excretion.

[Characteristics]: Space (can excrete 10,000 people at the same time), comfort +200%, cultivation speed +200%.

[introduce ]:……

When seeing the same introduction again, Fang Yu felt a little constipated.

This Second Grade toilet is the same as the previous one, with an additional spatial feature.

Fang Yu believes that with this feature, this Second Grade toilet is enough for the people of Seoul as long as they don't "really occupy the latrine and don't poop".

However, some people who are far away from the toilet may defecate directly in their crotch before reaching this precious toilet.

In order to prevent this from happening, at least one such toilet must be built in every residential area. Otherwise, Seoul will probably stink to the sky.

Of course, this kind of thing is impossible to happen, because he had already asked Guo Jia to order the people to build toilets by themselves.

Seeing Guo Jia, Cai Yong, and Xun Chen coming out of the city lord's mansion, Fang Yu landed directly next to them.


When Guo Jia, Cai Yong and Xun Chen saw Fang Yu, they immediately bowed and saluted.

Fang Yu waved his hand, "No need to be polite!"

Looking at Guo Jia, "Fengxiao, has the population been counted?"

Guo Jia reported respectfully, "Lord Qi, the statistics have been calculated. You have received a total of 210,086 people in our world this time, with a total of 23,253 households."

"Zilong and the others followed your instructions and recruited a total of 10,000 young men as soldiers."

After a pause, he continued: "My lord, there are only 1,000 houses in Seoul now, and there are only 1,000 houses in the four cities, which are far from enough for the people to live in."

"If you want to move everyone to Seoul, you need to upgrade Seoul."

Fang Yu smiled and said: "I will upgrade to the world level in a while, and then upgrade to the Seoul level."

Guo Jia looked surprised, "My lord, have you obtained the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone needed for upgrade?"

Fang Yu nodded, "Yeah! This time we traded with other forces to get more than one million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones."

Guo Jia and the others immediately congratulated Fang Yu, "Congratulations, lord!"

Cai Yong pointed to the toilet and asked curiously: "My lord, what is the purpose of that building?"

Fang Yu said with a smile: "That's a toilet, it can accommodate 10,000 people at the same time!"

After a pause, he glanced at Guo Jia and the others, "Fengxiao, Mr. Cai, and Youruo, the three of you should be more careful in the future. Arrange for 10,000 people to enter this toilet every day. The military is given priority. Don't let other people occupy the latrine and not poop!" "

Guo Jia looked a little strange, "My lord, is this toilet a treasure toilet?"

Fang Yu immediately told the nature of the toilet.

After listening to Fang Yu's words, Guo Jia and the others looked a little strange.

Such a powerful treasure toilet, if not controlled.

All the people in Seoul will definitely rush in to practice!

Originally, they were still wondering why the Lord wanted them to control a toilet.

After hearing the Lord's words, their doubts were answered.

"Everyone, don't panic, I will raise the world level now."

A majestic heavenly voice sounded in the ears of everyone in Grotto-Heaven.

The next moment, they discovered that the world was expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the sky was getting higher.

Due to the previous magnificent Tianyin, everyone knew that this was their lord and the Lord of the World was upgrading the world, so no one panicked.

After a while, the Grotto-Heaven upgrade ends.

Fang Yu discovered that the area of ​​Third Grade Grotto-Heaven has expanded ten times.

From the previous three hundred square kilometers, it has become three thousand square kilometers.

Moreover, he also discovered that several more lakes appeared in Grotto-Heaven.

Not only that, two mountains appeared, but there were no flowers, grass or trees.

If you want flowers, plants and trees to grow in Grotto-Heaven, you must sow seeds.

Just like last time, after Grotto-Heaven upgraded, he found that the aura of heaven and earth was diluted again.

"People of Seoul, now I want to upgrade the level of Seoul, don't panic!"

Another magnificent sound echoed in everyone's ears.

The next moment, the people in Seoul discovered that the area of ​​Seoul was rapidly expanding.

Many people find that the people around them are getting further and further away from them even though they are not moving.

There are even many empty houses in residential areas in Seoul.

After a while, Seoul stopped expanding.

Third Grade Seoul expanded ten times to 90 square kilometers.

Except for the City Lord's Mansion, other houses have increased tenfold, with the number of private houses reaching 10,000, and the number of houses in the city also reaching 10,000.

Fang Yu frowned and immediately told Guo Jia the number of all the houses in Seoul.

He originally thought that after spending 100,000 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones to upgrade Seoul to the Third Grade, the houses in Seoul would be enough.

But I found that there was still a few thousand short.

Guo Jia said: "My lord, the current area of ​​Seoul can accommodate everyone, but the houses are not enough. Please make it clear, lord!"

Cai Yong suggested: "My lord, the difference is only more than three thousand anyway, why not let the people build their own houses?"

Fang Yu shook his head: "The houses built by the people themselves cannot reach the level of houses in Seoul."

After pondering for a while, he added: "The newly-developed houses will be given priority to military families. After the military families are filled, families with old, weak, women and children will be arranged."

Fang Yu intends to treat all people equally.

Regardless of that era, the people are very simple. As long as the people in power allow them to eat well and live warmly, they will support you wholeheartedly!


Guo Jia and three others said in unison.

"Go down and make arrangements. Try to make all arrangements today. As for the remaining people, let them live in their own houses outside the city for the time being."

Fang Yu said.


Guo Jia and three others took the order and left.

"Upgrading from Third Grade Grotto-Heaven to Fourth Grade requires 10 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones."

"And we need to bind nine pieces of Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure first, and even upgrade the levels of all the bound Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure to Third Grade."

"My Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure is at least an epic level, and each upgrade requires a huge amount of Grotto-Heaven sacred stones."

"It seems that it will be difficult to upgrade in a short time. I'd better go back to Primordial Dao Palace, upgrade Sacred Spring of Life, and bind other Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure!"

Thinking of this, Fang Yu teleported back to the Primordial Tree.

Third update!

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(End of chapter)

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