Chapter 78 Guardian Medal

The next morning, the morning light tore through the darkness and light enveloped the earth again.

Six o'clock in the morning.

Annan Villa, inside Fang Yu's villa.

In an exquisite room, sunlight rushed in through the windows and soon filled the entire room.

Fang Yu, who was lying on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes, slowly sat up from the bed, and leaned his back on the head of the bed.

He reached out and held the photo frame on the bedside table in front of his eyes.

Looking at the photos in the frame, Fang Yu's eyes were filled with longing.

There are three people in the photo, a middle-aged man and woman wearing blue military uniforms.

The man on the left has curly hair, is tall, handsome and elegant.

The woman on the right is tall and has shoulder-length short hair. She is handsome and very beautiful.

In the middle is a very pink and beautiful little boy wearing a tiger skin hat.

These three people are Fang Yu's parents in this life and himself when he was a child.

Fang Yu stared at the photo of the middle-aged man and woman with happy smiles on their faces, and murmured in a low voice: "Mom and Dad, I am now Qi Condensation Realm Second Layer cultivation level, Qi Condensation Realm is invincible, your son I have grown up, if you know what I am doing, you can rest assured!"

This photo is a family photo taken with his parents when he was two years old.

After a while.

Fang Yu looked away from the photo with some reluctance, gathered his emotions, and put the photo frame into Grotto-Heaven.


He let out a long breath, got up, washed himself briefly, and walked out.

In the early morning after the rain, the air is particularly fresh and the sky is as blue as water.

The morning sun shines brightly, falling like broken gold, bathing people in warmth.

Fang Yu stood in the yard, stretched lazily, and looked up at the rising sun.

I saw a rainbow appearing in the blue sky. The Seventh Layer colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple overlapped one by one and complemented each other.

It is like a golden bridge, lying across the sky, majestic and dazzling.

Although it is midsummer now, it feels like autumn with a hint of coolness after the heavy rain last night.

He looked towards the place where Wang Fei and eight others fell.

The pit had been filled in by Zhao Yun and others last night. After their treatment and the erosion of the heavy rain, it was no different from other places. There was a layer of turbid water on it.

"Brother Fang Yu, morning!"

Suddenly, a charming and enchanting voice came from behind Fang Yu.

Fang Yu turned around and saw Ji Mengfei standing on the second floor balcony, holding her hands on the railing and looking at him.

She is wearing a red cheongsam, with waist-length hair hanging casually on the back of her head. She has a delicate and fair face with melon seeds, and a pair of narrow peach blossom eyes that are always exuding endless charm.

The sun shines on her body, adding a different color to her.

"Meng Fei, morning!"

Fang Yu smiled and said hello.

Ji Mengfei stretched lazily and glanced at Fang Yu charmingly, "Brother Fang Yu, is your sister beautiful?"

Fang Yu replied without hesitation: "Beautiful!"

Aren't you worried about the poor quality of the fabric?

Concubine Ji Meng smiled and said, "Compared with sister Xiyue, who is more beautiful?"

Fang Yu pondered for a moment, "Everyone has his own merits!"

What he said is very true.

If Tang Xiyue is compared to a white lotus, then Ji Mengfei is a coquettish red rose.

Tang Xiyue is an immortal and Concubine Ji Meng is a demon.

Ji Mengfei exudes endless charm with every move she makes, giving rise to the most primitive impulses.

"Gee, brother Fang Yu, don't worry, my sister won't tell sister Xiyue what you just said!"

Ji Mengfei raised the corners of her mouth and joked with a smile.

After saying that, he turned around and walked into the house.

Fang Yu's mouth twitched, making me feel like I was having an affair with you. It was really baffling!

After a while, Ji Mengfei and Liu Yingying left.

Fang Yu drove the silver "Dragon Veyron" maglev sports car that Ji Mengfei gave him yesterday and flew towards Tang Xiyue's home.

After driving for less than ten minutes, a pleasant cell phone ringtone suddenly rang.

Fang Yu drove the sports car with his left hand and took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket with his right hand.

When I saw the caller ID was "Xiao Yan", I answered it immediately.

Fang Yu smiled and said: "Brother Xiao, when did you come out? I am rushing to visit Xiyue's house now. If you have time, go to Xiyue's house and wait for me. I will give you what you need!"

Xiao Yan: "Don't rush things! Brother Fang, have you offended the Qin Family in the imperial capital?"

Fang Yu simply said: "A mad dog from the Qin Family has been well placed around Ji Mengfei. He knows that I have life spirit liquid and wants to forcefully buy my Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure. If I don't sell it, he will deal with me!" "

"Brother Xiao, has Qin Wudao, the dog, made another move?"

Xiao Yan: "Yeah! A dozen residents who lived near your home just now ran to the police station to report that you killed nine people in the middle of the night yesterday, and the bodies were hidden in your Grotto-Heaven!"

"The deputy director of the Qin Family was going to lead people to arrest you, but my father stopped him."

After a pause, Xiao Yan said again: "Brother Fang, I think those neighbors of yours must have been bribed by the Qin Family. It rained heavily last night. Even if you killed someone, they are so far away from your home. They can't be seen through the rain curtain." Can’t see.”

Fang Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Without evidence, the only option is to be subpoenaed.

Once I am interrogated, the Qin Family people will definitely enter my Grotto-Heaven on the pretext of searching for evidence.

It seems that Qin Wudao's real purpose is to come to my Grotto-Heaven.

Fang Yu had many thoughts flashing through his mind.

Fang Yu smiled and said: "Brother Xiao, thank uncle for me!"

Although the Primordial Tree can be hidden, the Primordial Dao Palace, Dragon Vein, and Divine Weapon Forge cannot be hidden.

Once the Xiao family's people are allowed to enter his Grotto-Heaven to search, they will definitely take action against him at any cost after seeing that he has so many good things.

He simply wouldn't let them into his Grotto-Heaven.

So, if Xiao Yan's father hadn't stopped him.

He will definitely have a conflict with the Qin Family.

Once a conflict breaks out between him and the Qin Family, he will be labeled as "assaulting the police" and "absconding in fear of crime."

Xiao Yan said with a smile: "It's just a small matter. Your 'neighbors' said they saw you killing someone last night, but they only went to the police this morning. Anyone with a discerning eye will see that they are framing you!"

After a pause, Xiao Yan changed the subject and said: "Brother Fang, I didn't expect that you not only practiced the "Extreme Profundities Sutra", but also took the initiative to take out the cultivation method and make a deal with Grotto-Heaven. I admire you!"

Fang Yu smiled and said, "There are no eggs left in the nest. I am also a member of Great Xia Dynasty. I can help if I can."

"Besides, the Grotto-Heaven office didn't let me suffer, and our Queen didn't let me suffer either. I was worried that she would sell me for the Qin Family!"

Xiao Yan said very seriously: "No! Your Majesty the Queen will not do that!"

"Didn't she award you a 'Guardian Medal'? With that 'Guardian Medal', in our Great Xia Dynasty, as long as you don't treason, other forces will not dare to openly deal with you, not even the royal family. !”

"With the Medal of Protection, when someone attacks you, you are innocent of murder!"

Fang Yu raised his eyebrows and asked curiously: "Brother Xiao, is the Guardian Medal really that awesome?"

Yesterday, he heard Qin Qingqing say that the Queen awarded him the 'Guardian Medal', but he didn't care.

In his mind, the Guardian Medal was just a medal of honor.

But after hearing Xiao Yan's words, he knew that the [Guardian Medal] was definitely not simple.

Because Xiao Yan said that he had the Medal of Protection, as long as he did not treason, the royal family would not dare to deal with him openly.

And if you’re not guilty of murder, isn’t that just a license to kill?

Xiao Yan: "The Medal of Guardian is the highest medal of honor for our Great Xia Dynasty. Since the founding of the Great Xia Dynasty, only nine people, including you, have received it!"

"Those who own the 'Guardian Medal' can be exempted from the death penalty once. Attacking the owner of the 'Guardian Medal' is also a capital crime!"

"Although the army cannot be mobilized, cadres below the ministerial level are promoted to the rank of official!"

"The Guardian Medal is only awarded to outstanding individuals who have made great contributions to the Great Xia Dynasty and established outstanding meritorious services."

"As far as I know, the ancestors of the five royal families in the imperial capital established the Great Xia Dynasty with Her Majesty the Queen Taizu. In addition to being named a royal family, each of them also received a guardian medal."

"The sixth winner is Senior Military God Li Min!"

"The seventh winner is Academician Chen Weiguo, who developed the strategic weapon 'God-Destroying Cannon'!"

"The eighth place is the first Iron Army general to obtain the Fourth Grade technique and take the initiative to make a deal with Grotto-Heaven!"

"The ninth one is you. You took the initiative to use the "Extreme Profundities Sutra" cultivation method to make a deal with Grotto-Heaven."

""Extreme Profundities Sutra" allows people to practice to the perfection of the Infant Formation Realm, and it also includes three combat skills."

"With your cultivation method, the overall strength of our Great Xia Dynasty soldiers will increase several times after modification, so your contribution is no less than any of them!"

Hearing this, Fang Yu narrowed his eyes slightly. He just handed it in yesterday, and Xiao Yan knew it. It seemed that the Xiao family had someone in the imperial capital.

His affection for the Queen increased again.

Having a guardian medal can exempt you from a death penalty. Isn't it equivalent to having a gold medal to avoid death!

However, he didn't take it too seriously.

After all, the Guardian Medal was given by someone else.

What others can give you can naturally take back.

No matter how precious the guardian medal is, it is nothing more than a foreign object.

In an era where the strong are respected, one should still look at one's own strength.

As long as he is strong enough, no one dares to provoke him!

Take Qin Family for example.

The Qin Family clearly knew that he had killed the Seventh Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer of the Wang Family with one sword, yet they still dared to continue attacking him.

After all, he is still not strong enough now!

If his current strength reached the Infant Formation Realm or even the Soul Formation Realm, he would not believe that the Qin Family had really taken advantage of their ambition and dared to continue to provoke him!

Hearing Xiao Yan say that the Qin Family was planning to use official means to deal with him, Fang Yu felt an unknown fire in his heart.

Does the Qin Family think that Fang Yu really has no temper?

Although he couldn't wait to pick up his sword and kill the Qin Family's base camp in the God's Capital right now.

But in my heart, I was still a little afraid of the [God-Destroying Cannon] in Ji Mengfei’s mouth!

According to Ji Mengfei, the "God-Destroying Cannon" can destroy the entire Riverside City with just a few shots.

You must know that Riverside City is a first-tier city in the Great Xia Dynasty, with a population of more than 8 million.

The area is close to 200,000 square kilometers.

Fang Yu secretly estimated that with his current strength, a full blow could destroy a small city of several square kilometers at most.

It can be seen that even if he now has the combat power of the Core Formation realm, he cannot withstand the [God-Destroying Cannon] bombing.

Of course, it's not easy for the God-Destroying Cannon to blast him, because he won't stand there and be bombarded.

Fang Yu spoke again: "Brother Xiao, if the Qin Family knows that uncle has stopped their people, I'm afraid they will take action against your family. You should be careful!"

Xiao Yan: "Brother Fang, don't worry, the Qin Family can't reach Riverside City yet, and they don't dare to take action against my Xiao family!"

"You should pay more attention to Sister Yue. I don't think the Qin Family can deal with you and will pay attention to Sister Yue."

Fang Yu solemnly said: "Brother Xiao, don't worry, I originally wanted to take her to my side after visiting today!"

Xiao Yan smiled and said: "Brother Fang, since you have thought of it, I am relieved. I will wait for you in front of Sister Yue's house now. We will see you soon!"

"Okay, see you later!"

Fang Yu hung up the phone, took a deep look in the direction of the imperial capital, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Second update!

It’s a new book for a newbie, so please forgive me if there’s anything I didn’t write well!

Thank you to everyone who has been silently supporting Xiao Ling since the beginning of the book. The thirtieth eve is approaching in a few days. Xiao Ling would like to wish you all happiness, health, everything goes well, and harmony in the new year. Extra cash!

I beg you to subscribe, I beg you to recommend, I beg you to read, I beg you to collect!

(End of chapter)

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