Officer Megure, who had been unable to solve two cases in a row, was about to get a fever, but then Kogoro Maori came again.

Officer Megure's palms were sweating: There won't be another case, will there? Maori, the plague god, is still strong.

"Officer Megure, I have something important to tell you, is it convenient for you now?"

What can Officer Megure say? Of course:

"It's convenient, convenient, you talk, I'm listening."

"Ahem, it's like this, this matter is about the missing Honda Yamaki."

Kogoro Maori cleared his throat and said a little mysteriously.

Officer Megure stood up excitedly: "What? Do you know the clues about Honda Yamaki?"

"No, no, I don't know his whereabouts for the time being, but with the clues I will give you next, maybe I can find him. Take a look first."

Kogoro Maori handed the document to Officer Megure, who opened it and saw a few photos inside.

The photo was taken of a computer, with clear white words on a black background:

Assassination of xxx, Chianti has accepted the mission

Mission successful [Photo of the deceased] ×3

Blackmail xxxx, Boss has accepted the mission

Mission successful [Photo of a box full of money] ×3

A few photos revealed the fact that many people were assassinated, and a few unlucky people were blackmailed.

Inspector Megure's forehead bulged:

"Are these all real?"

Mouri Kogoro replied: "You can ask the forensic department to see if the photo is a composite."

"Okay, I see." Inspector Megure planned to send the photos over in a while, and then asked, "What is their relationship with Honda Yamaki? Did he take all these photos?"

"You guessed right, these were indeed taken by him, and the story is like this..." Mouri Kogoro told Inspector Megure the whole process after Honda Yamaki came to him.

"So it is very likely that he disappeared because he was taken away by that company or the person to whom the company provided the program?"

"It is very likely, so I want you to use your connections in the police to check that company. I think there must be something wrong with that company, and it may be in contact with a group of criminals."

Mouri Kogoro's eyes were sharp, and his heart was full of passion to fight crime, but Officer Megure's next words calmed him down:

"I would definitely check it without you telling me, but there are so many companies in the country, big and small, it is very difficult to check. By the way, do you know the name of that company?"

"Let me recall... He didn't seem to tell me!"

"This is difficult." Officer Megure sat down, supporting his head with his right hand, feeling helpless and anxious.


An email was sent, and Officer Megure opened his mobile phone to check:

Honda Yamagi's company location:...

More crime information: [Photo] ×18

Sender: Enthusiastic citizen

Additional message: I am just a good person who loves to help. I accidentally learned that you are troubled by this matter, so I came to help.

"This is..." Officer Megure looked at the photos one after another, and then angrily punched the table:

"Damn it! These damn criminals, what do they think of the law! I must catch them!"

Suddenly, he thought of something and enlarged one of the photos. He saw that the word Cook was so familiar to him. Isn't this the murderer Cook that he has been thinking about and has issued a reward just to get some information about him? Unexpectedly, these two seemingly unrelated cases can be combined for investigation.

Regardless of whether the news is true or not, Officer Megure will lead the team to investigate, because every time a period of time passes, there may be a person who will be killed by those code-named people.

For the safety of the people, he can't delay any longer.

"Officer Megure, what email makes you so angry?"

"I... forget it, let's not talk about it first. I have something to go out now. Do you want to follow me?" Officer Megure stood up and was about to go out. Maori Kogoro nodded and agreed without thinking.

After leaving the office, Officer Megure ordered:

"Sato, Takagi, you two each bring a team of people with me to a place, and notify the armed police to let them be on standby at any time. There is a high possibility of a fierce battle next."

"Yes!" ×2 Sato and Takagi did not ask why, and directly executed the order.

Conan, who was hiding not far from the Metropolitan Police Department: Honda Yamatake is actually related to the Black Organization! !

Fortunately, he installed a bug and a locator on Maori Kogoro, otherwise he would have missed it.

In addition to his excitement about the news of the Black Organization, he also had a strong concern for the police. That is the Black Organization, killing people without blinking an eye, and committing crimes as easy as drinking water.

Conan even couldn't help wanting to use Kudo Shinichi's identity to stop them from investigating.But this is just a thought. Two or more cases need the truth. Inspector Megure and his team will not give up the investigation because of fear of danger.

Then we have to call for help, Edogawa Conan thought, so he called Amuro Toru.

"Hello, what's the matter?"

Listening to the other party's voice, Conan could feel that he was a little tired, but not tense, which meant that the other party was in a safe situation.

"Mr. Amuro, are you free now?" Conan asked for safety reasons.

"I'm at home now, tell me what you want to say."

"It's like this, Officer Megure and his team have obtained some evidence of the Black Organization's crimes, and they seem to know a certain base of the organization, and are now leading a team to deal with it."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for two seconds, and then a voice came:

"Is it about a certain program?"

If it was this, Amuro Toru knew a little bit. Yesterday, Gin's mission failed, and the target named Honda Yamaki disappeared. That night, the organization announced that members were prohibited from using the old program for receiving missions, and then within two hours, a new program was launched, which was much worse than the previous one. In short, it crashed several times in a short period of time...

The topic has gone too far. It doesn't need to be guessed that it was because of Honda Yamaki, who knew a lot of information about the program. If no measures are taken, it is very likely to bring an unpredictable blow to the organization.

Look, less than a day has passed, and the police are going to deal with the organization.

"Mr. Amuro, you really know. Do you know how the organization will deal with the next thing?"

"I will report this to the organization, so they will most likely choose to destroy that company. They will not face the police directly. Don't worry."

Amuro Toru unlocked another mobile phone and typed messages quickly. As a detective, especially a disciple of Maori Kogoro, it is reasonable for him to know the police's action.

"That's good. Thank you for your help." Edogawa Conan was relieved, and then he roughly told Amuro Toru what he heard, hung up the phone, and followed the location on his skateboard.

It was still the hidden location. Not long after Conan left, Kitagawa Apricot appeared there.

He was stuck in the hole made by the priest just now, eavesdropping on Edogawa Conan's phone call. In order to hear clearly what the person on the other end of the phone was talking, he specially took out the powerful radio that the mechanic stuffed into him.

[Dog-headed Detective (Cowboy): Amuro Toru will tell the Black Organization about the police's actions. We don't need to blow up that company.

Prophet (Priest): This is good, some students don't have to take action. By the way, cheerleader, are you sure you want to go undercover?

Crispy hacker (cheerleader): Sure, don't worry, I'll just be a tool man, and this is a great opportunity. As long as I get in, I can easily get more confidential information of the Black Organization.

And we also have Sawada Yu and Honda Yamaga in our organization. When I'm busy, they can also help you check information, especially Sawada Yu, he's a big boss.

Prophet (Priest): Well, we will cooperate with your actions. 】

After listening to what Conan said, Toru Amuro was a little surprised, but thinking about it, it made sense. No wonder Honda Yamaga suddenly chose to rebel when he was doing well. It turned out that he learned about the bad things the organization had done.

Maybe Gin and the others didn't think Honda Yamaga would rebel at first, so they waited for several days before choosing to take action.

At a certain base of the organization, Gin was applying medicine to his wounds when a message from Bourbon popped up. He only glanced at it and saw the content clearly.

The police are about to lead a team to... For now, we don't know where their message came from - Bourbon

Gin guessed that this message was probably leaked to the police by the traitor Honda Yamatake. He knew what the programs he helped design were used for, so he chose to betray and even cooperate with the police.

Very good, Honda Yamatake, be prepared to bear the wrath of the organization. It is better for programmers who work for the organization to be locked in the organization for life in the future. He will not let this happen again.

Gin put on his clothes and said:


Vodka came in. He knew that his brother had been in a bad mood these days, but it seemed that he was not in a good mood at the moment:


"Take more people to the Program Base No. 1 and bring everyone inside to Base No. 7. If you can't take them all, blow up the base and them.

The police will be here soon, so hurry up."

"Yes! Brother."

After Vodka left, Gin opened his email and sent a message to Brandy:

Investigate the whereabouts of Honda Yamatake. ——Gin

Originally, Gin suspected that Honda Yamatake was taken away anonymously, but the police suddenly got the news.This made it difficult for him not to wonder whether Honda had been transferred to the police.

Not letting go of any possible results, this is Gin's usual style.

At the Program No. 1 base, several members of the Fifth Personality had arrived here in advance, and they went to a department with a clear goal.

On the way, every time they encountered a "level", they would let the gardener to dismantle it, so everyone entered the department smoothly.


Several stun shells were thrown out, and the people who were working looked up in confusion, looking at these strangers in confusion.

At first, they all thought that the other party was new, because every door here required identity verification before passing, but the other party threw a "bomb" when they came. Is there something wrong?

Before they could think clearly, they all fainted.

The cheerleader quickly lay down in the toilet, then sniffed the air hard, and fainted soon.

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