Everyone turned their attention to Conan, who pointed at the bloodstain next to a dead person and asked:

"Doesn't this shape look like half a footprint? And the murderer killed two people in a row, and the amount of blood was so large, the blood must have stained the murderer's body. The murderer not only has to deal with the murder weapon, but also has to deal with clothes and shoes. This will be very troublesome, right?"

Officer Yokomizo put his right hand on his chin as if thinking, and said a catchphrase: "Ah, I understand, so this is the case." In fact, what he was thinking in his mind was: Why didn't Detective Maori come? It would be great if he came. I can't figure out this case at all now.

Fortunately, Conan took the opportunity to stun Suzuki Sonoko with a needle, and then turned on the voice changer and said: "Conan is right, and in order not to arouse the suspicion of passers-by outside, the murderer probably hid the bloody things near this toilet."

Officer Yokomizo looked at Suzuki Sonoko who was sitting on the trash can against the wall with gratitude. Although it was a bit weird, he thought it was very handsome.

"Taking off the bloody clothes won't arouse suspicion, because this is the beach, and many men are naked and only wear shorts."

"But shoes are different. Everyone is wearing slippers. If the murderer goes out barefoot, it will definitely attract other people's attention, so the murderer is very likely wearing bloody shoes at the moment."

Officer Yokomizo nodded, but couldn't help asking:

"What if the murderer took the opportunity to change shoes later?"

Conan smiled confidently:

"He won't have time. After killing two victims, the murderer couldn't wait to attack the third person. He just failed and was summoned by the police. He couldn't buy new shoes and deal with the bloody shoes in such a short time."

"So he only We need to check the shoes of the three suspects to find out who the murderer is, am I right? Mr. Murderer. "

Although there were police around him when Mochizuki pointed out that he was the murderer, he didn't care at that time, but now, he knows that the evidence will soon be conclusive. His pupils gradually turned gray, and anger took over again. He rushed to Suzuki Sonoko:

"You damn bitch! As cheap as those two women, I will kill you, kill you!"


Mauri Ran kicked the man to the ground with a spin and side kick. The man quickly got up and was about to attack Hinata Haruka, but Mochizuki would not let him succeed. She took two steps forward and threw him heavily to the ground with a shoulder throw. During this time, she caught the locator that fell out very quickly.

Seemingly realizing that he was not strong enough in force, the man gave up struggling and confessed to the crime.

It turned out that he had the idea of ​​killing people a long time ago. Since his girlfriend cheated on him, he has always been very angry and disgusted with women.

Today, after he went to the toilet, he happened to hear the two women talking about handsome guys. He was so angry that he couldn't help but kill them. He was very strong and fast, so he completed the crime before the two women could react.

After throwing the bloody clothes and knife to the ceiling, he originally planned to go out and buy another set of clothes. He didn't notice the blood under his shoes at that time.

Who knew that when he passed by the restaurant, he happened to hear Hinata Haruka talking about some high-quality men.

Anger filled his chest again, but now was not a good time to take action. He didn't expect that in just a few minutes, God gave him another chance. Hinata Haruka actually went to the public toilet alone...

What happened next is now.

Everyone sighed: This person is really mentally ill.

After the murderer was arrested and the police left, Suzuki Sonoko was awakened by Mao Lilan.

"Ah? What happened?" Suzuki Sonoko was still a little confused. After listening to Mao Lilan's explanation, she realized that she had just solved the case. "It's worthy of me. I am the queen of reasoning, hahaha..."

Conan came out from behind the wall and showed half-moon eyes.

Because of the murder, Mao Lilan and the others did not plan to continue playing and were ready to go back. Mochizuki Sue and Hinata Haruka said they would play for a few more days, and the few people said goodbye.

The next period of time was very beautiful. There were no cases and no dangers. The two had a lot of fun.

In Beihua Town, Jack was fired again.

It's strange to say that he has mastered many skills and can work anywhere, but he just can't work for a long time. He is always fired by the boss for various reasons, which makes him have to find a job again. Maybe this is related to the refresh method of his gold finger-every time you complete a job, you can be invisible once, the duration is unlimited, and it will be invalid once it is interrupted.

But this is also good. Not only has the efficiency improved a lot, but he doesn't need to ask for leave every time he does a task. The boss fired him.

Jack skillfully looked for job postings in the newspaper and then chose an easy one to interview.

This is aA high-end hotel needs to recruit three more waiters because of insufficient staff. There are more than a dozen people who come for the interview. Among them, a blond, dark-skinned man with a pool face is particularly eye-catching. The interviewer just looked at him twice and decided to accept him. As for his ability, he can be taught in the future. Such a good face can be a living signboard after being trained.

Amuro Toru was taken away. Jack looked at his back. Unlike others who were envious and jealous, he thought that there was probably something wrong with this hotel, and it must be a mission of the Black Organization. However, since the system did not prompt, it meant that this mission was not important to them, and he did not need to do anything.

The interviewer asked everyone to show their abilities. Jack's smooth actions made him stand out from the crowd and become the second person to pass the interview.

"You and Amuro Toru are in the same group. If he doesn't know anything, teach him." Jack's ability is very strong, even better than the waiter who has worked here for several years. The interviewer is very confident to let Amuro Toru lead him.

"Yes." Jack was a little nervous. That was the working emperor. Working with him... the golden finger could not be brushed too much. Not only that, the chance of encountering the main line would increase sharply.

Forget it, don't think too much, I'm just an ordinary worker now.

Jack saw Toru Amuro who had been waiting here in the backstage. He already knew that he would be in a group with Jack:

"Hello, my name is Toru Amuro, please give me more advice in the future." His attitude was very good, which made people unable to find fault and also made people feel a little better.

"Hello, my name is Ichiro Yamabe, please give me more advice."

The two successfully passed the simple training and knew roughly what they were going to do. They started work that afternoon.

Jack tried to ignore the fact that Toru Amuro disappeared from time to time, and sometimes pretended to complain that he might have a stomachache, in order to make up for him.

In less than two hours, a man was found dead in the room. The surveillance did not capture any useful pictures. After the police questioned the two, they ruled out their suspicion. In the end, the matter was left unresolved and became an unsolved case.

The antique dealer is on his way to England. Yes, she is sending Boss back to MI6 headquarters. Why does she have to do it in person? Protecting the safety of the undercover is just an excuse. The point is that she wants to see what the British Empire looks like under the background of science and take a trip abroad.

She hummed a song and leaned on the railing happily to feel the sea breeze blowing gently.

At the cheerleader's home, Honda Yamagi and Sawada You have turned over and regarded this place as their home. Especially since the cheerleader is not at home now, they are more unscrupulous and have no restraint at all.

Honda Yamagi lay on the sofa without any image to chase the drama. He thinks that the current life is too beautiful. He originally thought that it was easy enough to work a little bit every day and occasionally work overtime to check some information. Unexpectedly, there is also a super boss like Sawada You, which allows him to rest most of the time every day.

Of course, all this is based on their completion of the task assigned to them by the Fifth Organization - building an online platform for the members of the Fifth Personality.

They have basically completed the construction, and the current daily task is to test bugs and improve the platform.

In the bathroom, You Sawada was washing his hands. Looking at himself in the mirror, he felt a little dizzy, and a voice seemed to call him:

Hiroki Sawada... Noah's Ark...

After a while, he raised his head, his eyes were clear.

He remembered that his name was Hiroki Sawada, but it didn't matter anymore. Hiroki Sawada was dead. He was now You Sawada of the fifth personality. He had a new look and identity, and his own life value. The organization needed him to help. They were all working hard to fight criminals...

Moreover, the cheerleaders and Honda Yamaga were really good. They made him feel at home, and he liked them very much.

As for the first mate, he had completely forgotten that hypnosis was time-limited, and was still trying to enlighten the patient.

In the mountains, a group of workers were digging soil under the villa bought by the antique dealer. At present, the dungeon has taken shape.

These workers are specialized in building basements, underground bases or secret passages for wealthy businessmen, senior officials, etc. They are highly confidential and have a good reputation.

At their speed, it will be fully completed in a dozen days. The prophet would occasionally send the servant bird to the site to supervise the work, and then inform the puppeteer of the progress.

Now not only the puppeteer wants to get rid of Chianti, but Chianti herself also wants to leave. She is going crazy here. The warm style here makes her feel uncomfortable no matter how she looks at it, and the existence of the puppet makes her fear stronger and stronger.

She wants to feel the free air outside, and she wants to set up a sniper rifle to reap other people's lives at will. However, all this has become out of reach.In the first few days, she still had the energy to yell. After the puppeteer's inhuman mental torture, she lay dejectedly on the bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

Fortunately, the puppeteer couldn't bear to see her really go crazy, so he started to give her some books, such as the Communist Manifesto and Socialism is good.

Chianti went from sneering at the beginning to barely reading it later, and in the end she was still not satisfied.

God knows she started just to kill time.

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