As Spider left, the magician relaxed. He walked to a place with brighter moonlight and pointed the Crystal of Creation in the direction of the moon. The gem did not emit red light. It was not Pandora.

There was no disappointment. The magician had never expected to find Pandora. After all, his gold finger refresh did not require it.

[Task Detection: Task detection in progress... Detection successful, congratulations on obtaining 'magic wand' × 1]

[Teitan Elementary School Student (Little Girl): How is it?

Pandora Thief (Magician): Successfully obtained a magic wand [grin]

Teitan Elementary School Student (Little Girl): That's good (ง •̀_•́)ง Hehe, let's retreat quickly.

Pandora Thief (Magician): Well, we have three choices now:

First, leave from the rooftop. I brought a small hang glider made by the mechanic, but I haven't tried it yet, so I'm a little afraid.

Second, leave from the hole made by the toilet priest. This is safer, but I'm not sure if there is anyone guarding there.

Three, leaving among the guests openly, which may be a bit risky.

Which one do you want to choose?

Teitan Elementary School Student (Little Girl): According to my understanding of Kidd, he is very likely to go to the rooftop, so this route is passed. Let's try the second of the remaining two. If it doesn't work, try the third.

Pandora Thief (Magician): OK.】

The magician walked in the direction he came from before, and when he passed a corner, he met Maori Kogoro with several policemen.

Wearing black clothes, long hair tied behind his head, 1.8 meters tall, the appearance also matched. Isn't this the one who stole the gem! I actually met him like this.

Maori Kogoro sighed at his luck for a second, and then shouted: "Don't let him run! The gem is on him!"

The magician threw the Crystal of Creation over, and Maori Kogoro didn't care what the other party was about to do to prevent the gem from being broken, and jumped to catch the gem.

The magician opened a smoke bomb, bypassed Maori Kogoro and the others and left quickly. When he was about to reach the hall, he changed his clothes and disguised himself in one second with the little girl.

What he didn't expect was that the guests in the hall gathered together according to Suzuki Jirokichi's words. If he went in at this time, he would definitely be suspected by everyone.

It was really a headache, the magician held his forehead.

The little girl relied on no one to see her and floated at the door to think about countermeasures. It would be great if there was no distance limit after possession, so that she could go to the other door of the hall to observe the situation.

A minute later, the magician took out a few smoke bombs from his pocket. The little girl immediately understood his intention. She nodded, and the magician took action.

Several round balls rolled in, and then smoke filled the entire hall. The guests guessed that it was done by Kaito Kid, and they were not afraid. Suzuki Sonoko was particularly excited:

"Is Kid here again? I really want to see him again!"

The magician rushed over in a hurry. Fortunately, there was no one behind the other door. He continued to run to the toilet; unfortunately, there were policemen at the door and in the toilet.

The toilet was not big, and there were so many people. It was unrealistic to use smoke bombs to bypass them to the hole.

The magician was numb. He thought that Officer Nakamori and his men were also very powerful. They were so well prepared, but why did they seem so weak in front of Kid.

Is it because his strength is too low?

Well, there is this possibility. The magician burst into tears. He felt that he was a fool for pretending to be cool in front of Conan and others. Will he be behind bars for the next mission?

It's okay, it's okay, it's okay! At least I can have fun again, the magician comforted himself.

【Teitan Elementary School Student (Little Girl): Oh, this road seems to be blocked.

Pandora Thief (Magician): I have a skill that may work.

Teitan Elementary School Student (Little Girl): Tell me about it.

Pandora Thief (Magician): I will lead them here later...】

Nakamori Ginzo carefully checked all corners of the toilet, including the compartments on the ceiling, but found nothing.

He thought disappointedly that the man who stole the gem should not be here. At this time, the voice of Maori Kogoro came from the communicator:

"Officer Nakamori, I met him, and the Crystal of Creation was successfully taken back, but he still escaped. I am looking for him now. You continue to guard over there. I have already contacted Suzuki. The three of us will catch him in a trap!"

"Okay!" Nakamori Ginzo replied. He was going to guard the middle of the toilet door and the stairs. Just as he passed by, he saw a man jumping out from the corner of the corridor: white top hat, white suit and cape, monocle.

"Kaito Kidd!" Officer Nakamori's voice broke with excitement. He went to catch him without thinking, and the other police officers also rushed towards him with good sense.

Thinking that the time was almost right, the magicianThrow out a smoke bomb once, then jump up and stick the suction cup to the top of the corridor to swing over.

When the smoke cleared, the police found that the person they rushed to was Officer Nakamori. Just in case, a police officer pinched his face, it was true.

Officer Nakamori's forehead seemed to have a well: "You bunch of idiots! Hurry up and chase him!"

Everyone stood up and went upstairs at the same time.

When Officer Nakamori passed the toilet, he suddenly had an idea and called a police officer to look at the toilet with him again.

Of course, nothing was found in the end.

Finally, Nakamori Ginzo, Maori Kogoro and Suzuki Jirokichi met up. After listening to the other two people's review, Nakamori Ginzo was puzzled:

"So Kaito Kidd had already left at that time?! Then who did I meet?"

"I think that was the man who robbed the gems. After he escaped from our sight, he came to you through the hall and disguised himself as Kaito Kidd to confuse you..."

Mauri Kogoro made a reasonable guess.

Suzuki Jirokichi was in a mixed mood: "Another disguised person, so annoying. By the way, I also saw a masked man on the rooftop. The most notable feature of the mask was three red circles. He was very powerful and could trap Kaito Kid. He didn't seem to be a good person. Do you know him?"

Officer Nakamori recalled: "I seem to have seen him before, also when he was chasing Kaito Kid, but he disappeared as soon as he saw us coming, and I don't know who he is."

The three discussed other things for a while and agreed to continue cooperation next time.

The Crystal of Creation was put back into the display case. This time the guests had plenty of time to watch it. The banquet ended at midnight, and Maori and his group took the car prepared by Suzuki Sonoko home.

"So uncle, you met a magician?!" Conan was shocked.


"The one who stole the gemstone. He introduced himself as a magician."

"Oh - why didn't you tell me such an important thing earlier! I'll tell Nakamori and the others later. Let me continue to talk about how I found him. At that time, I didn't give up. I carefully observed every place, and then successfully found him hiding. I fought with him and took the gemstone before the other policemen could react..."

Conan listened for a long time but didn't hear the information he wanted. He thought that Maori Kogoro was bragging again, and he didn't expect to get anything from him.

He looked at the scenery flashing outside the car window, and his mind was thinking about the photo in the gift box: Did the magician put his photo because he knew his true identity?

He sighed, his face was melancholy.

In the villa, Suzuki Sonoko asked Suzuki Jirokichi about how he captured Kidd. When she heard him say that the gem was snatched away by a mysterious man, she looked incredulous:

"How is it possible! How could someone snatch the gem from Mr. Kidd?! Mr. Kidd must have given it to him on his own initiative, right?"

Suzuki Jirokichi shook his head: "We watched the surveillance footage repeatedly, and it was indeed snatched away. People always make mistakes, even Kaito Kidd is no exception. Do you want to hear the rest?"

Suzuki Sonoko: "Yes, please continue."


Kaito Kidd couldn't sleep after returning home. He tossed and turned, and couldn't figure out how the man electrocuted him. He guaranteed with his good memory that there was absolutely no medium that could electrocute him at that time.

Could it be!

Kaito Kidd sat up suddenly, and he thought of Koizumi Akiko.

Could it be that the man also knows magic? ! !

I'll find a chance to ask Koizumi Akiko tomorrow. He decided and closed his eyes, but he still couldn't sleep: How did the magician know that he was afraid of fish? Did he know his true identity?

The prisoner couldn't sleep either, because he was excited. As soon as he closed his eyes, he would think of the scene of pretending to be a guest in the villa and escaping from the police's pursuit. The more he thought about it, the more exciting it was, and the more he thought about how he could be so awesome.

In comparison, the reward for a successful mission was a bit insignificant.

[The man with the code name Electric Eel (prisoner): What are you doing? Are you asleep?

American tramp (night watchman): No, I'm dancing.

Arms dealer (Bang Bang): No, same as above.

Teitan elementary school student (little girl): No, I'm making disguise materials, which cost a bit more this time.

Pandora thief (magician): No, I'm burning incense, hoping that I won't cry behind bars in the future.

Popular actress (Mrs. Red): I haven't slept yet. I'm studying the script. The show is about to start. I need to do more homework.

Novel creator (Novelist): I broke the formation. I'm a little too excited about writing. I'm writing a fan fiction about the hidden prisoner.

The man with the code name Electric Eel (Prisoner):? ! ! !

Popular actress (Mrs. Red): I like it and love to read it. Tell me which website you wrote it on. IGo support it [sideways smile]

Novel creator (novelist): Sakura Novel Website, pen name Muse. 】

The novelist yawned. The antique dealers next door had already gone to bed. Although her eyes were a little sleepy, she was very excited.

Until the other day, she had written almost all the CPs she had supported in Ming Ke. Just when she was struggling to decide which pair to write next, suddenly, an idea came to her mind:

Why not rewrite the stories of the characters in the fifth personality? Let's start with a few CPs that many people support. First, she is good at writing about love, second, most readers like to read about love, and third, this type of story is easy to pass the system judgment.

She did it as soon as she thought of it. She first spent an evening summarizing the general stories of each character, and then spent another night planning the order of writing, listing the points that readers are interested in in each article. Tonight is the official day to write, because she is particularly interested, she is particularly excited about writing.

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