The gravekeeper continued to dig the tunnel, feeling the movement on the ground while digging. When he felt that there were many people, he suddenly dug out of the ground to throw stun shells, and then continued to dig, and then changed places to throw.

Someone got into the tunnel and was held back by the tunnel for a few seconds. He finally found a figure, and it was his own people.

The tunnel was also filled with fog, and everyone fainted after a short time.

[Gravekeeper (Gravekeeper): I'll take care of this, Jack?

Rice Flower Worker (Jack): It's OK, the next step is to find those who are still awake and send them tranquilizer bullets.

Bounty Hunter (Mercenary): Then we are coming over now. 】

"Let's go!" The mercenary took the lead and walked in front, followed by the puppet. Matsuda Eiji confirmed that there was no news about the gravekeeper and Jack in the group chat, and the mercenary had not looked at the phone. There was no special scene at the abandoned factory just now:

"How do you know that we can act now?"

"We have a special contact method. They just told me that they have done it." The mercenary said nonchalantly. Matsuda didn't know their real contact method anyway, and it wouldn't work even if he cut open his head.

Special contact method? Matsuda Eiji observed the mercenary's head and body. There was nothing like a communicator, especially near the ears, which was clean. A brain hole popped up: Could it be that the organization has developed some communication equipment that can be implanted in the brain?

If this is true, the organization's technological strength is so strong that it is shocking.

Not far away, the three came to a large truck hidden in the woods. The mercenary sat in the driver's seat, and the puppet was about to sit in the co-pilot seat. Matsuda Eiji got there first, but he had no choice but to come to the back compartment and flip in.

They drove to the abandoned factory. Although it was called an abandoned factory, it was actually only dilapidated outside, and the interior was well decorated.

The gravekeeper came out and took them in: "There are no more awake people. Jack is still looking. Let's move things first."

Several rooms were filled with weapons, and everyone was ready to move them all away. During the move, two men suddenly rushed out of a room with submachine guns in their hands, and bullets flew at several people.

Eiji Matsuda's body flashed to another room, and the mercenary also hid behind the wall at the corner of the corridor. The puppet was in front of the gravekeeper and just blocked a few bullets for him. Then the gravekeeper who reacted hurriedly dug a tunnel to hide, and the puppet took out the tranquilizer gun to fight back.

The bullets did not pose any threat to the puppet. Instead, the two men had to find cover while shooting.

The puppet had no gun skills, and the few shots he fired missed. Seeing this, Eiji Matsuda found an opportunity to look out and shoot and knocked out the two men.

"Very good, let's continue moving. Before we move, let's check if there are any people hiding inside." The mercenary came out from behind the wall.

The puppet and the gravekeeper nodded, and Matsuda Eiji paused for a few seconds and nodded.

Jack looked around and found no one awake, so he lifted the invisible state and joined the mercenaries. After moving most of the things, everyone placed bombs next to certain items according to the plan.

As for some people who might be affected by the bombs, they were also moved away considerately.

Matsuda Eiji restrained his hands from wanting to defuse the bombs. These bombs were remote-controlled bombs, and the styles inside were quite novel. He should have never defuse this kind of bombs before.

"Okay, we can go." The mercenary urged everyone to hurry up. A few minutes later, the truck left here, and a few minutes later, the bombs exploded.

Jack sent a message to Zetian You and asked him to describe the situation of the abandoned factory in the name of enthusiastic citizens: the prohibited items have been destroyed, the relevant people have fainted inside, the evidence of the crime is as shown in the picture, and the situation at the scene is as shown in the picture, please act as soon as possible. [Image] ×17

The truck drove all the way to a certain base. The surface of the base was a few abandoned buildings. After passing through a part, the mercenary got off the car and passed the iris scanner set on the wall. A large entrance opened in front of the car.

The mercenary returned to the car and drove in. The sensor lights in the passage lit up one by one. Matsuda Eiji saw the patterns on the wall through the dim light. They were all abandoned buildings.

At the end, a black pattern appeared on the wall in front, and the words below: military factory.

The wall cracked straight, and then opened from both sides, revealing the spacious space inside. The truck seemed a little out of place when it drove in, because the surroundings looked very high-tech, all silver and spotless.

"Excuse me, is there anything I can help you with? Mercenary."

The big screen lit up, showing this sentence, and a mechanical sound came out at the same time.

The mercenary said calmly: "I want to store weapons, please help me open the corresponding space."

"Okay, wait a moment." As soon as the voice fell, another wall opened automatically. The space behind it was not large, but it was more than enough to store these weapons.

Matsuda Eiji was surprised. He learned about the development of technology before going to bed last night. The artificial intelligence displayed in this baseIt can be at the forefront of technology again.

In fact, the mercenary only knew that the base would be like this. He did not participate in everyone's discussion. It must be said that it really gave him a surprise.

The gravekeeper and Jack looked at the base built by the system according to their opinions with satisfaction, and sighed that "the system's products must be fine products."

Originally, they wanted to have more robots in the base, but they were too expensive to buy, so they had to give up.

The mission was completed, the base was also checked, and the puppeteer planned to return to her body. Because there were many bullet marks on the puppet, which exceeded a certain degree of injury range, she could not recover the puppet and use it again after returning to her body, so the puppet did not become smaller, but fell straight down.

The mercenaries, Jack and the gravekeeper who had been notified in advance were mentally prepared for this and did not have any extra emotions. Matsuda Eiji encountered this situation for the first time, so he asked:

"What happened to it?"

"The puppeteer stopped controlling it, so it fell. It should not be used again in the future. There are too many scars, so it is scrapped."

This is a good feeling. Scrap = useless = he can take it apart to his heart's content.

"Can I take it away?"

"If you want to study it, you'd better not take it. It has been set in advance. As long as it is taken apart for research, it will explode. Let's quickly organize and summarize the weapons. After doing this, the mission will be successfully completed."


Conan had just returned the book and came out of the library. He noticed a suspicious man getting on the bus. There was a bulge on his lower back, and it seemed that he had a gun.

Without any hesitation, he ran to get on the bus. There were few people on the bus, and three of them made him particularly concerned.

One was the suspicious man who had just got on the bus.

A man wearing a red hat, a red cape, a shirt, jeans and boots, his hair tied low behind his head, his temperament is particularly special.

Next to him is a woman wearing a plain long skirt, sitting in a modified wheelchair, with a stone and a carving knife on the armrest, and a night light hanging on the back of the chair.

It feels a bit like performance art.

[Aura Painter (Painter): Conan?! It seems that this bus is going to have an accident.

Sculptor (Sculptor): Speaking of which, we are cosplaying two game characters and meeting the real Conan, this picture is so interactive.

Aura Painter (Painter): That's right, I have taken a picture [Sculptor, Conan in the same frame]

Sculptor (Sculptor): I will also take a picture for you [Painter, Conan in the same frame] as a souvenir. 】

After observing their expressions and movements for a while, Conan initially determined that the suspicious man was inclined to commit crimes, and the other two people had clear eyes in melancholy, probably ordinary artists.

The other five passengers were nothing special, so Conan found an empty seat where he could observe the suspicious man, right next to the sculptor.

Originally, Conan wanted to sit behind the sculptor, where the view was wider, but the sculptor sat in the aisle, and he was embarrassed to bother her to move. Besides, there were so many empty seats, and it would be a bit "willful" for him to go to the back.

The second best seat he chose was not much worse than the back, and he could see it by tilting his head slightly.

The bus drove two or three more stops, and eight passengers got on, three of whom were carrying luggage bags.

On their way to the bus, Conan noticed that several police cars were passing by not far from the bus, and he turned on his phone to read the news. The latest news was: Fifteen minutes ago, the bank was robbed, and there were five robbers, and their whereabouts are currently unknown.

A strong intuition told Conan that the three people carrying luggage bags were the robbers, and the luggage bags contained the stolen cash.

Five robbers, who are the other two? The crime happened fifteen minutes ago, and the suspicious man was on the bus at that time, which means he is not one of the five robbers, but he may be an accomplice.

Most robbers will not take the bus to the station normally. If I remember correctly, the bus will pass through a long tunnel in a few minutes, and it is very likely that they will take some actions at that time.

Because the sculptor sat in the aisle, the eight people who got on did not choose to sit in the last row, but sat a few rows in front of Conan.

There were still enough seats in the front, and the three men with luggage bags were still standing in the aisle, with almost the same distance between the three.

Time was urgent, and Conan turned his eyes to the other five people, trying to tell which two were their accomplices.

First, the gray-haired grandfather could be ruled out, and then the teenager who looked only in his teens could also be ruled out, because there was no place on him to hide anything.

The remaining three were two men and one woman. One of the men was about thirty years old, a little sloppy, and dressed strangely, with a short-sleeved shirt over a shirt; the other man should exercise regularly, tall and muscular.Tight.

The woman was wearing a lot of branded clothes, with big wavy burgundy hair scattered behind her, a little messy. Conan couldn't see her hands clearly and was unsure of her fighting ability.

The bus was getting closer and closer to the tunnel. The three men standing there bent down one after another to take things out of their handbags. Conan used his glasses to magnify them. Although the three men only opened their handbags a little, he still determined that the middle man's handbag contained money through the flashing picture.

The bus entered the tunnel, and the driver turned on the lights. Two minutes later:

"Listen! Don't move or scream! Otherwise, don't blame me for the accidental discharge of my gun!"

The three men were holding guns, and the one in the middle shouted so. The man next to the driver pointed a gun at the driver:

"Next, you drive wherever I tell you to drive, otherwise..."

The driver trembled all over: "Yes, I understand, I understand."

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