Conan waited and waited, and waited for almost half an hour, but the next person didn't come out. He wanted to go in and take a look, but the staff was still guarding here diligently.

"Hey, uncle, can you go and see what's going on inside? My sister hasn't come out for so long, I'm a little worried."

"Maybe your sister and Mia are having a good chat." The staff said, and suddenly thought of the scene that happened before, "I remember your sister came out a long time ago, right? Then you said you wanted to stay because you were looking for something."

"Ah, this, I have another sister, I think my things may be with her." Conan made an excuse.

The staff didn't doubt him: "Then I'll go and take a look, you be careful not to run around."

Conan nodded, the staff walked through the corridor, and when he got closer, he found two people lying at the door. He was startled, and tremblingly used his hands to feel their breath, fortunately, they were still alive.

He tried to wake them up, but to no avail, he knocked on the door twice again, and there was no response from inside the door, so he suddenly opened the door.

"Last night, two cases occurred at the concert of Mia, a super popular American idol singer. The murder case has been investigated and the murderer has been arrested, but the missing case is still under investigation."

"According to relevant personnel, after the concert, nine fans who were drawn came to the door of the dressing room together... A man came out empty-handed, knocked out the agent and staff by unknown means, and then left the scene. Half an hour later, another staff member found them and the six fans and Mia who fainted in the dressing room. The police came to investigate..."

"The missing man's name is unknown. He was wearing a black suit, sunglasses and a black hat. The suspect is now missing. The police are still trying to find clues."

The news was reporting what happened last night. It was early in the morning. Conan at Dr. Agasa's house explained the situation to Dr. Agasa and Huiyuan Ai:

"That's what happened, so if it's not surprising, the missing man is Vodka, but I'm more inclined to think that he found something wrong and left by climbing out the window."

Dr. Agasa scratched his head: "Why did the suspect knock those people out? Except for Vodka, everything else was there."

"That's what I'm wondering about. I think the suspect may know Vodka, and he wants to take some action against Vodka, so he chose to knock out the others." Conan held his chin with his right hand, "Vodka might have been taken away."

"It's not impossible. No matter what the facts are, the suspect is not a threat to us for the time being. If we meet him again in the future, just be careful." Huiyuan Ai said.

On the other hand, Gin was in a bad mood after seeing the news. He couldn't contact Vodka, which meant that he was really in trouble.

That idiot.

Unlike Chianti and the others, Vodka has been with him for many years, and the trust between them is self-evident. In addition, he is also a code member, so Gin must find out his whereabouts this time.

Wine cellar,

Vodka woke up, he looked at the ceiling in confusion for a while, and his memory came back. He sat up and looked around vigilantly: This is a small bedroom, with nothing else except a bed and a wardrobe.

There are two doors. He opened one, and behind the door is the bathroom, with a shower, toilet, washbasin, mirror, and a series of toiletries, and there are three towels alone.

The other door leads to the living room, and he saw Cohen across the street through the iron railings at a glance.

"Cohen?! You are here!"

He hurriedly walked through the living room and leaned against the iron railings, feeling both surprised and panicked. He was surprised to meet his companions in a strange place, and he was also panicked to meet his companions, because this showed that those people were all fifth personality, and they disguised themselves so much like ordinary people that people couldn't guard against them.

Moreover, the organization had been looking for so long and couldn't find the whereabouts of Cohen and the others, which meant that he would stay here for a long time.

Cohen just glanced at him and continued reading without saying a word.

"Vodka! You're awake, I'm next to you, how did you get caught?" Cook stretched his hand out of the iron railing so that Vodka could see him.

"You're here too?! Damn Fifth Personality, so insidious and cunning, they attacked me alone when I was alone and unprepared! You don't know that the super popular idol singer Mia is also one of them!"

Vodka felt so sad. He had been a fan of the idol for so long, and he once squeezed out time to cheer for her, but now his heart collapsed.

Cook didn't understand the feelings of the star chasers, but he was more afraid of the Fifth Personality. Since there were people in the entertainment industry, there must be people in other circles, and maybe there were people from all walks of life.

Cook wanted to ask him about what happened outside during this period, but three people came, two of whom were the ones who sent Vodka last night.There was another person who came who I didn't know.

"Luckily you were free last night, otherwise it would be difficult for me to move him here by myself."

The prisoner said to the mercenary, and the mercenary waved his hand to show that it was nothing.

"It will be fun in a while, I'm really looking forward to Gin's expression."

The first mate excitedly quickened his pace and stopped in front of the iron railing that locked Vodka up. Vodka stepped back:

"Who are you?"

"The person who will change your life in a while, I believe that you will definitely become satisfactory to us after some of my tricks."

In Vodka's eyes, the first mate's expression overlapped with the villain in the TV series, and his anus tightened:

"You...what are you going to do?!"

"What do you think, mercenary, set up the camera."

The mercenary hummed, took out the camera and folding stand from his jacket pocket, and then installed them to ensure that the Vodka inside could be clearly photographed in a while.

Vodka's face turned pale:

"You guys are still recording!"

The prisoner felt something was wrong, so he asked:

"What are you thinking about?"

The first mate realized something was wrong and pushed the prisoner away: "You are still young, so don't understand these things."

"No, what can't I understand?"

The mercenary coughed twice and changed the subject: "Let me make it clear first, Vodka, if you don't cooperate and answer our questions later, you don't want to know the consequences."

The mercenary put his hand in his pocket and rubbed his pocket watch: "Just a reminder, we will record some scenes and send them to your good brother. As for what scenes, guess?"

Chianti, who lived diagonally opposite, couldn't read the book at all. She glanced over here from time to time; Cook next door blushed and turned pale, his heart was in turmoil, it didn't say that this would happen if he didn't cooperate. He looked better than Vodka, and he wouldn't...

Cohen returned to his room silently. The peripheral members of the Black Organization in the last room were still snoring, and no one knew what happened.

Vodka was silent for a moment, closed his eyes, and looked like he was going to die bravely: "I will not betray the organization, no matter what you do!"

"Then don't blame us for being rude, first mate, just hypnotize."

After hearing the first half of the sentence, Vodka kept telling himself that it was okay, it was okay, it was okay! It was okay! After the second half of the sentence came out, he:? ? ? Hypnosis? ? ?

Regardless of Vodka's reaction, the first mate took out the pocket watch and activated it in front of him.

There are two modes after the pocket watch is used. One is that the hypnotized person will lose self-awareness. No matter what others ask him to do, he will answer and do it; the other is to change the consciousness of the hypnotized person, making him think that he is just like the person who hypnotized him said.

The hypnotist can choose to combine the two modes, or a single mode.

To deal with Vodka, the first mate decided to combine the two modes, because many people in his previous life speculated that Vodka was an undercover from Russia, and they wanted to know if this was true.

Vodka's eyes gradually became empty, and the prisoner asked the first question:

"What is your real identity?"

"Vodka, a member of the organization with the code name."

"Aren't you an undercover agent?"


The prisoner walked aside with regret, not wanting to ask anymore. He looked at the other two and asked. The mercenary turned on the camera and asked:

"What are Gin's hobbies? Why doesn't he take off his hat? Is it because he is bald?"

"Gin's hobbies are catching undercovers, killing traitors, and doing missions. I don't know why he doesn't take off his hat, but he is not bald."

"Do you know which mysterious code-named members the organization has?"

"Vermouth, Brandy."

Hearing an unfamiliar wine, the three were shocked:

"What is Brandy for?"

Cook next door screamed in his heart: Vodka! How could you betray the organization!

But he didn't dare to say it, in case they used means to warn him, in case they withdrew their current treatment of him.

"He is an undercover sent by the organization to the Japanese public security. I don't know anything else."

He asked some more questions, but they were all worthless. Although Vodka had been in the organization for many years, he didn't know much.

The first mate signaled the mercenary to stop filming. The mercenary understood. He knew that the first mate was going to start "creating" a new identity for Vodka.

"Your name is Dmitry Andreevich Popov, an undercover from the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB). You were ordered to perform tasks in the Black Organization. Every once in a while, you passed intelligence to informants disguised as fans of various idols. Now you have been kidnapped by the zoo and the mission has been interrupted. You made flexible changes and planned to surrender to the zoo and work hard to join the zoo. After gaining the trust of the zoo, you will contact the informant to explain the situation."

The first mate took out a photo of the sculptor.:

"Your informant is her."

After roughly speaking, the first mate started to enrich the details from the beginning. For at least half a month in the future, Vodka will think this is true.

Chianti and Cook were stunned: Can they hypnotize me like this? Why don't they hypnotize me like this? Am I unworthy? What kind of organization is the zoo? Is it an alias for the fifth personality?

Time passed by minute by minute, hypnosis was completed, and Vodka fell into a deep sleep. It would take at least a while for him to wake up.

The three of them still had to wait to record the scene of his later surrender to the zoo, and they didn't plan to leave for the time being, so they focused their attention on Chianti and Cook.

"Cook, how are you doing here recently? I think it must be good. After all, we have always treated prisoners well. A wise man knows what to do, right?"

Cook was sweating on his back, and pretended to be sensible: "Sir, I will definitely not cause any trouble for you."

He thought in his heart: Oh, my dear organization, I absolutely do not mean to betray you, they are the ones threatening me, I am just trying to protect myself.

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