Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1001: This feeling ... is really good

Chapter 1001: This Feeling ... Really Good

Really not as good as heaven.

But it felt good to be with him.

That being the case, enjoy the moment.

No one can tell the future.

She was very clear about what kind of person Shi Shi was, and she should not have shrunk in a turtle's shell for such a person for a lifetime, and dare not stick her head out.

I couldn't sleep. I just got up and wrote, and didn't fall asleep until five in the morning.

It wasn't until 8:30 that she got up and looked at the time until she was awakened by a knock at the door.

She quickly put on her clothes and went out to open the door. Moluci held the breakfast outside the door and saw her hair shaved and ragged, and there was a mistake in her eyes, then she smiled softly.

Yan Su was embarrassed by his smile, rubbing his eyes without waking up, "oversleep."

"Well," Molucy walked in, set the breakfast, turned back, reached for her coat, and yanked, "put it upside down."

Yan Su looked down, and really put the outside inside, "I'll go inside to change."

"Come on, your class starts at nine," Molucy reminded. "You'll have more than ten minutes to go."

Time was really rushing. Yan Su changed her clothes and washed her face. Moluci has helped her soak the milk in a thermos cup. "Hold it while you eat."

Yan Su glanced at his hand that could not move, and felt guilty. Others were inconvenient and asked people to prepare breakfast. "What about you?"

"I'm not in a hurry. My class is eleven o'clock."

"So happy," Yan Su rushed to the TV cabinet to find the book she was going to take. Mo Lu Xi passed her bag directly. "Do n’t look for it, the course books you want to take are all in it, and the phone key is also . "

Yan Suzheng took the schoolbag. "How do you know what class I am?"

"It's attached to your shoe cabinet, and when you changed your clothes, I got it right," said Molucy's thinned lips slightly, exuding a suffocating charm.

Yan Su froze until she packed her schoolbag in her hand, and she stepped out of the elevator, holding hot milk and delicious Hong Kong style breakfast in her hand, all feeling like dreaming.

Although Shixu also brought her breakfast when she was in high school, it was just a simple bun bun.

Unlike now, school bags are prepared, milk is brewed, and breakfast is bought.

She just needs to go out by herself.

This feeling ... is really good.


When I arrived at school, I still had half of my breakfast.

Yan Su directly assigned to Fan Jing, and Fan Jing was so impressed. "Su Su, this is a restaurant breakfast that your assistant bought. It's so delicious."

"No," Yan Su shook her head.

"Don't be kidding, you can't buy it yourself," Fan Jing said in surprise. "You don't know about a breakfast, you have to wait in line at least at five in the morning to buy it. It's too hot."

Yan Su stumbled, "It's impossible, isn't it just breakfast?"

"Then you think too much," Fan Jing waved his hand. "I heard someone say that the boss started up at three in the morning to make it early, because there were too many people, and it was sold out as soon as it opened in the morning. It ’s basically closed. No wonder it ’s so hot, it ’s delicious, do n’t you think it ’s delicious ... ”

Yan Su: "..."

She just hurried on the way and didn't taste it carefully.

Suddenly I regretted it and should not give it to others.

"And a distance of five or six kilometers from us," said Fan Jing, "so I have to go out at least four in the morning."

Third more. . Fourth more later

(End of this chapter)

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