Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1004: Good, you are not allowed to drink Ji Shengxu's milk tea, drink mine

Chapter 1004: Good, Don't Allow You To Drink Chi Shengxu's Milk Tea, Drink My

Zhang Hongchuan looked at the back of the three of them, and was very moved. "Xi Chang Chi and Sister Yan Xue are really a pair of sects. We shouldn't have come here at all, it seems too much."

As soon as he finished speaking, his whole body seemed to be falling into an ice cellar, which was indescribably cold.

Looking further aside, Molucy bowed his head in silence and ate.

He breathed a sigh of relief and told himself that he had just been delusional.


At 2:30 in the afternoon, Yan Su was too lazy to go back and went directly to the library. Fan Jing sat for a while and then went out shopping with friends.

She was so sleepy that she couldn't keep her eyes open, she just lay on the table and put a book on her head.

I almost didn't sleep last night, and when I got up on my stomach, I slept darkly.

I didn't know how long I had slept, and suddenly someone on the opposite side of the long table took an ordinary book to pat the table, making her a little annoyed, and then she opened her eyes and looked up at the opposite side.

The boy on the opposite side was wearing a blue denim trench coat. The afternoon sun came in through the window. The boy's skin was jade and his hair was soft.

Yan Su stayed awake. When he saw the face clearly, his thoughts slowly gathered, and then he suddenly stunned and looked around. Fortunately, there were no people around.

Molucy also stared at her, with a dim look like Mars thrown into dry wood.

The woman even drooled when she was sleeping.

A faint crystal of light on the corner of his mouth made him dry and dry, and his abdomen was unbearably hot.

He put his right leg on his left leg, and then drew a napkin, took it out, and pointed to his mouth.

Yan Su didn't react at first. When she saw a puddle of water on the table, she was flushed with embarrassment and quickly wiped the corners of her mouth with paper.

She was so embarrassed that she lost her face in front of him, and she didn't have the appearance of a sister at all.

Seeing her embarrassment, Molucy blushed like a strawberry, and really wanted to rush to kiss two.

"When did you come, didn't I say we kept our distance in school," Yan Su said in a low voice.

"I've only been here for more than ten minutes," Molucy frowned dissatisfied. "You only want to keep a distance with me, then you and Chi Shengxu, see you are right, you are not afraid that others think Are you dating? "

"Me and Chi Shengxu?" Yan Su was taken aback.

She hadn't thought about it at all, and I'm afraid Chi Shengxu also, "Is your sister Chi Shengxu like your sister?"

"My sister is pregnant and married, and he can still like it for a lifetime. Maybe he likes you now," Molucy chuckled her quietly.

"I and Chi Shengxu are friends, but I follow you ..." Yan Su lowered her voice and said with embarrassment: "Everyone thinks I have a stronger CP with you, so many people are catching our scandal . "

"It's true, too," Molucy said with thin lips, "I stretch my hand under the table and I'll give you something."

Yan Su bit her lip and stretched her right hand down a little bit.

A cup of hot stuff suddenly came in.

Yan Su quickly reacted to what it was, and opened his eyes and looked at him sweetly.

"Good, don't allow you to drink Chi Shengxu's milk tea, drink mine," Moriusi said, and stood up, leaving Gao Leng's hand in his pants.

So he came to give her milk tea?

After looking at his back, Yan Su opened milk tea with his habit and took a sip. How did he feel that milk tea was getting better and better.

Tomorrow continues. . . Remember to leave more comments, don't forget the Chinese Language Love Contest, 唉

(End of this chapter)

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