Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1027: Forgot to give you a good morning kiss

Chapter 1027: I Forgot To Give You A Good Morning Kiss

"Can't sleep?" At last he asked.

Yan Su said vaguely "um".

After all, except for the last time he was drunk and unconscious, he basically hasn't slept with a man, especially this man is basically full of fruit, making her nervous.

"Sleeping with a man for the first time?" Molucy chuckled.

Yan Su was embarrassed.

"Good, get used to sleeping a few more times," Molucy touched her hair.

Yan Su: "..."

So he won't have to rely on himself every night.

Thinking too much in his head, Yan Su basically fell asleep until two or three in the morning.


The next day when he was still asleep, he was awakened by Molucy. "Good, Jiao Jiao called to urge the schedule."

Yan Su opened his stupid eyes, and looked at a slightly messy hair early in the morning, but the man looked like a wicked man stared at her nakedly, and stroked her forehead.

She was stingy all the way, never thinking, thinking she was dreaming, and sitting up suddenly until she remembered last night for a long time. Even though the night passed, she was still blushing. "What time is it?"

"Nine o'clock."

Molucy helped her take out the dress she had brought over, and then squeezed her toothpaste. Yan Su changed her dress after washing. The back zipper was pulled up by Molucy.

At 9:30, Jiao Jiao came over, subconsciously glanced at the messy bed and the double pillow with traces of sleep. Yan Su also noticed her gaze, pretending that she hadn't seen anything, but her body was not natural.

Jiao Jiao asked the hotel people to bring two breakfasts. Yan Su and Mo Lu Xi went out after eating together. When they went out, Mo Lu Xi went back to bed and greeted her. "I went out for a while in the afternoon, and then returned to China by plane. Tomorrow you will fly to Guangzhou. I won't follow, anyway, you will go back tomorrow night."

Indeed, he is now considered to be a half public figure, and it is not convenient to follow him.

After leaving the room, Jiaojiao said with emotion, "Da Laoyuan took a five-hour plane to come to accompany you for so many hours at night. It's too hard for a teenager in love."

Yan Su was also touched. In the past, in order to follow the trend of life, she always took a few hours to go to another city to find him.

As a result, he often couldn't see each other because of a word, so he could only go back to his house alone.

Recalling what happened, I feel stupid.

The taste of being loved and spoiled is so good.

Of course, so she also knows what Molucy did, and she used to be a fellow.

This surprise will be stronger than any woman's coming.

"Jiaojiao, wait a minute, I suddenly remembered that something had fallen into the room," she said suddenly.

Jiao Jiao froze, as if she understood something, nodded, "Hurry up."

Yan Su took the room card back, and Moluci on the bed heard the sound of the door open, and opened the corner of the quilt. "Is something falling?"

"Well," Yan Su went to the bed, bowed his head, bent down, and kissed his lips. "I forgot to give you a good morning kiss."

Molucy's eyes widened, although it was only a small kiss, it was a rare romantic gesture. For a time, the whole person froze for a few seconds.

A few seconds later, he yanked her into her arms and kissed the lipstick on her mouth before breathing lightly against her forehead. "Good, I can't help it if you don't leave again."

Yan Su's face was red-eared, but she said lowly, "Luxi, thank you for flying so far to accompany me."

First more. . . I wrote it early in the morning while my baby was still awake, haha, so the second thing was that I could only write when she was asleep. The time is uncertain, so it is best to come in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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