Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1034: Susu, did you add my number to the blacklist?

Chapter 1034 Su Su, did you add my number to the blacklist?

Yan Su stumbled, she didn't really understand these.

Shouldn't this be the ghost of Molucy.

It's not clear whether it's true or false, but it's not surprising to make these for An Ning.

Fan Jing whispered, "So ... Everyone now believes that you were framed by An Ning. After all, this kind of person is too terrible. Who knows what will happen, Molucy is really unlucky. Suitors."

"Fan Jing, you can't say that," a male student suddenly said in front of him, "Maybe An Ning is so entangled with others for so many reasons."

"What's the reason, isn't it wishful thinking," Fan Jing said angrily, "This kind of thing should also tell you what I want, and I'll be honest, her face is still a little worse than Molucy. "

"The eyes of men and women are not the same," the male student laughed. "Although she doesn't look good, she is also a top ten girl selected by the boys in the acting department. The acting department is a group of beauties. The appearance is also pretty good, and I heard some people in the school talk about it before. It seems that someone once saw Moluci driving a sports car to take An Ning home. You said that I was not ambiguous, why did I send people home?

Fan Jing frowned. "Impossible."

"What did you lie to me, but I also heard from friends who live near An Ning ’s house that they are not from our school. They live in a community with An Ning ’s house and say it is a silver Porsche. They will recognize it as Moluci. It ’s because he is so handsome, he has gone to other schools, and many girls from other schools have come to see him. "

Yan Su frowned slightly while listening quietly.

"I don't believe it," Fan Jing pouted. "Morius is very cold and ignorant of girls. If I say, it must be An Ning who deliberately pretended to fall in front of him. Forced to send her back, but not every day. "

"That can't be said. The little boys now like to pretend to be high-cold, and think that girls eat this set. Actually, they hold each other in their backs, who knows," the male student sneered. "Let ’s say the school grass of Xiacheng University It ’s also unattainable on weekdays, but it ’s said that many sisters slept on several boats in the back of the ground, and there was still a sister who was pregnant before reporting it out. Everybody had three abortions for him. The current sister is really good. Deceive, say two sweet words and spend some money handsome to coax to bed. "

"Shut up," Fan Jing scolded him, "how can our sister cheat, because we are too simple, you men are too beasts."

The male classmate "cut" and said, "I only talked about these gossips for the sake of our classmates. I want your girls to pay attention. Don't look at who is handsome, I think that this is good or bad, people are separated by the belly."

"Don't talk," Yan Su reminded in a low voice.


At noon, Yan Su practiced piano alone in the music room after lunch. On the way, her cell phone rang. She saw it as a strange local number. He hesitated or picked it up, "Who?"

"Susu, did you put my number on the blacklist?" Shi Xu's voice came in. "I have something to ask you."

"There's nothing to say between us, don't call me later."

"I want to remind you ..."

Before he finished speaking, Yan Su hung up.


In the evening, Molucy went to Lidao to talk about things and dine, and came back until 10 o'clock.

Third more. . .

(End of this chapter)

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