Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1039: Yan Su's brain spins suddenly

Chapter 1039 Yan Su's brain spins suddenly

"Sister, are you my sister," An Ning shook her hands angrily. "Is it so bad in your heart right now, all the way through, isn't it just spending more money on my parents?" , When I become a star in the future, I can return them at any time. "

An Lanqi's half-dead, "Do you think it's so easy to become popular? Your sister has played a lot of lawsuits for the artists of the film and television company. The entertainment industry is not as simple as you think. Our family is not a rich second generation. You have Is it necessary to be so arrogant? "

"But aren't you fighting a lawsuit for millions? There is a backing of Sheng Ting behind me. I'm your sister. Why are you so stingy?" An Ning went away angrily.

An Lan's heart hurts.

What kind of mold did I have in my last life to have such a sister.


Yan Su went into the classroom, took off her mask, and her classmate Hai Yin came over. "Su Su, are you free after Professor Xu in the afternoon?"

"Is there something wrong?" Yan Su had a good impression on the classmate. She always researched orchestras with members of the community and did not like to provoke right and wrong.

"Our band is going to play at the Xiacheng Music Theater on Christmas Day. I think you are usually very good at music. I would like to ask you to give us guidance and see if our band will add a harp or steel. Pianqin and the like, of course, if you don't have time.

"Okay, today's class ends at four anyway," Yan Su agreed.

It ’s not bad for her to be in contact with people in the orchestra. Even if she is now popular, there is still too much to learn in the field of music, and the more you know, you can add more elements of your own to the music. .


After finishing class in the afternoon, Yan Su and Moliuxi sent a WeChat message and would come back later. He happened to be busy leading the new drama to start up recently, and he was also very busy.

Yan Su stayed with the band until 5:30 before walking back.

The summer city in winter gets dark early.

When he was approaching the gate of the community, a man in his jacket in his thirties or so suddenly came face-to-face, holding a bit of fluent Chinese and asked, "Hello, how far is Xiacheng University from here and where to go." "

As soon as Yan Su looked at him, he didn't feel like Chinese, maybe Korean or Japanese, and there were many foreigners in the university town. They usually came to lecture or train teachers.

"It's over there, you're following this road ..." Yan Su turned back and pointed, not knowing when someone was behind him, and spit on her.

Yan Su's brain whirled for a while, and only the word "worse" flashed in her mind, and she lost her consciousness.

A man immediately helped her to get into a black car coming by, and went away.


When Yan Su woke up, she suddenly found herself lying on a large bed.

She hadn't calmed her mind anymore, and she was so weak that she couldn't sit up, but she felt her hands and feet tied up.

She was in a terrible mood for a while, then suddenly remembered that she was fainted on her way home.

I haven't seen this happen in the news before, but I didn't expect it to happen to me.

What are these people doing, kidnapping, blackmailing, or selling her?

She shuddered just thinking about it.

"You're awake," a woman's not-so-spoken voice suddenly heard from the end of the bed.

Third more. .

(End of this chapter)

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