Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1053: He is drinking with me now

Chapter 1053: He Is Drinking With Me Now

Yan Su saw that the message was getting more and more wrong, and Mo Lixi would definitely be more angry when she saw it.

I wanted to call him, but I was a little afraid of him.

And he didn't seem to be back tonight, he didn't see any lights in his house.

Thinking of his expression this morning, Yan Su was a little worried, hesitated for a long time, still called him.

But no one answered.

Why did he go at this point, I don't know if he will be angry when he sees Weibo.

But publicity is the only option right now.

She was sitting on the sofa with her knees annoyed.

When Molucy did not return until twelve o'clock, she became more and more upset. Moluci usually lived in her house, and did not know why he went at this point.

There are not many friends in this person, and it seems that Zhang Hongchuan and him approached.

It took her a long time to find Zhang Hongchuan and his WeChat in the school group.

Fortunately, Zhang Hongchuan had not slept yet, and immediately agreed with her.

Yan Su asked him the number before dialing in, "Did you go to class in Luxi this afternoon?"

Zhang Hongchuan said after a silence, "He is drinking with me now."

Yan Su: "..."

Zhang Hongchuan sighed, "I drank a lot, I was in a bad mood, and rarely saw him like this, but he still told me before he was drunk, so I could keep watching him so that he would not be caught by other women Step in. "

Yan Su was a little astringent in her heart, and she couldn't imagine what Molucy was doing when she was drunk. "Where is your hotel, I ... I'm coming ..."

"Do n’t, you are a public figure. Only yesterday you were in Shixu's hotel. If you were photographed with Lucy again today, you would really be scolded to death," Zhang Hongchuan said quickly, "you go to bed early, I'll take him back to me later. "

"sorry to bother you."

Hanging up the phone, Yan Su could not concentrate her whole head.

Lie in bed, but can't sleep until dawn.

The next day, Yan Su went to school early in the morning.

Yesterday, she and Shi Xu were in an uproar, and classmates looked at her differently.

During lunch break, Yan Su asked Zhang Hongchuan that she knew that Moluci had gone to the grass by the lake.

She looked for it. The lake in the school was very big. She found him under a tree for half a day, and lay on the ground to sleep. Although it was the sun today, it was winter, and few people lay like him.

Yan Su walked over and looked at him lying on the grass. His clothes were the same as yesterday. His eyes were closed and he could not hide the shadow under his eyelashes.

She looked at her suddenly, thinking of his appearance yesterday, and it was frightening.

But thinking that he was drunk and distressed last night, he finally said harshly, "Lyusi ..."

In fact, Molucy had already heard footsteps. She only opened her eyes when she called herself, her eyes sneered, "But at school, haven't you always avoided it, and you came to me today, and you just Not afraid to be seen. "

"If I don't say it early, it will soon be dug up by reporters in the past two days," Yan Su whispered, "and this is also the result of discussions between the two brokerage companies."

"It turned out that you broke that relationship in the room," Molucy sneered, "you are all my girlfriends, what else is broken? It is so difficult for you to break up with him, it takes a whole break At night, only idiots will believe you. "

Yan Su didn't want to see the irony in his eyes, and turned his eyes to the lake. "Luxi, you can't believe me, but you checked me out from the inside out yesterday. You think I look like I've betrayed you Is it true that I usually only scratch my ears and leave traces, I didn't have any at all yesterday. "

First more. . Today other updates are going to be evening, and I am going out to celebrate the New Year every day.

(End of this chapter)

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