Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1116: Brother 1126

Chapter 1116 Brother 1126 The opponent is much taller than he thought

But even if no security window is installed, here is the ninth floor, and there is no tree or anything on the side, jumping will definitely be dead.

She looked sadly at Jiang Yanning, who had his face flushed with fire. He was so outstanding and the best scientist in the country, but he was killed here somehow.

I knew I shouldn't have contacted him at all.

"I'm sorry, it's my trouble you," Nian Xi clenched his hand tragically.

"Get out," Jiang Yanning pushed her away with a heavy expression, and pulled out something similar to a lighter from his pants, and quickly cut open the security window within a few seconds.

Then he untied the belt and wrapped his trousers around the anti-theft window. He pulled out a piece of silk as thin as possible inside the belt. He tied it directly to his own waist, and then turned to Nian Xi and said, "You lie on my back Let's go slowly. "

Nian Xi was stunned, "Just ... just so fine wire entangled us?"

"This is a nano fine line," Jiang Yanning said to Nian Xi after binding himself, "you button up your clothes."

In this case, Nian Xi can only obey the scientist's instructions.

She thought it was amazing. Obviously she always listened to her, but when he spoke, she could not help but obey.

When she buckled her clothes, Jiang Yanning didn't know where to take out a bottle of liquid and sprayed it on her back, and said anxiously, "Climb up quickly."

At the moment, he couldn't care so much. Nian Xi flew directly on his back, and when he went up, he found that he was stuck. "What did you just do?"

"This is the super glue I developed, which cannot be separated by a large truck after sticking it," Jiang Mining climbed behind her and climbed out of the window.

The fire suddenly lit the curtains, and Nian Xi was hanging outside the window. Rao was after she had gone through various trainings at the police academy, but at this moment she was not entangled with anything, and she was frightened. Hurry ... hurry, your thread spider silk is on fire. "

"It's a nano fine wire, not a spider silk," Jiang Yongning corrected seriously.

Nian Xi is about to collapse. "It's not the time to discuss this, please hurry up."

Jiang Yanning was tangled in the Western Front, and his legs and feet were slowly sliding down the wall. "Fire is constant and water and fire do not invade."

"So powerful, if I'm still alive, remember to give me a few at that time," Nian Xi hugged his neck tightly.

Jiang Yanning's face was flushed with redness, and his hand was entangled in the western line, the line was polar, and then he slid down one level, and his hand was bloodied.

"Your hand ..." Nian Xi also saw it, but she also understood that, after all, such a thin line would have to bear the weight of two people.

I am afraid that the flesh of his body is also deepened.

Suddenly, Nian Xi understood why he had wrapped the thread around himself and used super glue on himself. He was afraid he might be injured.

She was suddenly very complicated in heart, and she felt that she was superficial in the past. She always thought that the other half of the future was to be tall and strong. Although she admired Jiang Yanning's weak type, she still admired it in a certain corner. .

Now I find that the other person is much higher than I thought.

No matter how weak the people are, we haven't just knocked down a big man in the police station casually, or we can take ourselves out of the nine-storey fire field.

First more. . Second in the afternoon. . Why do we feel like Mr. Jiang is like Superman. . I don't really know anything about physics, just look at it, don't take it too seriously. .

(End of this chapter)

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