Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1152: I do n’t know why he was suddenly angry, he ignored me

Chapter 1152 Don't Know Why Suddenly Gets Angry, He Ignores Me

Yu Wen was a little envious of her granddaughter, "Treasure it."

"Professor Jiang, you are here, too." At this time, Lausanne, who had greeted his family members, came over.

"Sang Sang, do you also know?" Granny asked.

"Yes, I tell you, Professor Jiang is terrible. In the last few days, Xi Xi was in danger. He took Nian Xi and escaped from the fire on the nine-story building. You can see that his hands were all injured, just to Nian Xi was injured, "Lausanne immediately shared with everyone enthusiastically, not paying attention to her husband's increasingly stinking face.

"Really?" Grandma Nian also saw Jiang Yongning's bandages on her hands. "No wonder, it's amazing, thank you for saving our Nian Xi. She can meet you and you saved the galaxy in your last life. What do you do? Come, come and sit at our table and talk to grandma slowly. "

So Jiang Yongning was surrounded by young parents and so many stars and moons, and even Nian Xi was ruled aside.

Junting Ting snarled Lausanne aside, and put on a stinking face and said nothing to her.

"Why are you not jealous of Professor Jiang?" Lausanne was funny.

The average annual tinger clenched his thin lips and did not speak, and continued indifferent.

"Don't you be happy because I said Professor Jiang saved Nian Xi?" Lausanne hugged his chest. "I'm telling the truth, why are you so careful?"

Jun Ting snorted. "I don't understand why you women love him so much."

"Because the opposite **** attracts, the same **** repels," Lausanne said with a smile.

Annual average Ting: "..."

Seeing that her husband's face was getting ugly, Lausanne quickly hugged his arm, "because he is really handsome."

"That's it, stop talking," Nian Junting turned away.

"Husband, don't you go," Lausanne hugged him quickly. "Of course, you are the most handsome in my heart."

Nian Junting stepped on his feet, and looked at her with a chilly lips, "You said, is he young or me young, don't lie to me, answer honestly, the deceiver dragged on the bed to serve torture."

Lausanne touched his head. "What's comparable, he was so much younger than you."

Annual average Ting: "..."

He had forgotten that he was away when he said age.

He smiled grimly, then turned and hugged the child indifferently, regardless of Lausanne's calling.

It ’s OK if it ’s someone else, but my wife ...

It's too much.

Lausanne is inexplicable, just when she saw Xiao Su and Ji Nuyi coming, she quickly went up to say hello, "It's rare to see you together."

Ji Nuan smiled and said, "I didn't arrive when your child was born. I must have a hundred-day feast. Hey, what about your baby?"

"At Junting."

"Let him hug him," Xiao laughed.

Lausanne said, "I just didn't know why I was suddenly angry. He ignored me."

Xiao wantonly said: "Is the uncle coming?"

Lausanne shamed. "When are you planning to get married?"

Xiao Zhan's complexion was slack, and Ji Nuanyi glanced, "I will do whatever she wants, anytime."

"My schedule is too full this year," Ji Nuanyi shifted the topic. "It's you, when do you plan to come out to work, my royal dubbing engineer, my new movie can finish entering the post-production in the middle of the year, I can wait for you Come to dub, or the one your brother took. "

"Okay, I wanted to tell you about it today, I'm almost depressed with my children at home every day," Lausanne smiled bitterly.

Junting Nian: I'm still angry, come and coax me.

Fifth more, at night

(End of this chapter)

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