Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1154: Nian Xi said she would be responsible for me

Chapter 1154: Nian Xi Says Responsible For Me

"Well, don't say it anyway, these two people are hopeless anyway," Feng Father waved his hand, looking like he didn't want to say it.

"Then I'll go over there and see Little Apple ..." Xiao Xi left with Ji Nuan's will.

On the side of Junting Ting, after stuffing a red envelope with Little Apple, he asked, "What's going on with you and Sang Sang, this child's 100-day banquet is still in conflict with others, sorry."

Jun Ting sneered, "She hurt me deeply."

Ji Nuanyi and Xiao want to look at each other, the former said: "I didn't think, she didn't know she had offended you."

Every year, Tinghehehe, "The greatest harm is invisible."

Ji Nuan was speechless, and I really can't see the naive side of the year.


Here, Nian Xi briefly told her relatives to save Jiang Xia Ning, and Grandma Nian held Jiang Yining's hand with great emotion. "Xiaojiang, rest assured, I remember your rescue of my granddaughter, and in the future you It is our life-saving benefactor. If Xixi bullies you in the future, you will find us. "

Yu Wen also nodded, seeing this guy look more and more pleasing to the eye, "Xi Xi, cherish it so much, you can't find such a good man holding a lantern, and your boss is not too young, it's time to get married."

"Yeah," Grandma Young nodded. "When will you get married, hey, Xiaojiang, you arrange the day. You have to meet your parents before this day."

Jiang Yanning was stunned. Why was he about to get married suddenly? But he had no opinion, so he opened his mouth, "Okay ..."

"What's good," Nian Xi quickly interrupted, almost going crazy, and knew that it would end up like this, "Please, we have only just met on the first day, and we understand."

"Huh," Jiang Mining nodded. "Yes, Nian Xi said he would be responsible for me."

"Responsible?" Grandma Nian stared.

Annual average Lei was surprised: "Mr. Jiang, my sister can't control what you have done to you."

When Jiang Yanning heard this, he turned red ears and red, and shook his head stuttered, "No ... no."

After speaking shyly, he lowered his head, and even the ear tips were red.

What it looks like ... it just looks like what it did.

The bright eyes of everyone looked at Nian Xi, and the average annual thunder smirked, "Xi Xi, can't see it."

"Shut up," Nian Xi stared fiercely, anxious to drill a hole in.

She agreed to take him if she took the wrong medicine.

Grandma patted the back of her hand, "Grandma understands, understands."

After all, there are so few men who are so thirsty and thirsty, and it is normal for granddaughters to pounce on them.

And his granddaughter was excellent, capable and beautiful, and fluttered.

"Grandma, you don't understand anything at all," Nian Xi was about to collapse, and she could only look to Grandpa for help.

"Okay, okay, you do n’t care about young people," said the old man. "Let them talk for themselves. If they talk too much, they will pressure them, and then Nian Xi said that this is the first day.

"Isn't I afraid Xiaojiang will suffer," Grandma Nian took out her cell phone. "Xiaojiang, do you have WeChat, add a WeChat."

Nian Xi was silent, "Grandma, when did you use WeChat?"

"Sangsang helped me make it a few days ago, you can video chat with our little apple, and you can also make a voice," said Grandma with a smile.

Jiang Yining immediately nodded in agreement, "Yes, I also just bought a mobile phone a few days ago and signed up for WeChat."

"Really, so coincident," Granny said, her eyes brightened. "I still have a lot of things I don't understand."

"Me too," Jiang Mining and his grandmother sat closer. "I don't know how to put money to WeChat."


Nian Xi looked at the two young and old people silently, and wanted to cry without tears. Is this already a friend?

Jiang Yanning: I finally made a good friend other than Nian Xi.

(End of this chapter)

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