Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1178: feed me

Chapter 1178: Feed Me

Jiang Yanning saw her go up.

I also lay down slowly, sleeping with a woman for the first time, so nervous and shy.

"Shixi, do you want to eat?"

He turned to look at Nian Xi on the side, but felt as if he was too far apart. He subconsciously moved closer to her, and accidentally hit her little hand.

He was so shocked that Lian Xi thought he was going to do something with her in bed, but he was relieved to see that she didn't react.

At this moment, the sound of panting of men and women suddenly came from the stereo. He turned to look at it. On the big screen, a man and a woman were kissing passionately, and what were the protagonists' hands doing, but it turned out that they kissed like Drinking Xixi kisses by himself is not the same.

His face was red and red, but his eyes did not look away.

Nian Xi didn't go well, she knew that Uncle Han could not choose a serious film.

He stared angrily at the man next to him, only to see him staring intently at the screen.

"Jiang Ning ..." Nian Xi kicked his thigh, "Did you show me this film on purpose?"

"I didn't," Jiang Yanning shook his head vigorously.

"Then you still watch it so much," Nian Xi Lengheng.

She just finished speaking. The hero and heroine on the screen have already entered the subject. Although nothing was exposed, some stinging gestures flickered and the room was full of panting sounds.

Suddenly Jiang Ning felt that his body was very hot, he quickly sat up and took off his coat.

"What are you doing ..." Nian Xi was startled, her gaze became alert.

"I'm hot, maybe the room is too stuffy," Jiang Yanning said dryly.


That being said, she was also a bit hot.

However, this is a public cinema after all, and it should not be possible to put too much passion on it.

Fortunately, the scene was over, but it didn't take long for the hero and protagonist to start again.

Nian Xi felt that she couldn't look at it like this anymore, and sat up and took the remote control to retreat from the stage.

Jiang Yanning was finally relieved, because his mistake made him embarrassed, "Xi Xi, you choose."

In the end, Nian Xi picked a Hollywood blockbuster that hasn't been released for a long time. The box office is quite high. Jiang Yining rarely sees such movies, but Nian Xi likes it, and he also follows, "Xi Xi, do you want some fruit?"

"Well, you can take it," Nian Xi now found that lying in the bed was pretty cool, and she was the police. She was usually the most tired. It was like a cat without a bone.

Jiang Yanning pleased to bring the fruit plate, "Which kind do you want?"

Nian Xi saw the grapefruit on the fruit plate, and suddenly remembered that in the previous year, Jun Ting always had Lausanne peel the grapefruit, and he moved, and said, "Peel me some grapefruit."

"Okay," Jiang Yanning peeled honestly, because she was not good at it, she peeled it awkwardly. When she wanted to pass it to Nian Xi, she opened her mouth and said, "Hey me."


Jiang Yanning paused for a few seconds before he kept busy saying, "Yes, yes, you are my queen. It's time to feed. This kind of thing should not require you to remind me actively."

"Good," Nian Xi really felt so comfortable.

After thinking about it, I took a photo of Zhang Zhao and sent it to Ning Junting: Brother, my boyfriend peeled grapefruit for me, I just opened my mouth. "

"Sixi, it's hard to eat grapefruit, drink a glass of lemonade," Jiang Mining said.

Nian Xi sucked, and there was honey in it, "Yes, why is lemonade?"

Fourth more. .

(End of this chapter)

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