Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1184: Brother, don't bully him on the way

Chapter 1184 Brother, Don't Bully Him On Your Way

Nian Junting looked at his sister seriously, and he was a little confused.

I do n’t know what Jiang Yanning used to use black magic to make Nian Xifan look like this, “Is there anything wrong, you are a girl or my youngest sister of the year, although the family has not given you any money recently, but Anyway, there are so many properties, it can be regarded as a billionaire. How can you take the initiative? You should be the kind who waited for a man to post you. Are you not in love for more than a year, so hunger and thirsty? In the face of a man who is as handsome as your brother, you can't be a bit self-control. "

"I grew up with you, and I realized that I need to be taken care of by a man," Nian Xilan said, "Jiang Ning playing cards to crush you every minute, but also all kinds of high-tech, you bully in the future Me, he will help me out. "

"You ... you're brainwashed," Ting-qi's chest twitched and turned to sit on the sofa next to him.

"You go back," Nian Xi urged.

"I won't go," Jun Ting said, "I will never let him stay."

Nian Xi: "..."

She didn't plan to let him stay at all.

She had to turn around and secretly text Lausanne.

It didn't take long for the average cell phone to ring.

"Husband, I'm on my way back. I miss you so much. I'm hungry. Let Sister Lan make me a bowl of noodles," Lausanne said coquettishly.

"Okay ..." Nian Junting sat up immediately, but after seeing the light on the balcony, he thought for a while, and said, "I'm here now, and I'll call Sister Lan and let her do Yes, I will be back later. "

"Why are you staying in Xi'an for a girl, let's come back soon."

Jun Ting said positively, "Do your brother's responsibility, rest assured, I will do it as soon as possible."

The side of Nian Xi's mouth twitched.

I can't stand my brother.

I don't know what to draw tonight.

Fortunately, Jiang Yongning came out of the balcony soon, "Xi Xi, the flowers are ready, I will go back first, and it is not too early."

"It's really early, I'll go with you, too," Nian Junting immediately stood up.

Nian Xi frowned, "Brother, don't bully him on your way."

"He's all high-tech, can I bully him," Nian Junting said lightly, "let alone if he wants to marry you, sooner or later he will have to face me alone, and I'm not a beast of fierceness."

"Xi Xi, that's okay, anyway, Uncle Han went downstairs," Jiang Yanning said softly.

Nian Xi nodded and sent them into the elevator.

The moment the elevator door was closed, Nian Junting immediately turned around and stared at Jiang Yanning gloomily: "Nian Xi sometimes likes to sing against me, I can't help it, but I remind you that if you don't marry her, you don't She is about to have a relationship. Of course, I'm not indifferent. Kisses are still possible, but only kisses. "

"Oh, okay," Jiang Yanning nodded as he stared at him.

"You have to understand how important it is to a woman for the first time," added Jun Ting. "I don't want her to be hurt again. Of course, if you can come together, I'm happy for you, but you guys. I just started dating, just take control. To be honest, I say this because I don't know you, so I'm not assured of being an older brother. "

"I understand, I understand," Jiang Yanning's face was hot.

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(End of this chapter)

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