Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1197: I like you, really like it

Chapter 1197: I Like You, Really Like It

Jiang Mining nodded, "Why suddenly cancel?"

"It's a bit complicated," Nian Xi sighed. "In short, the fuse was that I didn't have dinner when I was on the night shift. As a result, Ji Chuan didn't send me anything to eat, but also fooled me to party with my comrades. When I met him, he helped Frost out of the bar intimately ... "

"Legging," Jiang Mining continued to nod, and finally understood.

It turned out that Feng Jichuan was such a man that he did not deserve him even though he regarded him as his number one enemy.

A girl as good as Xixi doesn't know to cherish it.

"It's not cheating," Nian Xi was embarrassed. "It's just a little ambiguous with her. Anyway, I can't stand the other women he considers more important than me. I hope that person I like, he only has me in his heart."

"I will definitely," Jiang Yanning said firmly and seriously.

"If you can't do it ... I'll break up with you," Nian Xi shrugged. "Are you still unhappy now?"

"It's a bit, but it's more fortunate," Jiang Yanning simply smiled. "It's dangerous, you almost became someone else's wife."

"Well, it really is ..." Before Jiang Xi finished speaking, Jiang Yanning suddenly reached out and hugged her, "Xi Xi, I like you, I really like it."

Suddenly such a confession, Nian Xi paused, but she felt his care.

"Let's go, I'm going to buy you dumplings at the vegetable market," Jiang Mining said, loosening her lips and smiling. "I'm going to feed you full, not like Feng Jichuan."

Looking at him so enthusiastically, Nian Xi was really embarrassed to say that she didn't really like to eat dumplings so much that she ate at noon simply to be lazy.

But he didn't want to blow his enthusiasm.


Next, the two drove to the supermarket.

Nian Xi was not interested in buying vegetables. After entering, she picked some fruits and went to sell noodles.

Jiang Yanning watched her carry two big bags, one of which contained five small bags, and his delicate brows frowned, helping her put it back.

"What are you doing?" Nian Xi was dissatisfied.

"Eat less instant noodles and junk food," Jiang Yanning said, as if he had known her for the first time. "Do you usually eat these often?"

Nian Xi is embarrassed. Of course, he ca n’t admit that he is too lazy to cook, which will scare people away. Now, don't look at the garbage. I never use the seasonings in it. They are all from my own house ... "

"Instant noodles are fried, and eating too much is bad for your health," Jiang Yanning stubbornly shook his head.

"Then I'm hungry to eat," Nian Xi pouted. "You didn't live with me. Even if you come over to do it, I'm starving early, or you'll give me some takeaway."

Jiang Mining was also in distress for a while. "I recently worked with Professor Han on a project and sometimes I have no time. So, I have a friend who will develop a cooking robot. I ask her to give you one."


Such a cow.

Nian Xi is a little bit sloppy.

It's different to be with scientists. It's almost like interacting with the Almighty God. "Now ... there is this robot?"

Since I was with Jiang Yongning, there has always been a feeling that the earthen buns have been refreshed again and again. "Will it be a chicken dish? The sweeping robot in my house is just not very good. I am useless now."

Fourth more

(End of this chapter)

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