Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1199: You are so impure, I thought you were simple

Chapter 1199: You Are Impure, I Thought You were Simple

Nian Xi froze for a moment, knowing that he had misunderstood, smiling at his lower lip, fingers at his chin, "Why not like this."

"Also ... not ... not married," Jiang Yanning was sweating a lot, and the fire that was not easy to suppress in the toilet just now was hooked up again.

"Yeah, I know, but I didn't say what to do, I just ... want to put a wound on your hand," Nian Xi said, grabbing his injured hand and smiling.


Jiang Yanning was dumbfounded and stared at his hand.

"Otherwise, what do you think you are doing," Nian Xi smiled. "Did you want to be crooked? You are really impure. I thought you were simple."

"I ... I'm not ..." Jiang Yanning opened his mouth, and blushed with a hundred mouths, "It wasn't you just now ..."

"What happened to me just now?" Nian Xi raised an eyebrow. "Did I kiss you and take advantage of you?"

"You ... get my chin," Jiang Yanning complained. "This behavior ... was seductive."

Nian Xi fluttered with a smile, "Then I often make Jiang Jiang like this. Am I going to seduce a dog?"

After she put the band-aid on, she turned her fingers around Jiang Jiang lying on the ground.

Jiang Jiang immediately ran out with his tongue out.

Nian Xi hooked his chin, Jiang Jiang closed his eyes comfortably.

Jiang Yongning looked at it like that, but he was a little envious, although he was a bitch.

He reached out and slid Nian Xishou, and said with a low voice, "It hurts."

"Who makes you so stupid," Nian Xi said silently. "Don't you cut steak for me very well before? You also said that you often dissect animal carcasses with your dad and cut it into your own hand. ."

"I accidentally cut it when I cut the bone," muttered Jiang Yanning. "Fortunately, I cut it lightly."

Nian Xi was frightened by what he said. It was really light, otherwise his fingers would be chopped off. "Forget it, don't do it. This is still to be tested. Don't use one hand to make it waste. Come on, I just want to eat pizza. "

When she finished, she nodded.

Jiang Mining was disappointed and failed to cook for the first time.

So much he was gloomy when dinner was served.

"Don't be upset, isn't it just cooking? I often fail, try this pizza," Nian Xi stuffed a piece into his mouth.

After Jiang Yanning bit it and swallowed it, he said, "Don't give me a negative score. I will study hard when I go back. I will definitely learn cooking for you."

"Hurry up and bring the cooking robot," Nian Xi said, "this is the most real."

"You don't believe me," Jiang Mining looked down at the pizza in depression, "I will show it to you, you can't want me."

"I didn't say no to you."

He was so soft-sounded that Nian Xi turned his head and saw that he looked downcast and looked exactly like Jiang Jiang with his head down to eat chicken legs.

She leaned over, biting half of his pizza that was exposed outside her mouth.

Jiang Yanning stared at her with wide eyes.

Nian Xi smiled badly, biting in while eating pizza, and after a while ate all the pizza outside his mouth, and finally met his lips.

Jiang Yanning stared at her long and confusing eyelashes, feeling that her heart had all been sucked away by her dark eyes.

The pizza in his mouth was neither, nor was it, until her lips broke in.

The third is more likely to be evening. ,

Isn't it tedious to sprinkle sugar every day?

(End of this chapter)

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