Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1207: Xixi, are you making excuses for Jiang Yongning?

Chapter 1207 Xi Xi, are you making excuses for Jiang Yongning?

Nian Xi was crying when she saw this picture.

Her beautiful kitchen, although she usually does not cook much, but the refrigerator is broken, the water dispenser is broken, the microwave oven is broken, basically all that can be used is broken. Jiang Yanning sent a cooking robot or destroyed the robot.

What's more embarrassing is that she has been eating dog food. She called her brother-in-law to show off. She didn't expect it to turn out like this, she was ashamed.

"Brother, are you okay, do you want to be sent to the hospital," Nian Xi asked arrogantly, covering her chest and looking at the young average youth.

"What the **** is going on," Nian Junting was furious. "What kind of semi-finished robot is here for you. Fortunately, I am here today. If I weren't here, this house would be destroyed." What is Jiang Yanning doing? In order to please you, does not pay attention to the safety performance. "

"Yeah," Murong Cheng frowned, and she was trembling with fear just now. "It's terrible. You need to see if your kitchen is still usable. You have to change it."

"This is not made by Jiang Yongning," Nian Xi said weakly, "it is his friend."

"It wasn't that he made it," Nian Junting was even more angry. "Some people who don't have the skills to make it at home don't even check it carefully before sending it in."

"He's not a panacea, he can't do this kind of robot," Nian Xi shrank and shrank with his head shouting, and his face looked like a fire. "He didn't want it, and the front was really good ..." "

"That's why I said it was a semi-finished product. You called Jiang Yongning right away," said the average annual tinger with a sullen chest.

"Junting, I think I'll accompany you to the hospital for a checkup first," Lausanne said worriedly. "I'm afraid I might get hurt inside."

"I'll wait for him," Ning Junting gritted his teeth.

"Okay, you don't have to talk nonsense to me, go to the hospital, just leave it to Mom," Lausanne glared at Murong Cheng.

Murong Cheng knew that his son had a bad temper, and when Jiang Yanning came, maybe he would quarrel with him. When the time was upset, Jiang Yining would not be upset, and he said quickly, "Listen to Lausanne, let's go, this chest problem But you can be big or small, just afraid of internal organ injuries. You are the newlyweds. Do n’t get sick. Sang Sang will take care of you again. She will not be easy. She took care of your broken leg twice and be careful. Anyone who thinks you are frail and sick will be gone. "

Lausanne is ashamed, is it okay for her mother-in-law to say such things to her.

"She dares," Nian Junting tightened his face and stared nervously at Lausanne. "I'm in good health. I wouldn't be injured if I hadn't been attacked by it just now."

"I know, husband, you are the best, but I'm really worried about you, let's go," Lausanne held him by the arms and pulled him away.


Nian Xi called Jiang Yining on the phone. He learned that he had stopped his work and rushed here with Uncle Han.

At home, Nian Xi calmed down and said to Murong Cheng: "Mom, I think this must be Su Ning's friend wants to hurt me. I heard Su Ning said that it was the female friend he grew up with, I suspect the other person might like her, so I retaliated against the robot. "

Murong Cheng frowned and stared at her, "Xi Xi, are you making excuses for Jiang Yongning?"

"Mom, what I said is serious, I am a police officer, and my judgment is amazing," Nian Xi said anxiously, "this is my negligence."

Second afternoon

(End of this chapter)

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