Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1212: Others are not close except you

Chapter 1212: Others Can't Come Near, Except You

"Miss Nian, I hope you will see our husband," said Uncle Han, with a headache. "I have been in the laboratory since I went back yesterday. I did n’t eat breakfast or lunch, but I have to figure it out."

Nian Xi frowned, why was he so stupid, "If something goes wrong, there is no need to rush at this time, or is he anxious to prove that woman innocent."

Uncle Han quickly waved his hand, "Miss Nian, you really think too much. He did this because you were angry yesterday, and he didn't know how to coax, so he wanted to find out the reason and give you an explanation. And sir is really overwhelmed. You said yesterday that he was protecting Miss He.

Thinking too much, in his world, it is very simple, there is no difference between good and bad, and he does not even realize these twists and turns between men and women. He thinks he likes you and others like it. Like him, he doesn't have any consciousness. When you get along with him before, you should know that he often automatically filters out what others say. "

Nian Xi nodded. After being told by Murong Cheng last night, she calmed down and thought a lot.

Jiang Yongning's world is a blank piece of paper.

"Uncle Han, you are with Jiang Yanning every day, then you know if you like that Mr. He likes your husband," Nian Xi asked directly.

Uncle Han laughed: "Miss Nian, you can't tell that you have a strong appetite. You should be jealous if you have a heterosexual person around you."

Nian Xi flushed slightly. "I'm not jealous. I'm ... understanding the man's situation."

Uncle Han thought about it and said, "Miss Nian, Mr. Ms. is not only a woman beside Ms. He, there are often various women in his circle, because to work together and work together, some of them are much older. The women who do research or discuss projects together are basically of the genius level, but I think you should trust him, sir is the kind of person who lives in his own world, others are not close, except you. "

Nian Xi is sweet and troubled.

So if she has a foe, she is a genius.

The text is no good. It seems that the day when we encountered it can only be solved by force.

"And ... Mr. Is not planning to cook with a robot," said Uncle Han. "In these days, he learns cooking for an hour after he finishes his research and goes back home every day to sleep at one o'clock. He also said that one day he will let you know that his cooking is better than robots. "

Nian Xi stunned, "I haven't heard him say anything about these."

"He wasn't a good expression person," Han Shu looked down at his watch, and sighed. "Well, it's three o'clock in the afternoon. I haven't eaten for so long. I don't know if my husband can stand it. He is already very Thin."

As soon as Nian Xi heard it, she felt a dull pain. "If you don't eat, you won't be able to cook for me after starving. Uncle Han, I'll leave it to you. I'll take a look."

"Okay," Uncle Han nodded quickly. "Then please take care of Miss Nian. It ’s best to buy something on the way, oh yes, I'll give you the key. When he stays in the laboratory, basically He can't hear you when you ring the doorbell. "

"I don't need you to say, I know," Nian Xi took the key and went out.

On the way, I bought a shrimp porridge and egg tart, chicken feet, and double skin milk.

At his house, Nian Xi opened the door directly and went in. She had been here once before, but she just saw a pair of women's high-heeled shoes placed neatly at the door.

First more. . Second afternoon

(End of this chapter)

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