Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1230: Am I not the treasure in your heart

Chapter 1230: Am I Not The Baby In Your Heart

Nian Xi: "..."

He's so deceiving.

Do you know what gift you sent?

Is it common for men to like it, especially the stuffiness of their brother.

Lausanne brought the dishes out and noticed that Jun Ting had put down gifts from upstairs.

He seemed quite concerned about the gift.

She was a little curious.

So when Junting Ting came down, she immediately asked: "Jiang Ningning gave you something, so precious."

"Who's a baby," Ning Junting immediately denied, and said solemnly, "This is a kind of courtesy. No matter what others send, since it is collected, you can't just throw it away in front of others."


Lausanne blinked. If he remembered it right, half an hour ago, he was still arrogant at home. Jiang Yongning came and he would never answer it. Even if he gave an apology gift, he would not be allowed to accept it.

What is the virtue of her husband, she knows better than anyone else, and must have given it to him.

"Isn't it a deer whip?"

Nian Junting stared at her with red face and ears, "Sang Sang, why are your thoughts so unclean, are you dissatisfied with my staying power now, it takes three hours?"

Lausanne shook his head quickly, "No, no, no, I think that's enough."

Really, and it's almost okay.

"If you are unsatisfied, you can raise it at any time," Nian Junting gave her a complex look before he said, "Go to eat."

Lausanne breathed a sigh of relief as he watched his back.

When eating, Jiang Yongning actively picked the flower snails, made the meat, and immediately fed Nian Xi, "Xi Bao eats."

"Well, you eat too," Nian Xi said.

Jiang Mining wasn't very satisfied, and reached in her ear and said, "I like you calling me like that in the morning."

Nian Xi coughed lightly and fed him, "Baby you eat too."

"Well," the spitting soup of Junting Ting spit out.

Lausanne tried his best to save the dishes.

No, these two people are too nauseous.

"Brother, you can't just spray while eating," Jiang Mining handed a clean paper towel over.

Junting Ting took the paper and wiped it with a black line, and said in a deep voice, "You two are both adults and babies ... don't you feel too sick?"

Jiang Mining blinked, "No, because she is the baby in my heart, and I am her treasure."

After speaking, continue to bow to Nian Xi to get snails.

Nian Xi gave Nian Junting a glance, "You don't follow us. Besides, the two men you and the uncle brother are always crying, aren't they disgusting?"

Annual average Ting opened his mouth and Lausanne interrupted him. "Okay, now many affectionate couples are called like this, it's normal, don't make a fuss."

The average young man is depressed, and he doesn't feel anything at all.


After dinner, Nian Xi and Jiang Yongning ate fruits in the living room and watched TV. Lausanne sat in the restaurant and fed little apples to eat puree.

Nian Junting sat next to her and said, "Before we had strong feelings, we never saw you calling me like that. Am I not the treasure in your heart?"

Lausanne whispered in his heart that he couldn't take it anymore.

She looked up and looked at him and said, "Ting Bao."


Nian Junting raised his brows, "Don't call it anymore, I'm nauseated and want to vomit."

Lausanne: "..."

He plays a lot.

"A man full of masculinity like me still can't stand it," Nian Junting sighed. "I'm the treasure in your heart. I already know it, so I don't need to call it."


Nima, it seemed that he had suggested that she called.

Tomorrow continues. . . Everyone wants to see Yan Su, tomorrow. . .

(End of this chapter)

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