Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1236: Return

Chapter 1236: Return

Yan Su sighed.

Shi Xu is second, mainly Moluci.

Now when I meet him, I feel like salt has been sprinkled on the wound.

"In addition ..." Xiang Wan said, "This movie was shortlisted for the Venice Film Festival. At that time, you will go to Venice together. How many people envy you will not come. You did n’t know what **** was gone. Fortunately, you can still encounter such good things after giving birth. "

"Is it ...?" Yan Su was stunned. "Have you heard of the news before?"

"Inside information, the reporter has not reported it," Xiang Wan smiled. "I have to say that you are really lucky. Every year, this type of film festival, the red carpet is the most concerned, but it is still very powerful. There is that Molucy ..., alas, young, twenty-one years old. "

Speaking of this name, Yan Su had mixed feelings.

A bit hate and a bit helpless, so he reluctantly poked, "It doesn't matter that he is short-listed in the film festival, he is not even a deputy director ..."

Xiang Wan glared at her. "The leading filming team is elite, and he can finish a movie in just a few months and successfully enter the international awards. Does it depend on leading a person alone? The following people shot good quality and high efficiency. Besides, several movies that Moluci participated in before won the award. The crowd is not a fool. Now many film and television companies crowd their heads and invite him to make movies. It is a matter of time before his rise . "

Yan Su sighed.

He's awesome. If he's with him now, he must be happy for him.


The two now look at each other and hate each other.

Xiang Wan patted her on the shoulder. "Sit back and forth, and welcome you to triumph."

Yan Su twitched at the corners of her mouth.

Is Triumph Coming So Used.


Night was quiet, Yan Su coaxed Yan Yan after going to bed.

She sat on the edge of the bed and blinked at her white cheek without blinking.

The little guy also has a pair of dimples, which are especially cute to laugh.

Thinking of going to work again soon, her eyes were slightly red.

"Yan Yan is asleep," Jiang Peiying came in.

"Well," Yan Su quickly lowered her head and wiped the corners of her eyes.

Jiang Peiying sighed and sat on the edge of her bed and said, "Are you reluctant to say yes?"

Yan Su was silent.

"Susu, I have discussed with your dad these days, otherwise you should not go to the entertainment industry," whispered Jiang Peiying, "I know that you want to make money. Our family does not lack such a few money and can afford it A child can even raise well ... "

"Mom, I want to stick to it," Yan Su said, looking up. "I also received my college diploma from the school and plan to continue my undergraduate course. At this time, I have no other skills except singing, and it is not so easy to re-learn other things. I don't want to be a puppet. I lost a lot of faces in front of you, and I want to be your pride in the back. "

Jiang Peiying gazed at her for a long time and nodded deeply. "Okay, Yan Yan, we will take it back to our hometown. Aunt Wu and I will take care of it for you. Xiao Jin likes it too. When she gets a little bigger, let Aunt Wu Take it to your side. "

Yan Su didn't say anything, she just hugged her mother.


In October, the weather in Xiacheng was still hot.

Yan Su flew to Xiacheng Airport, Jiao Jiao drove over to pick her up, "Su Su, welcome back."

"I haven't seen you for a long time," Yan Su stepped forward and gave her a big hug. "Would you like to come back and be my assistant?"

First more

(End of this chapter)

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