Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1238: He's doing well and getting handsome

Chapter 1238: He Lives Well, And Gets Handsome

"The hand slipped accidentally," Xu Zhengxuan howled and screamed in pain.

Mo Jin directly took the pillow and smashed his face, no matter how old the man was, he was shameless.

At this time, Molucy came in from the outside carrying a dozen paper bags.

Mo Jin just let Xu Zhengzhao go, and walked over to ask, "You bought all these clothes?"

"Well," said Moulixi, changing his shoes expressionlessly, "to fly to Italy tomorrow to participate in fashion week."

"Since you're going to Italy, why don't you buy it over there," Mo Jin frowned. "There are more good-looking men's suits over there. After all, you have to go to a film festival. At least you have to wear the new season. Besides, do n’t you? No company sponsor? "

"The sponsored clothes were sent directly to Italy by the company, but I'm going to wear them on the plane tomorrow," Moluci said lightly.

Xu Zhengxuan's expression was strange. "Just to buy so many clothes for tomorrow, as for you."

"... As for," Molucy carried his clothes upstairs.

Mo Jin was called up a moment later, "What do you think of my suit?"

"Okay," Mo Jin looked a little weird.

After trying more than ten sets of clothes, Molucy asked, "Which suit do you think is the best for me?"

Mo Jin's mouth twitched, raising him so big. For the first time, he didn't mind wearing so much. Before, he didn't care about the dress. "Do you want to see someone important tomorrow?"

"Not ..."

"Or someone who has abandoned you ..."


Moriusi frowned frostily. "Don't talk nonsense, I just heard that there will be many reporters at the airport tomorrow."

"... Just the army green," Mo Jin said faintly, too lazy to break through him, his son was old, and it was normal for someone who liked it to start sulking.

Molucy picked up the dark green suit and looked at it, it was ok.

I will meet Yan Su tomorrow, although she has no plans to reunite with her, after all, she gave birth to children for other men.

He couldn't be with her until he died, but he had to let her know that even without her, he was doing well and getting more and more handsome.

Make her understand that missing herself is the stupidest decision in her life.

As for Shi Xu, he has to make him a scum in minutes.

Mo Jin stood by the side, watching her son staring at the suit, his expression of suffocation getting heavier and heavier, which made her afraid.


At ten o'clock.

Molucy met Li Ming after security.

Entering the VIP room, there were a lot of people sitting in the same crew. At that time, a group of people filmed for four months in a difficult environment, and everyone established a deep friendship.

I'm going to Venice for five days this time, and the crew is very happy.

As soon as he saw him, everyone in the group scrambled to say hello to him, and the deputy director Lu Tao laughed jokingly: "You are just dressed up to kill our bad old men, but you have to give other actors a little bit Live. "

"Isn't it the formal point that you said you want to wear," Molucy's deep eyes glanced in the VIP room, and said lightly, "Don't come here, Ji Wenyi and Shi Xie have not come." They are all popular frontline cafes now, and the schedule is very busy, "said Lu Tao." Let's go first. They will come to Venice and meet us tomorrow. "

Molucy raised a delicate brows.

Lu Tao felt an inexplicable chill, and then remembered that he and Shi Xu often had incidents in the crew.

"Lao Lu, get ready to board the plane," Li Ming came over and patted him on the shoulder.

Third more. .

(End of this chapter)

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