Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1246: I am not married, are you satisfied

Chapter 1246: I'm Not Married, Are You Satisfied

Yan Suqi's body shivered.

Probably I have been with him before, but I forgot how poisonous his tongue used to be, how many games the two had, and now they are not right after the breakup.

She had some regrets just now to push him into the sea.

No regrets now.

"Molucy, we've all broken up. Is it interesting for you to do this to me?"

"When did I target you?" Molucy asked in a low voice. "Did I stumble you on the road or say bad things behind my back? From morning till now, you lied and ate breakfast to avoid the crew members, Am I wrong? You tell me, where am I wrong? "

Yan Su pursed her wet lips. "Yes, you're right, it's my fault. I shouldn't lie, all right."

"You finally confessed to lying," Moluci bent over, squinting, "It's you, obviously, and Shixu have children, and the two people who need to be in front of me seem to have disappeared for a long time, still, he Do n’t even know you were pregnant? ”

Yan Su felt his aggressiveness, looked up, and looked straight into his bottomless eyes. "I told you long ago that the child is not real."

"Do you think I will believe it? Look at the kind of intimacy you were with him just now, you are clearly unrequited," Molucy said with a frown on his eyes, "I am really surprised, are you married now?" ? "

Yan Su's chest was undulating, and it was becoming less and more unpleasant, "I'm not married if you get married."

Molucy chuckled softly, and his delicate thin lips outlined a very radian, "You said, if you let others know that Yan Su who wants to come back now is actually not going to the United States to study at all, but secretly hiding to have children What do you think people outside think, what will the media say? "

"You threaten me?" Yan Su felt sad. Why did she and Molucy come to where they are today.

"Then you answer my question?" Molucy asked aggressively, "are you married?"

"No, I'm not married, are you satisfied," Yan Su was angry. "Don't you just want to laugh at my children being born, but the other party wouldn't want to marry me."

"You're right, Yan Su, I'm very happy to see you like this, you see that you care so much about the time, but he still doesn't want to marry you now," Mo Lu Xi smiled cheerfully, "Deserve it."

He finished and turned away with satisfaction.

Yan Su couldn't wait to kick him in the back when he saw him.

She took a deep breath and forgot, this person was the enemy of her previous life.

Back in the room, Yan Su immediately told Jiao Jiao tonight.

Jiao Jiao almost cried when she heard it. "Now there are hundreds of domestic reporters in Venice. So much movement, I ca n’t hold my head down. I will be scolded to my sister. The sponsors let you wear this. Beautiful clothes don't let you go swimming in the sea. "

Yan Su was embarrassed. "Please talk to Xiangjie Branch and make her mentally prepared."

"By the way, you didn't go away when you were in the sea," Jiao Jiao stared nervously at her legs.

"No ... no, Molucy took off his clothes and blocked me," Yan Su shook her head.

Jiaojiao breathed a sigh of relief, "I didn't expect him to be reliable at critical moments."

"I'm going to change clothes," Yan Su turned into the locker room.

When changing clothes, she didn't know what she was thinking, she walked for a while, and when she came out, she reminded her that the clothes were wrong.

Second more

(End of this chapter)

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