Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1252: It's not that women are ruthless

Chapter 1252: It's Not That Women Are Cruel

Molucy froze when she saw her jealousy.

But I do n’t know why, it was pretty cool when she saw her disgusted and scolded herself, “I wo n’t roll, otherwise you roll and show me a demonstration.”

Yan Su: "..."

She really couldn't help but couldn't hold her back. She simply stepped on his feet with the heel of her heels, anyway, the skirt was blocked, and she was wearing ten centimeters of high heels today, which guaranteed to hurt him.

Li Ming walked for a while, and saw the two of them fighting on the red carpet again, gritted their teeth, "Noisy enough to make you quarrel, and don't look at the occasion."

"We're not noisy," Molucy pulled his foot out with pain, only to find that his shoes were stomped in.

No wonder people say it's really not that women are ruthless.

Yan Su didn't look at him, showed a smile, dragged his arm and walked up, waving as he walked towards the reporters on both sides.

At every step, Molucy felt a pain in his big toe.

It took ten minutes to finally walk through the red carpet and enter the infield. Yan Sugang loosened Moluci's arm. A tall woman in a red dress came towards Moluci and quickly gave him a big hug. "Luxi, I finally waited for you, I have waited for you for a long time."

Moluci had a pain in her feet and did not stand firmly. She flew away for a few steps before she stopped to look at the woman in front of her, and her hands were a little depressed. "Tang Yueqi, what are you crazy about?"

"Come on, kiss," Tang Yueqi kissed him directly on his side.

Molucy quickly pushed her away, rubbed her cheeks hard, and glared at her, "What are you doing, don't you use this set of foreigners on me."

"Who made you look so handsome today," Tang Yueqi frowned, jokingly.

Yan Su on the side of the station immediately recognized the woman, the one who had returned to the hotel with Molucy that night when she first arrived in Venice. It seems that the two of them are quite close.

Also, the first night the crew came, the wine was able to go out to date with each other, showing that the relationship was extraordinary.

Maybe something else happened, after all, he could sleep peacefully and deceive himself, and it was normal for him to sleep with other women.

Just thinking of it, she felt a bit breathless like acupuncture.

Just go aside and drink juice.

"Hey, is she the singer of your crew? I didn't expect you to come in together," Tang Yueqi shoved his arm.

"Well," Molucy responded lightly.

"Luxi, this is ..." Ji Nuanyi glanced at Yan Su's back and asked a little worried.

"Tang Yueqi," Li Ming answered her. Li Ming laughed and shook hands with Tang Yueqi. "Miss Tang is of Chinese descent. It ’s amazing. Few actresses can stand out from the American side. "

"I didn't expect Lidao to know me," laughed Tang Yueqi. "I have worked with Lucy before, so I'm familiar with it. I'm so happy to be in Venice this time."

"We plan to go to the bar tonight, and Lucy will go too. If Miss Tang is not busy, she can come and play, and there are many people," Li Ming laughed and invited.

"Okay, what I do best is play in a bar," Tang Yueqi winked.


Ten minutes later, Ji Nuanyi pulled Li Ming aside, "You are all right, no one in the crew can see that there is a problem with Yan Su and Moluci. You still invite Miss Tang to go, isn't it enough?

Warmth, I really like warmth, I want to write something for her, but unfortunately I ca n’t write it, hum. .

Fourth night. . It's a bit slow, but isn't it slowly brewing to enlarge it.

(End of this chapter)

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