Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1285: Susu, the value of a man you pull casually is not low

Chapter 1285: Susu, the value of a man you casually pull is not low

"Why is your face suddenly so red," Jiao Jiao winked, "What are you thinking about?"

Yan Su was embarrassed and glared at her. "I was just thinking about how to compose this song in order to be creative and nice. Don't forget, there are knockout games in this period."

Jiao Jiao smiled and believed that she was a fool.

When she got up and walked to the door, she said, "I just played with Huachen for a while when I was out, and then I changed my career to follow you. Huachen had a makeup artist who played with me very well. Yes, she followed Yang Ziqian, and I asked her about some things about Molucy's crew ... "

Yan Su froze slightly and looked back at her involuntarily.

Jiaojiao smiled, "It is said that Moluci was very popular in the crew because of his talents and handsomeness. Many young actors threw an olive branch at him and also took the initiative in the crew or midnight. I see people, and the crew had a lot of pretty girls at the time. "

"... Oh," Yan Su said in a low voice after a long while.

"I'll ask you more," Jiaojiao grimaced and left.

Yan Su looked at the guitar in her hand and plucked it, and the tune was a little brisk.


In December, Yan Su finished recording her latest program and flew to Beijing.

Before getting on the plane, she received a call from Jiang Peiying, "Your dad happened to be in Beijing this week to take part in the recording of the latest issue of" Millennium Cultural History ". He also took Yan Jin away. If you are busy, take Yan Jin to play, and he told me that it will be boring there. "

Yan Su was surprised. "Dad is so powerful. He wants to go to the TV in Beijing."

"It's an old antique. People saw him with some qualifications and academic knowledge and told him to pass," Jiang Peiying smiled. "He said that he had to take Yan Jin to meet the world. How old is Xiao Jin, I really served him."

"Does Dad want to exercise him?" Yan Su is particularly happy to see Yan Jin. In the past six months, she really found that Yan Jin was too cute and warm. When she left, Yan Jin cried like a snot, and she often followed She video, "Unfortunately Yan Yan did not come."

"She's still young," Jiang Peiying said, "but Yan Yan is now more open with the five senses, and his skin has turned white. It's really like a jade, it looks better than when you were a kid."


"Susu, you guys who pull casually are not low in value," Jiang Peiying began to say this sentence again, "you ca n’t see that you are drunk and you know how to distinguish between the values. You are so controlled, be careful not to be entertained The men in the circle cheated ... "

"That ... Mom, I'm going on the plane and hung up." Seeing that her mother was about to start class again, Yan Su quickly found an excuse to hang up.

This movie that won the Golden Lion Award in Venice has long attracted a lot of attention in the country. After arriving at the exhibition center, Ji Nuanyi, Cheng Sheng, Moluci and many others have arrived. Everyone is sitting in the first row, and the media is behind And fans.

Yan Su bent over and screamed, "We love you, Yan Su Yan Su, even if you have been serious, we also like it."

Yan Su was startled. This was the first time she had attended a public event in nearly a month. I didn't expect so many fans.

She walked over and found that Molucy was sitting on the far side. It hadn't been seen for a while and the weather became cold. He was wearing a plaid coat and scarf, and looked noble and elegant even when sitting still.

Fourth Evening

(End of this chapter)

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