Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1298: He is Yan Yan's father

Chapter 1298: He's Yan Yan's Father

Nian Junting was dissatisfied when she listened to her questioning tone. "I'd like to ask you, other women hold her husband so tightly, every time I go out on a few phone chains, and me, every time Go out and you don't even have a phone call. I'll call you. You're either shopping or walking outside with Apple, as if I was free from you. "

Lausanne was speechless with his righteous voice.

He lied in front of himself, and he was reasonable, "You can count the number of times you entertained outside in a month with one finger, and you will be back at 8:30 at the latest. You have to talk to me during the meal Send dozens of WeChat messages, how do I have a chain link, am I sorry about the chain link, my wife's strict control is that her husband is disobedient. "

"That's right, I'm just too obedient," Nian Junting's self-satisfied headliner, "You look at you, and how many people have found me envious, and complain about me."

"When did I blame you," Lausanne sighed softly.

"Just now, you said I lied, didn't I mean to complain?"

Lausanne: "..."

After he meant that he lied in front of himself, she should open one eye and close one.

Nian Junting went on to say, "I do this by setting up an image of strict wife control outside, and letting the outside women know that it is difficult to seduce me, and that my wife at home cannot cope."

"... It's ... too touched," Lausanne twitched, not knowing what to say, but it's still better than the young average like Xiao Xi who always plays outside and doesn't love work. "Xiao want to marry his wife and want to change. All 30 men should be mature and stable."

"That is, if Ji Nuanyi would never marry him," Tingjun Ting said slightly.

Good brothers are so disdainful.

Lausanne suddenly felt a little sympathy for Xiao.


In the hotel, Beijing, Yan Jin came out of the bath and Yan Su helped him clean his body and put on his clothes.

"Sister, I don't think you and Sixi have any results," Yan Jin said suddenly.

"Sixi ..." Yan Su thought he heard it wrong.

"Well, his name is too complicated, and it doesn't sound good, I can't remember," Yan Jin said very helplessly. "I'll call it Xixi in the future."

Yan Su thought to herself, I don't know if Xixi would be furious if she knew her nickname.

"It turned out he knew about Yan Yan," Yan Jin continued, "but I feel he doesn't like Yan Yan. If you want to marry someone in the future, you must marry someone who can accept Yan Yan. I will never let Our little princess suffers. "

Yan Su froze, and then smiled at the corners of her lips, "He will accept."

"No, elder sister, he really doesn't like Yan Yan," Yan Jin saw her so obsessed and unconscious.

"He doesn't like it now, and he will love it in the future," Yan Su said with certainty.

Yan Jin looked at her seriously, frowning tightly, "Sister, you're too poisoned."


Yan Su groaned for a while before saying, "I can tell you a secret, but this thing is well known, you know I know, you can't tell anyone, including parents."

"Okay, I swear," Yan Jin quickly got up to make a swear, as soon as there was a secret.

Yan Su fluttered a smile, "In fact, he is Yan Yan's father, but he doesn't know Yan Yan is his child."

Yan Jin covered her little mouth with excitement. This was really a big secret, which allowed him to digest for a long time. "No wonder I think Yan Yan looks a lot like him."

First more. .

(End of this chapter)

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